From the heart of our creator God, when He had it in mind to bring forth a creation called the heavens and the earth, it was also in His heart to make for Himself a man. This man was to come forth with but one purpose, a destiny of ruling over the earth with God, and become His family.
Man’s ruling destiny, as purposed by God, was to subdue the earth. “Subdue”, a word meaning, “to bring under subjection; to conquer; vanquish or defeat all opposing forces in battle”. Who were the opposing forces that needed subdued? Could they not have been the fallen enemy of God that brought the created earth into a place where it was without form, void and darkness now ruled over it?
Gen. 1:2 states, “The earth was [became] without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters”. In the phrase, “the earth was without form”, the little word “was” needed to be translated “became”, “the earth became without form”. “Without form” means “waste”, that which the earth had become because of rebellion in the ranks of God’s heavens. This is likening into the parable concerning the “wheat and tares”, where God reveals an enemy as the one planting the tares. Matt. 13:25, “but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way”.
Our attention is drawn to another truth in this same verse of Gen. 1:2 by stating, “And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters”. In God’s purpose for man to subdue, a needed process had its beginning. A God purposed beginning that continues down through the ages of time to bring forth for God a new creation. In bringing forth a new creation, we are now beginning to see a people who are manifesting and becoming God’s fullness as they begin to appear in the earth. With this new creation now appearing, it is an appearance that is stated in scripture to be fulfilled and take place during the last of “the last days”.
This same Spirit, which moved in Genesis, continues to move among the hearts of a receiving people today. These receiving ones are now ready to walk with God, completely and totally, in the same Spirit. Rom. 8:5, 9, 14 states, “For those who live according to the flesh are minding the things of the flesh; but those who live according to Spirit, things of the Spirit. … But you are not sensual, but spiritual, because the Spirit of God dwells in you. But if anyone possesses not the Spirit of Christ, he is not of him. … Because as many as are guided [led] by God’s Spirit, these are the sons of God [His new creation people – His family]”.
In the beginning, as the Spirit of God moved upon the earth to renew it, a law of God, an eternal order of existence was set into motion in the process for this new creation. This law or order was, “every seed, from vegetation, the beast of the field, the fowls of the air and God’s created man was “a seed” that was to “bring forth after its kind”. This law of reproduction has continued throughout the ages, until a time came when “the seed of God” would be placed within any receiving vessel, that which the law could not do. This was made possible as Christ, the son of God, became “the seed” as Jesus the son of man, to “bring forth after His kind”. How? By the birthing of a harvest in the earth (man) according to God’s kind, His seed. This harvest would be, each in its order, first; a “first-fruits” harvest of “sons” birthed to then gather in a greater harvest, the bride of Christ. Pointing to a harvest that is destined to become the kingdom of God as it fills the earth. Has not this law of the “seed” continued, all around us, as we observe the world in which we live?
According to the fruitfulness of the law of the “seed” producing after its kind, the enemy of God stands in fear, knowing that this promised “seed” shall continue to bruise his head. This enemy is to be eradicated from the earth as the results of the authority and power of the “seed”, the Christ, bringing forth “after His kind”. Meanwhile this enemy, working through the carnal fleshly mind of man, is standing in fear, as he, portrayed as a roaring lion, seeks to destroy this Christ “seed”, mostly through deception. 1 Peter 5:8, “Be sober, be vigilant; your opponent, the enemy, like a roaring lion is walking about, seeking to devour”. Therefore, saints, beware of the deceptive methods used by this enemy as he uses half-truths and false-hoods in a form called “religion”, desiring to destroy the life of God that dwells within the Christ believers.
Let us now consider our natural birthing and the time and season of God in which we came forth. What is it that we observe? Can we not see the progressive evidence of decay in every part of our world? Note the family units, the education system, the economic system, the political systems and notice especially the decay that touches the religious community. This is the community that many call “the church”. What we are truly seeing is that which 2 Tim. 3:13 states as, “But evil men and imposters will make progress for the worse, deceiving and being deceived”. In this, we receive a warning that we might prepare ourselves before God and arm ourselves to take our stand against this enemy. In this stand, we can guard ourselves against the wiles of the enemy that would seek to conquer us. Col. 2:8, “Take care that no one makes a prey of you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the elements of the world, and not according to Christ”.
