We send our love and greetings from the nation of Iceland. We are at the end of our final week in Europe—one more city to go. Tonight, we are in the city of Reykjavík and then we head home to Tampa for The Main Event on Sunday morning.
To be able to do these meetings one after the other has been supernatural. By the end of this third tour of Europe, we will have been to 43 different cities in a six-month period of time. This is huge what is happening! With the compound interest, over the next three years, through people being set ablaze by the fire of God and setting others on fire—whole nations will be shaken.
Everything for these one-night tours is working exactly as I saw in my spirit, except I was believing for 100 people to be mobilized per city and we are seeing more than that. Currently, the average number of people being mobilized is at 295—by the end of 2020, we are looking at 80,000-90,000 people who will be mobilized to win souls. That is three times more than what we were even believing for.
One will put a thousand to flight; two will put 10,000 to flight. When the fire of God falls on individuals, it is going to have an impact and that impact is going to multiply quickly. I believe, in the next three years, we are going to see the Lord moving supernaturally in the nations of the earth.
Europe Ablaze Tour #3 Stats
15/17 Cities
Attendance: 8,769
Altar: 6,320
People mobilized for the harvest: 8,672
Ostrava, Czech Republic Stats
City #73 of 300
Attendance: 1,654
Altar Call: 1,008
People mobilized for the harvest: 1,223
Czech Republic Altar Call
Salzburg, Austria Stats
City #74 of 300
Attendance: 316
Altar Call: 204
People mobilized for the harvest: 265
The Fire of God Touching Lives in Salzburg, Austria
Then He said to His disciples, The harvest is indeed plentiful, but the laborers are few. So pray to the Lord of the harvest to force out and thrust laborers into His harvest. Matthew 9:37-38 AMPC
Sponsor a City
We are lighting fires, the harvest is coming in, churches and leaders are being ignited and you can be a part together with us in this great harvest of souls. In many places, in one night, we are seeing what would normally take us a whole week to see. You can be a part by sponsoring a city!
One Night Holy Ghost Totals
77/300 Cities
Attendance: 65,268
Altar Call: 22,008
People mobilized for the harvest: 22,838 Invest in the Gospel today!What you sow today is not temporal, but it is eternal!
Please, keep us in your prayers and please pray about sowing into this great harvest field. Be a part of what is happening in these 300 cities.
Don’t miss The Main Event this Sunday morning at 9:45 AM. Adonica and I will be back with a full report from our trip to Europe.
We love you and are praying for you.
Many blessings,
Drs. Rodney & Adonica Howard-Browne
Text GiveRMI to 77977 to give now or mail your love gift to PO Box 292888, Tampa, FL 33687.
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