The War – By Clay Sikes
July 20, 2016

A war is raging as opposing forces stand in violent opposition to each other. While abundantly evident in the natural (world events), the spiritual scene is a bit subtler (individual struggles). Yet, inquire of those on the front lines of spiritual warfare and you will hear of life and death struggles, of attacks so brutal as to offer little in past comparison. Hell is ‘all out’ to make its presence known ‘on earth as it is in hell.’ The natural is but a prophetic reflection of the spiritual. Hate divides, separates, and energizes evil – its ultimate end is death! The division happening in the natural reveals itself as oppression in the spiritual. This violent oppression is targeted and laced with hopelessness and despair, as many front-liners stand as “prisoners of hope;” a hope anchored so deep that physical circumstances cannot detour the path. What is being withstood is without compare, as many have faced death in many forms, but like a granite rock withstanding crashing waves, remain immovable by the sheer power of God in them.

Where is this war leading? What are the solutions? What is the outcome? This war is leading us to victory; perhaps the sweetest ever. The solutions can only be found in following Kingdom mandates, that all begin and end with peace, righteousness, and joy in the Holy Ghost – the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Political correctness, false narratives, and Christian exaggeration will no longer control, as the light of evidentiary truth is rising above dark lies.

The question of “outcome” is not a one sentence answer; deserving and needing prophetic insight to understand. I will begin by quoting Arthur Burt and Graham Cook. “God allows in His wisdom, what He could have prevented in His power.” And yes, it is fair to say that those of who have withstood and continue withstanding are engaged in a war of life-changing, purpose filled, destiny igniting events. Be encouraged! To all soldiers, there is purpose in this war! Learn how to fight; learn how to win and stand your ground; learn how to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. Transition mighty warrior – is God not sending you? Judges Chapter 6 awakens transition from (weak human to mighty man of God).

You are what you already need to be. You have what you have always sought – the power and authority to bring Kingdom evidence to earth as it is in heaven. The war has ‘awakened’ us to the mighty warrior residing within. It has awakened a sleeping giant and unleased a force to be reckoned with – men and women who know “It is not I who lives, but Christ in me.” The war has produced a deep inner abiding where Isiah 26:3 is the rule rather than the exception. This ‘inner force’ of dependent relationship has become a refuge and strength for every mighty warrior, as all strength emanates from relationship between man and his God. The war gets more intense; the man goes deeper into His God. The continuum of intensity eventually producing continued dependence that evolves into continued ABIDING. The level of hellish opposition directly proportionate to eventual Kingdom value.

There is a war going on as the Kingdom of God deepens its expression on earth as it is in heaven. As the light of Kingdom invades and displaces darkness, darkness seeks any and all places to hide (in us) – unforgiveness, lust, selfishness, greediness, love of money, jealousy, covetousness, bitterness, and one today’s biggest giants – lack of trust for God. Circumstance upon circumstance come to invade and expose darkness that may lie deep within. Be soft, pliable, and moldable in His hand as often what offends the greatest is exactly what God has sent to expose us (to us). The front end of offense is often revelation for us about us, but only a soft and pliable saint will bow to this truth. Finding the light of truth is often the result of exposing the darkness of a lie.

War is the catalyst for change. It changes the world, it changes nations, and most importantly, it changes people. These changes are often unfavorable, yet when tyranny, murder, genocide, and oppression are eliminated, the outcome is decidedly favorable. This spiritual war is no different with the exception of the certainty of the outcome – victory and advancement of the Kingdom. See your victory and His purpose within the framework of this war. The battle is won and is not yours to fight. See through the eyes of Joshua and not through the eyes of Moses, who said, “One day, some day, just not today.” Take the land; it is yours to take as the victory has been decided and you won. Do not remain penned in a life of uncertainty, where the outcome of the battle is unknown; your trust shaken and peace taken.

Arise mighty warrior, the battle was won by the shed blood at Calvary, and words of Jesus – “I have come to give you life, and give it more abundantly.” This is not a victory to be achieved, but rather a victory that has already been achieved – walk it out. Walk it out with great confidence that you bear no burden in this fight; simply walk it out! Accept your freedom from the process needed to prepare you for the greatest victory ever imagined. Trust that all things are indeed working together for your good; and do not fear evil reports. Stand up and proclaim (agree) with confidence what the Holy Ghost within you is saying – your victory has already been achieved. REST!

Clay Sikes

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