I CAN SPEAK! Verbally Challenged He Could Not Speak Till God Set Him Free!
By Bill and Linda Campbell
When I first met Anthony, he was verbally challenged. He could only speak a word or two before he began to stammer. I knew that this was NOT the will of God. As he began to trust me, he was able to share his painful story with me.
When Anthony was 3-5 years old, he was responsible to walk the family cows and allow them to graze freely. One day, he was deep in the forest and very far from home. Not having had breakfast or lunch, he was very hungry. An old woman came out of a tiny house and invited him inside for a meal. Being a very trusting child, he entered and enjoyed the food. The next day when Anthony awoke, he was unable to speak without severe stammering.
Anthony’s father was determined to get him to speak. He would say, “Anthony speak”. Little Anthony tried so hard to please his father, but his words were no longer clear. The father would beat Anthony severely. This would repeat over and over throughout the entire week. At the end of that horrible week, Anthony no longer felt love by his father and shame began to consume him.
Now as an adult, this wonderful man needed to be free. Together we broke the power of that witch doctor who fed him the food in the forest that day. Anthony declared that he belongs to Jesus. I prayed for freedom for him. He began to speak completely clear. He began laughing because he knew that he was now free! Praise the Most High God of heaven and earth!!!
This week Anthony is going to begin his journey “as a voice for the Lord”. He will be giving his testimony before the prisoners of Bugungu Maximum Security Prison. This will just be the start of what God has planned for the beautiful life!