In this expressed fault called deception, it seems as if the Christian Community is foremost. Maybe because of carnal religious knowledge heard and then allowing themselves to compromise from a Christ-like righteous way of living. God’s righteousness comes from walking in the truth as Christ is in the truth. While the worlds moral standards are becoming less and less a part of any righteousness, could it be that this progressive failure has become so rampant because the church has also allowed itself to compromise, for the sake of living unto a self-led prosperity and lukewarm living. Does the church promote doctrines of compromise that have weakened its standards of spiritual authority and power? In this they become a weakened group of people with empty words. Is this not a standard of living called disobedience? Eph. 5:6 says, “Let no one deceive you with empty words; for because of these things the wrath of God comes on the sons of disobedience”.
Again, let us consider the law of the “seed”. This law is an order of life that reproduces itself after the order that God has purposed for each seed. In receiving the “Christ seed” within, has the Christian community found itself aborting that “seed” of the Son before a birth can take place? Is this the despicable act, within the church, which released todays freedom of natural abortion into the world? In this, we should also notice the release of same-sex marriages that cannot produce seed for reproduction? The word of God has made it plain unto those who desire to know the truth, that God’s purpose is to bring forth children liken into that first-born son called Jesus, thus, a like-kind people to be the heirs and co-heirs with Christ Jesus. Rom. 8:17 states, “And if children, also heirs; heirs, indeed, of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if indeed, we suffer together [denying self-], so that we may be glorified together”.
Remember at the time of the birth of Jesus all the babies in the surrounding area, from two years of age and under were slain. What is happening among us today when the time for the harvest of the first-born “seed”, the joint-heirs, has come? Are there not laws that have been passed, the world over, which are legally aborting many of a generation of babies? From the abortion of these many babies, the enemy of God seeks to destroy the “seed” of the promised bruiser of the serpents’ head, before maturity comes to the sons to crush his head.
Let us also consider Israel during a time when there was no widespread revelation upon the land because of like-kind moral and righteousness decay. This same kind of decay we likewise see all around us today. During this time of moral relapse among Israel, there was one, a boy called Samuel, who God raised up to bring forth judgment. 1 Sam. 3:1, “Now the boy Samuel ministered to the Lord before Eli. And the word of the Lord was rare in those days; there was no widespread revelation”. Is it not a fact that a large portion of the Christian Community of today has likewise compromised to accept the life-style of abortion and alternate live-styles, along with many other sins as presented to them by the world at large?
In being deceived to accept such an order of living, they find themselves living in the darkness of deceit and vain philosophies. They are selling themselves out to the empty words that proceed from the political and carnal religious mouths of this day, which removes any revelation from a God of truth. With God’s glory, having departed before Samuel’s time of judging Israel, likewise today the glory of God is departing from religious groups and nations as they revert and submit themselves to the darkness that moves the carnal world.
In this present day of rebellion and darkness there is a prevailing evil force in the world, but unto a hearing people, there remains a promise from God. A promise, that God would have a “seed” for Himself, a “seed”, placed within the earth, under the law of the “seed”’, the law of bringing forth “after its own kind”. (Read Isa. Chapters 53 & 54) while considering verse 53:10 which declares, “Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise Him; He has put Him to grief. When you make His soul an offering for sin, He shall see His seed, He shall prolong His days, and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in His hand. He shall see the labor of His soul and be satisfied. By His knowledge my righteous Servant shall justify many, for He shall bear their iniquities”.
This pure “seed” being planted continues to germinate and it shall bring forth, as the necessary inner changes are made, to bring forth the time of its appearing. This “seed”, bringing forth “after its own kind”, shall manifest itself as the children spiritually mature until the soon coming time for the birthing of God’s man-child. This birth is speaking of the in-Christ ones who are one with the head and are becoming His body, God’s sons. I Peter 2:9, “But you are a chosen race, a Royal Priesthood, a Holy Nation, a people for a purpose; that you may declare the perfections of Him who called you from darkness into His wonderful light”. This is declaring the fulfillment of the “seed” which is a “seed” that shall bring forth “after its own kind”. Therefore, we are to beware of those who have a form of Godliness but are denying the power thereof. This purposed power of God will bring forth a new created people, a new creation man who, in making an appearance shall establish the kingdom of God within the new birthed man and upon all the earth. A people birthed “after His kind”.
“A Voice for the Gathering Saints”
Duane Stewart