Becoming Who We Are

We are now the fully redeemed living sons and daughters of the living God, carriers of the DNA of Christ Jesus and Father God and His kingdom, made in His image and likeness and filled with His eternal Spirit now in this life and in that which is to come.

We are the seeds of God and His kingdom planted on earth to take dominion and rule and reign with Christ now in this life. We are arising in the SPIRIT of the LIVING GOD into heavenly places beyond all human understanding to receive the secrets of heaven on earth reserved only for those who are in LOVE with God – the true and living Bride of Christ – the New Jerusalem, the glorious city in which God dwells with and within His saints of old and those now on earth and those yet to come.

The potential that is designed and built into a child of the living God is beyond natural human understanding. Our destiny along with all others in Christ awaits our believing and receiving who we are designed to be.

The truth is that who we are and what we can do or accomplish is LIMITED ONLY BY WHAT GOD HAS DESIGNED AND PLANNED FOR US.

The lie is that we are mere men who can do very little or nothing to bring forth the kingdom of heaven / kingdom of God on earth.

Our life and the value of that which is accomplished in this world through us is the direct result of what we believe and how intensely we believe what we believe. What we believe and how much or how strongly we believe releases or binds what we will be and do in our lifetime on earth.

Whether we believe the truth or the lie is determined by what we hear and see. Words are seeds that will grow in the soil of our hearts and become who we are and what we do. Words are living seeds that may come through our natural or our spiritual ears and eyes as pictures, visions, feelings, and impressions of any form that create thoughts, imaginations, and experiences that register by our emotions to become stored in our hearts.

Truth comes through Christ Jesus our Lord and King-Redeemer, the last Adam, and is derived from the “tree of life.”

Lies come from the devil through the first Adam who fell into disobedience to God by partaking of the forbidden “tree of the knowledge of good and evil.”

In this current world most of the training and knowledge that is taught or programed into the belief systems of human beings is derived from the natural minds of sons of the first Adam who first chose to partake of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and thereby lost the opportunity to eat from the tree of life.

Partaking of the tree of knowledge caused people to elevate man and the works of his hands as their god or gods. This caused the people to have no desire to intimately know and trust in the one true God who made them. Partaking of the tree of knowledge is trusting in man’s intelligence and understanding. No longer is the word of God true to them nor is it desirable or needed in their independent humanistic way of life.

As it happened first with Adam, this brings separation from true life in God. The absence of the life of God is death. And death reigns while man attempts to build his own kingdoms in this world. Anti-Christ spirits of darkness from Satan are drawn to the death in man’s kingdom efforts and invades the minds and hearts of the people with evil of every sort.

The work of Christ Jesus in His crucifixion, resurrection, ascension, and return in the Holy Spirit has redeemed us from the curse of the first Adam and reopened the way for us to partake of the tree of life.

Partaking of the tree of life means intimately relating to God through Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit, so that we hear and see clearly the word and desires of God. It means completely trusting in Him and walking with Him in this life. As we partake of the fruit of the tree of life, we are consumed by His LOVE. In His love our will is melted into His will. Our hearts become one with God and His love, His power, His wisdom. His life flows into us as we abide in Him and He abides in us.

Our old independent self that was of the first Adam that was trained into us through the tree of knowledge of good and evil is put to death. We are crucified with Christ and now the life that we live is the resurrection life of Christ living in our being where we once lived. The “old man” of the first Adam is no longer with us and no longer has any affect upon our lives.

We are fully alive in Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit. We are free! The internal battles are over! The strife of trying to be holy are swallowed up in the ecstasy of the pure holy love flowing as rivers of living water from our innermost beings. The joy of the Lord abides within us and effervescently flows out to others around us.

We have victory in every situation no matter what is happening in the world and nothing comes near us but through the hand of God. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. We are strengthened with all power by His glorious might.

In quiet humility we walk in victory as mature sons of God. Every word, every thought of our hearts is from the heart of God. Empty or idle words are no longer filling the air within and around us. Love, righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit fill our lives and flow out around us changing the world. This is the kingdom of God reality that is spreading like yeast in bread across the whole loaf of the beautiful Body of Christ on earth.

The kingdom of God is coming forth, even while the darkness of the evil one rages screaming wild bloody threats that come from great fear of knowing that his end has come.

Like the grass in a field in springtime, the kingdom of God is growing into place across our world, blossoming into beautiful flowers with the fragrance of heaven. There is perfect harmony in the world between mankind and all of the plants, animals, and every living thing on or in the earth. Even the weather becomes milder and more pleasant in all seasons with the absence of extreme storms and terrible droughts.

ALL OF THIS AND MORE NOW EXIST WITHIN THE HEARTS OF THE SONS OF GOD. The seed of Christ, the seed of the kingdom of heaven is planted and growing bringing perfect peace in the hearts and lives of His kingdom people. Even during the imprisoning and deadly trials and tribulations, the seed remains untouched and unchanged by it.

Though great darkness of corrective judgments come upon the world, the seed of the righteous kingdom of God shall remain untouched to sprout forth in the heavenly springtime of the fullness of the kingdom of heaven replenishing the earth. Again the voice of the Father shall be heard in His new garden of Planet Earth instructing the people of His kingdom to “be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth.”

We are now the fully redeemed living sons and daughters of the living God, carriers of the DNA of Christ Jesus and Father God and His kingdom, made in His image and likeness and filled with His eternal Spirit now in this life and in that which is to come.

We are the seeds of God and His kingdom planted on earth to take dominion and rule and reign with Christ now in this life. We are arising in the SPIRIT of the LIVING GOD into heavenly places beyond all human understanding to receive the secrets of heaven on earth reserved only for those who are in LOVE with God – the true and living Bride of Christ – the New Jerusalem, the glorious city in which God dwells with and within His saints of old and those now on earth and those yet to come.

The glorious New Jerusalem City of God is being revealed now coming down from heaven in our hearts to grow and mature into seeds sown into this world to fully establish the kingdom of heaven on earth, a glorious expression of the love and majesty of God Almighty.

Christ Jesus is alive in this world now in the hearts and lives of the maturing Sons of God who are the seeds of the new world of the kingdom of heaven on earth.

We are the gates through which the glory of the King and His kingdom are coming to earth. It is not time to look down or to be concerned about the darkness of this world and the lie of the devil that we are only mere men. It is time to lift up our heads and roar in the glory of God. “Lift up your heads, O you gates!
Lift up, you everlasting doors! And the King of glory shall come in.” (Psalm 24:7)

“Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” (Luke 12:32)

Ron McGatlin

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