In This Issue
1. In the Depths of Love is Peace
2. God Truly Inhabits Praise
3. News Headlines


1. In the Depths of Love is Peace

By Ron McGatlin

We the people are looking for real hope that brings peace in a troubled world.

The trumpets of God are sounding a call in a world filled with explosions and screaming sirens. The sound of peace in the deepest river of God’s eternal love and life is calling us to take that final step through the veil of distracting noise of a fallen world into eternal peace in Christ Jesus our Lord and King.

Our hope is not, at this time, nor has it ever been, in the fallen world systems of adamic man. The fulfillment of our hope is now, and has always been in the everlasting eternal life of love and peace in Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit of God.

Our life of peace does not consist of this natural world. It consist in the Spirit world of God in Christ Jesus Messiah in us by the Holy Spirit now and for all eternity. The kingdom of God is not FROM this world. However, it is indeed FOR this world. (John 18:36).


Our eternal life is now and will never end in Christ. Eternal life does not begin at the death of our mortal bodies. It begins with the death of our sinful life of independence apart from and against Holy Spirit, Father God and Christ Jesus. Our new birth is eternal resurrection life of Christ Jesus in us; it is our Spirit birth into Christ by the Spirit of God. (John 3:6) (John 17:1-3).

Like a baby born into the natural world is not aware or capable of the fullness of life in the world, when we were born into our Spirit life in Christ we were not aware or capable of the fullness of Spirit life. We had to grow up into a mature Spirit being in Christ and Christ in us to live in the fullness of everlasting life in God now on earth and in heaven. (Phil 3:12-21) (Gal 4:1-7).

This reality of maturing is both an individual personal thing and a generational corporate body of Christ thing. Both we ourselves are maturing and the corporate Body of Christ is maturing into the fullness of the designed plan of God. The Head of the Church, Christ Jesus, could not be fully functional resting upon the shoulders of an immature Body.

We each are personally maturing and are at some stage of this process. (1 Cor 13-11).

Collectively and generationally the stature of the body of Christ in the “ekklesia” (the true church) has been maturing back into awareness and the fullness of eternal life of Christ in us for over two millennia since Christ Jesus and John the Baptist announced the kingdom of God was at hand on earth. (Rom 8:19-22) (Mat 3:1-2) (Mat 4:17).

This is both a finished work at the cross and a maturing work in the natural realm.

The time has come for the work of Christ Jesus to be manifested in mature sons and daughters of God living by the Spirit and walking in the Spirit producing the works of Christ Jesus Messiah on earth to redeem and restore the world to the kingdom of God as it is in heaven. (Gal 5:25) (John 14:12).


We are not going around this mountain again as Israel wondered forty years in the wilderness circling Mount Sinai. (Josh 5:6). This is the day to ascend the mountain of the Lord and to move into the promised land of everlasting Spirit life in and with God among us. (Psalm 24).

Spirit life is of the Father of all life on earth and in heaven. In the Spirit life there is no more death. Death is swallowed up in the victory of eternal life NOW and forever. (1 Cor 15:42-58). Eternal Spirit life is the reality of becoming one with God in Christ by the Holy Spirit. Death is separation from God. Whether we live in this body or out of this earthly body we are the Lord’s and one Spirit with God for eternity. (1 Cor 6:17) (Rom 14:8).

A life without God is a life of everlasting death and there is no Spirit life of God in it. (Eph 2:1-6). Separation from God is hell now and forever. Existing apart from God is death and torment in this world. Living as one with God in Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit is life abundantly filled with love, peace and eternal hope in the joy of the Lord. The righteousness of God is made manifest in us by Christ in us by the Spirit that raised Christ from the dead. Spirit God raised Christ Jesus from the dead to live both on earth in us and at the throne of God in heaven now and forever. (Eph 2:6) (Col 1:27).


The call of today is to step into the days of acceleration of the days being shortened that the seed of the righteous will be preserved. (Mat 24:21-22). The plowman will overtake the harvester and the last shall be first. (Amos 9:13) Those who entered the work last have equal pay with those who entered early and have born the heat of the day. (Mat 20:8-16). Selah.

Natural time is in the hands of God. A lifetime can be as the twinkling or blink of an eye. Distance is in the hands of God. A thousand miles can be as a step. Our natural minds cannot perceive the reality of the Spirit life we are entering into in this season of maturing sons in a maturing creation of God in what we call the natural world. Planet Earth and all that is on it belongs to God and the kingdoms of this world must become the kingdom of our God. (Psalm 24:1) (Isa 38:8) (2 Peter 3:8) (Acts 8:39-40).

