Many (as with little birds) little birds) are being encouraged to leave the comfort of the nest (comfort zones), and learn to fly. There are new opportunities, new ways, new ideas, new vocations, new adventures, new relationships for those who will leap out in faith. These words are pearls of wisdom for those who feel that nudge.

Letting go (of the past) means to ‘Let Come.’ Surrendering control (traditional mindsets) allows God to bring the ‘new thing’ forward, into reality, into your life. Death produces life – let the old (traditional ways) die, such that the new can come forth (John 12:24). Complete surrender is the gateway to your deepest purpose upon earth. Death to the current phase of life (and way of thinking) is introduction to ‘the new’ that God desires to bring forth.

“Fear not little flock, it is your Fathers pleasure to give you the kingdom” Luke 12:32. Never ever underestimate the power of the “little” when infused with God appointed purpose. You ARE NOT a grasshopper as the ten spies saw themselves in comparison to giants in the promised land). Only Joshua and Caleb saw themselves as “well able to take the land.”

Ignorance often comes disguised as tradition – let go of all reflective thinking from past experiences (this is how most of us think), and begin learning from the future (what God shows you is coming). God has an investment in your future – give Him quality time to share it with you. Quality, quiet time (meditation) will birth new vision – His plan for your life. Begin to plan, learn, and focus from your future, and be ‘not’ tied to learning ONLY from the past. Quiet time with God is quality time that provides ‘glimpses’ of His plan in your life; and yes…it takes both faith and courage to step into this.

Be aware of ‘what’ is seeking to emerge ‘through you.’ It is in His presence that we discover who and what we were put on earth to do – His presence extends (us) beyond self, beyond the present, into the future, bringing the future into the present. God’s last name is not “Gonna” anymore – His last name is “IS.” The Church as a whole has often referred to God ‘in the future.’ Everything seems tied to the future, but “Now faith is…” Moses said, “one day, some day, just not today.” Joshua said, “Let us go up and ‘take it’ for we are well able.”

Transition, transformation, metamorphosis is taking place in the Body of Christ, as the fragmented, ill functioning, divided Body, is now converging, first in small functioning cells, then into whole parts, and ultimately an entire functioning Body, joined (united) to the head (Jesus). What is the mountain of your calling? Scale it and become who and what you are called to be and do. Become like Joshua/Caleb who saw their enemy as food, who believed God and “took the land.”

Man’s systems are failing on a global basis. We are being called to shift our entire dependency upon God, His Way, His Kingdom government. Those with ears to hear have a part to play in this shift. The ‘new thing’ being released in the earth is the government of the Kingdom. As a citizen of this government, you, as an ambassador are ‘called’ to share Kingdom solutions to man’s failing systems; to awaken the earth to a new dynamic on earth as it is in heaven.

Awaken to what is trying to emerge ‘through you.’ Awaken to your future – think, plan, and focus on what lies ahead, not what is behind. Ask and it will be given, seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be opened. Your future awaits ‘awakening’ to it; give ear to the prophetic voice within, to the prophetic voices around you.

As stated, in the Church Age (as with Moses) the “promised land” was one day, someday, just not today. In the Kingdom Age that we now live, it is as with Joshua and Caleb – “Now faith is.” It is our land and we can “take it.” Your future is now if you can see it, and if you can, join what you see the Father doing because in so doing you will touch destiny and fulfill your God appointed purpose.

Clay Sikes

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