There is a widespread spirit of heaviness on God’s people.  It is a crushing weight of care.  It is battle-fatigue from the constant shelling of bad news.   The media barks, “We interrupt this bad news to give you more bad news.”

Hearing the angry debates—seeing the rioting in the streets and Islamic terror attacks drains sanity from souls.

Not only this, we have to hold in enormous frustration: stupidity and wickedness get a megaphone—wisdom and righteousness get duct tape over their mouth.

These are the times that rob inner peace—that bring intense restlessness—that rinse the color and enjoyment from our life.

These are the times Jesus warned us of and gave us direction for.

First He said, “And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake. But not a hair of your head shall be lost. By your patience possess your souls.” – Luke 21: 17-19

Talk about mindless hate! The liberal, and feminist bias toward Islam and hatred for Christ is mind-bending.  It makes zero sense.  Yet that is exactly the kind of irrational hatred our Lord predicted. It is a weariness to believers who openly share their faith.

Then He said: Luke 21: 34 “But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly. 35 For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth.”

The dumbest thing anyone ever said to me: “when you come to Jesus your problems are over.”  I never had problems until I met Jesus!  I kept wondering why am I being attacked?  Why am I being shot at from all directions?  Why do I meet stiff resistance every time I try to do something meaningful for Jesus?

Does this sound familiar? You walk through life, minding your own business and wham!  A coworker rages at you for no reason. Money evaporates.  Your health fails.  Loved ones abandon God.  A confluence of demonic attacks falls on you.  Life has never felt so cruel and unfair.

At the apex of one of these attacks something happened to me.  A terrifying thought became a glorious thought:  SOMEBODY IS MAD AT JESUS AND THEY ARE TAKING IT OUT ON ME!  Suddenly, I felt qualified to fight back. And I felt profoundly honored.

Think about it!  A soldier does not go to war because he has a personal grudge against the enemy.  He didn’t declare war—his nation did.  He is not responsible for the battle plan—the military is.  He is not paying his own way to the war—his government is.

Let’s rehearse the things that are not the soldier’s responsibility.  The training he needs—the weapons he needs—the food and shelter he needs—the assignment he needs…these and a host of other things are not his responsibility.

The soldier does not create the organized army.  He does not carry the weight of how the war will be won.

If he sits in the foxhole feeling alone and unfairly attacked it is because he forgotten who he is and why he is being attacked.  He has taken the battle into his own hands!

But when he remembers that he was recruited—when he recalls that he is not alone but a part of a victorious army and all he is called to do is obey orders—it changes everything!

When we take the attack personally we lose hope.  When we say, “The battle is not mine, it’s God’s,” we cannot be defeated.  Let’s stay out of things that do not concern us.  Let’s keep our conflict in the hands of God.  We must discern when we are operating in our own strength and by our own wits.

Remembering your attacks are not personal is plainly seen in these verses:  Luke 21: 12 “But before all this occurs, there will be a time of special persecution, and you will be dragged into synagogues and prisons and before kings and governors for my name’s sake. 13 But as a result, the Messiah will be widely known and honored.  14 Therefore settle it in your hearts not to meditate beforehand on what you will answer; 15 for I will give you a mouth and wisdom which all your adversaries will not be able to contradict or resist.

When they were arrested it felt personal. When they were dragged to court it felt personal.  But when they were asked to speak it became God’s battle and Christ is glorified!  He gave them the words and the courage to speak.  He even told them not to prepare words beforehand.  That means that we are not to devise ways of fighting back.  It means we will get what we need when we need it.

Paul experienced the same thing: “Philippians 1:12 But I want you to know, brethren, that the things which happened to me have actually turned out for the furtherance of the gospel…”

Right now we have a presidential election that embodies everything that is wrong with our nation.  It is a hair-pulling, maddening, terrifying and draining moment for believers. We must put the battle back in God’s hand and let Him replenish our peace and joy.

Never forget! We have the best message humanity has ever heard, and the best book ever written.   We have the best captain in the universe!  We have the all-powerful Holy Spirit sent to aid us.   We have access to power, strategy and wisdom.  All of this and more can direct our fighting.

Someone is mad at Jesus and they are taking it out on you?  What an honor!  What an opportunity!  When Satan comes at you let Jesus come at him!

The first time an angel stares at you in heaven with wonder and admiration for your service to Christ…you’ll know why your trials are worth it all.  The first time you hear “well done” from Jesus you won’t remember the trials.  No wonder Paul said, “For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”-Romans 8:18

Mario Murillo


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