In this now eternal everlasting life all things are possible. (Mark 9:23). God is breaking the old world order down to ashes that He may restore beauty of His pristine creation from the ashes of the passing fallen world. (Isa 61:1-4). The mountain of God’s pure holy and complete authority shall be exalted above all the mountains and hills of authority in this world. (Isa 2:1-3). The keys to the kingdom are for the unlocking of the authority in this world to rule and reign in the kingdom of God on earth.

The dissolution of all that lifts itself against God is not frightening to those who are risen from the dead in Christ that are now alive in the Holy Spirit of God to rule and reign in and with Him in this world. (Psalm 91:7).

The dead in Christ can mean more than the physically dead.

The dead in Christ can also be those who believe in Christ as savior for heaven someday, yet are dead (or asleep) to the Spirit life of Christ in them now in this world. These are arising from the death of their lingering independent spirit into the glorious life eternal in Christ now and forever. Arise you dead (or sleeping) in Christ and live the life He has called us to live in which all things are possible and none of the weight of sin and death can touch us ever again. The glory of God is arisen upon you and the path of total victory in the joy of the Lord is open before you. (Isa 60:1). Arise into the place prepared for you from the foundation of the world. Your old life is crucified with Christ and the life you now live is by the faith of the Son of God living in you. (Gal 2:20) (Mat 25:34).

Abide in Me and My words abide in you and you shall ask what you desire and it will be done for you. I am the vine of life and you are the fruit bearing branches that bring forth the fruit of heaven to earth. (John 15:1-8). The will and way of Father is planted in Me and you are free to partake fully of the will and way of the Father flowing through you as heirs of God on earth.(Rom 8:14-17). Take no mind for your life, for the resources of heaven are with you to sustain all that My Father has given for us to be and do together. (Mat 6:31-33). I the Lord will never leave you nor forsake those who abide in Me and I abide in them. (Heb 13:5). Thus sayeth the Lord this day shall you be with me in heaven on earth now and for all eternity.

Amen and so be it Lord, Thank you Father God. Thank you Jesus! Amen!

Ron McGatlin

  1. God Truly Inhabits Praise

By Nathan Hall

Standing in worship recently, I found myself with condemning thoughts running through my head, that my worship was fake. And the basis for that lie creeping into my thinking was in my wanting or believing that I needed to have some kind of feeling to truly worship Him, that without feeling, it was somehow insincere. But, I simultaneously felt the Lord would never tell me that my worship was fake. I felt it on my heart to sing, to worship, to raise my hands, and be in a state of arms wide open to Him. And the most awesome, wonderful thing happened. As I worshiped, praising the creator and author of life, His presence washed over me.

For some time now, I have had this moving in my heart, that there is a lie, a lie of the world, cast out from darkness that this life is for me. All focus is on the self. It’s a learned behavior. And as long as we remain in that lie, all we will ever have is empty experience, a life chased outside of its original design. As I sat in worship, I saw so clearly this lie in my own life. But I also experienced the rescuing from that lie. We are given the same Spirit that Jesus walked with. The moment a condemning lie (or any lie for that matter) comes in, the Spirit is there to expose it with truth. And it is so critically important, to trust in and rely on Him.

I was shown through my experience, confirmation on something I had felt several weeks prior, that the men and women of God, the ones that are truly faithful in their hearts, are beginning to see the lie for what it is. The Lord’s call to us is to stand in truth, to allow ourselves to be washed of the lie. We aren’t to set our eyes on what is seen, but what is unseen. The time is now to pray the truth, to be watered in the truth, and to rest in the truth.

We are to recognize what we are created for, and what our identity is rooted in. 1 John is truly an incredible book. There is a lot about Love. Specifically 1 John 3: 16 (NIV) “This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us…” That right there is how we know that God loves us. It’s not in anything that we feel. There is one measuring stick. I know what love is, because Jesus died for me. I was a sinner, and yet He still came for me.

Through this experience in worship, I saw the Lord’s joy in our praises. And I was struck with this question, who is worship for? Certainly, it’s not for me. It’s not about me having a feeling. It’s all for Him. And the thing is, the moment I agreed with the truth, I had an incredible experience with Him. And my heart was touched in a way that it hasn’t ever been touched. And I even see more clearly, how great of a Father that I have. He takes a moment in which He is being praised, and He turned it around and drew me into Him.

Satan will stop at nothing, to keep the connection between us and the Lord from being made. But the only thing the enemy has is lies. And if I had stayed back, passively agreeing with a lie, instead of actively agreeing with love, I would have missed out on that love.

Nathan Hall

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