By anointed2go on January 2, 2025

Proverbs 14:34 declares that righteousness exalts a nation.  We are not told the quantity of righteousness or the amount, only that righteousness produces this result.

As a country we are in the transition stage presently moving from a very dysfunctional standard to this functional standard.  As soon as Mr. Trump was elected in November, gas prices started to descend and the stock market prices began to ascend.  The anointing of leadership and power was already shifting, even before an oath had been declared, changing the economics of the nation, avenging the loss to so many believers, and ascribing a new leadership format, adding in that it is true, that finances follow the anointing.

This time the prophets were quiet, and the people were praying.  God was working as the prayers of the saints ascended to heaven as the sweet fragrance of intercession and the cries of the people were heard in Heaven, and He answered.  He has appointed new leadership, and set in place those who will rule with new levels of integrity, honesty, faithfulness coupled with high standards of righteousness.  God has surely set things in motion to move towards a more Godly and functional country, with leadership changes in the House and Senate to bring a righteous agenda, with the power of the name of God etched in the handprint of His name, adding the signet ring of approval.

“Lord, there is no one like you!  For you are great, and your name is full of power.”  Jeremiah 10:12

It’s the power of His name working in our midst that changes things, transforming them into a Godly set up for revival to take place.  It’s the acquisition of souls that the Lord is after, and His will for this end time movement is now being assimilated and authored to bring about a dramatic change as we move from a dysfunctional country to this functional country.

But its not just for America, but for America to take the lead and see righteousness prevail, and then influence the world to bring in a great harvest of souls, people, families, and friends to experience the Kingdom of God and make it a priority going forward.  It is now time to pray even more, to help usher in one of the greatest revivals known to mankind.  We’ve had world wars, now it is time for world revival.  This will reestablish Kingdom reign and authority, coupled with Kingdom action reducing the demonic influence and raising up a new breed of church that desires truth in her inward parts, and wants to birth new children who will then lead us towards Jesus while worshipping in spirit and in truth.  Psalm 102 declares that the set time has come, yes the set time has come to fulfill the promises of God to all who have called on His name, and to those who will inherit eternal life.

The dysfunctional days or should I say, dysfunctional daze will soon be behind us, and the functional clarity will begin to form while new vision and hope appears on the horizon as a new day dawns for America, and ultimately the world.

If you are anywhere near these locations in January and February of 2025, please consider coming and participating as I am ministering in the Woodlands California near Sacramento – January 10-12 and then Rebecca and I are ministering in Bellville Texas between Houston and Austin January 24-28 and then I will be ministering in the Washington DC area February 2-8. Finally I will be in Blanco Texas in the Hill Country outside of Austin Texas February 21-24. Contact me at for specific details.

If you are willing, please refer me to pastors and ministry leaders that you know. I have the resources to help pay for transportation too if that is an issue.

And as always, please leave me your prayer requests in the comments section and I will pray for your needs.

Anointed2Go MdM © 2025.

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