"From Correction to Blessing!"

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    “From Correction to Blessing!”

    by Lonnie Mackley  30 Mar. 2019

    Many of you have no doubt found yourself in a time of correction where the Holy Spirit has been pinning you on areas of your character and personality that need to change. This can be a rather painful process because it requires humility, honesty, and accountability in order to own your own junk and repent in earnest. But there is a very good side of what you have been enduring, in that if you will comply, repent, and change, then you will be ready for the Master to flow through you in power and to send you forward into much needed restoration, healing, and long awaited blessing!

    The true key to going forward right now is simply, “obedience” to what the Holy Spirit has been telling you to change, repent of, and let go of. Sacrifice and seeking God is good and profitable, but full obedience will break the power of your stagnancy and suffering and release you to step forward in a way that will renew you in every way and bring times of refreshing to you. Some of the things we hang onto are things that we think we need in order to get through the tough spots in life and endure, but in reality these are just snares that keep us bound and endlessly waiting!

    Some of the correction you receive may come from people closest to you, and it will hurt when you hear it. God has granted you grace in these relationships, but that grace is changing! Try not to lash out if someone is trying to reflect and express the areas that have been a hindrance and source of pain for them. God has so many wonderful things just ahead of you, and you are just in a season of fine-tuning and pruning so that you can remain stable and clean in this final harvest that is starting to begin now. So receive correction and repent, because God wants to bless you!

    HEB 12:11 No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.

    AC 3:19 Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord,



    Such a very helpful practical word!

    Thank you !

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