In This Issue
1. Entering into Life in the Highest Realm
2. A New Sound of Movement!
3. Just Stand
4. News Headlines
- Entering into Life in the Highest Realm
By Ron McGatlin
For those who are willing, God is now opening the highest heavenly realms to hear the voice calling from heaven come higher, come up here – abandon all life sustenance from the past life in the baseness of the lower realms of existence in limitations and lack of true heavenly Spirit reality.
For all who will, the door is now open in heaven to move from life ruled from the natural to truly living in the highest realm of Spirit life in the pure light of God – in the glory of all love, power, wisdom, and humility of the governance of God. For thus says the High and Lofty One Who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy: “I dwell in the high and holy place, with him who has a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, And to revive the heart of the contrite ones.” Re: Isiah 57, especially verse 15.
The frivolity of sensual living at the lower realms of animalistic human governance has encroached upon the vast riches of the glorious manifestation of God’s plan and purpose for life on Planet Earth. Darkness has invaded the territory where men have abandoned the higher realms of heaven’s light. The fire of God’s pure righteous judgment will dissolve all the evil foolish ways of all that lifts itself against God.
A heavenly-minded remnant of people are now being elevated through brokenness and contriteness into the highest places of humility in the Spirit to govern in the world from the throne of the Living God who was and is and is to come.
The prideful works of religion’s self-aggrandizing ways are wood, hay, and stubble before the fire of the glory of the pure humble ways of Spirit life coming down to earth from the highest realm of the throne of Jehovah God in the Sons of the cross, the joint heirs with Christ Jesus in His resurrection life of glory.
As for the man-made religions of this world, not one stone shall be left upon another. The end of life as we have known it is the beginning of life as it shall be.
This is that of which the prophet Joel spoke. This is that for which the world and all creation has groaned in waiting for it to come to pass. It is the fullness of the mission and purpose of Jesus: the life and the cross of Christ Jesus and His return in the Holy Spirit to form Christ in a people, a people made worthy by the indwelling Christ to enter the highest realm of abiding with God and become the humble rulers of Planet Earth, bringing forth the full glory of God that brings peace on earth and goodwill toward man.
The word to all with ears to hear:
HO! WHOA! STOP! Why do you spend your life for that which does not satisfy and does not bring real life? Your greatest value, your precious time on earth you spend to purchase sustenance that is not real and will not last. You strive and cannot obtain beyond that which it temporary and empty of real fulfillment of life now and forever. God is saying come up and away to a higher place of Spirit realm, and I will give to you freely all you need and desire of real food and real life of peace and joy without cost. Re: Isaiah 55.
Look up to the hills from which comes your help. Ascend the hill of the Lord with clean hands and a pure heart. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. He who is called upon to leave house or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands for Christ Jesus and His kingdom will receive far greater life now in this world and in the life to come.
There is an endurance of natural loss involved in the much greater gain of the kingdom of heaven on earth. Those who are first in the natural life of this world will be last in the greater Spirit life in the high places with God. He who has ears to hear, let him hear.
Mark 10:29: So Jesus answered and said, “Assuredly, I say to you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or lands, for My sake and the gospel’s, who shall not receive a hundredfold now in this time—houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions—and in the age to come, eternal life. 31 But many who are first will be last, and the last first.”
Acts 14:22: Strengthening the souls of the disciples, exhorting them to continue in the faith, and saying, “We must through many tribulations enter the kingdom of God.”
There is no FEAR in LOVE.
Prophetic warnings and reports of adversity are not to produce fear in the people of God but to prepare them to be strong in times of judgment upon the ungodly and unjust of the world and upon the impurities and injustices within the people of God. God’s love is always the root of His judgments. God’s judgments are for correction to realign the world to the order of “as it is in heaven.”
Beware, if the words of God’s corrective judgments cause fear in us, there is a need to draw near to God and surrender our lives completely to him – a need to hear His call to come up higher and leave behind the things of this world to become one with God in the high and lofty places. Be involved in the work of the Lord, His plan, and purpose – while there is light, for the night comes in which no one can work.
Fresh Outpouring of Purpose and Method
God is moving His people to higher and greater methods and ways of doing the works of God on earth. Prepare to receive strong changes of higher ways of doing and being. Do not cling to the past ways and structure, but be ready to move with rapid changes in how, where, and when God releases the supernatural works of His life in His people. Be not hesitant when unrestrained Spirit boldness comes upon you to move in ways you may have never experienced before in places and with people that you would not have thought possible in the past.
There is a coming alive from the higher place with God that releases all the works of God in and through His people. The raw power of God blasting into and through our words and lives will bring great encouragement to others. A tide of the power of God displayed across the world by multitudes of kingdom people is arising that will retake the land stolen by the encroachment of the enemy.
The arising of the powerful presence of God among the humble and contrite people of God will explode; the power of God’s pure love and dynamic reality of the presence of God’s holy fire shall scorch the earth for cleansing the land of all that lifts itself against the truth and reality of God in His kingdom on earth. Arise and be who God says you are, and do what He says to do and all the world shall be changed. There is no time to hold back and be restrained by any limitation. New methods, at least new to us, are coming quickly upon us.
As we go lower He lifts Himself higher in us to reclaim the kingdoms of this world as the kingdom of heaven on earth.
Isaiah 57:15: For thus says the High and Lofty One Who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy: “I dwell in the high and holy place, with him who has a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, And to revive the heart of the contrite ones.
Truly the meek are inheriting the earth.
Love never fails.
Ron McGatlin
2. A New Sound of Movement!
Chuck D. Pierce
A Time the Heavens Will Shake and the Earth Will Quake!
Last Sunday morning (January 3), the Spirit of God was so present as we concluded our Starting the Year Off Right Celebration. Below is a portion of the prophetic release that came forward through tongues, interpretation, worship and declaration.
“Do not seek the familiar this year, for the familiar will lead you into passivity. Seek the sound that will lead you into movement. Seek not the familiar that you are used to seeing and hearing, for that will cause you to be stagnant. Rather, seek the sound that will lead you into movement. For My finger is writing a song out of Heaven. This song will change the course of the current path, situation, and environment that surrounds you.
“The heavens will shake, and the earth will quake. I am breaking up the fallow ground of your paradigms, and they are going to split wide open. It’s time to plow the fallow ground. The time is NOW to plow that fallow ground. There is more than your mind has conceived – new patterns, new ways, and new means. The familiar will chain you down to an old thing and way, and you won’t be ready for the breaking of a new day.
“Do not question, for you are hearing Me. Capture what you’re hearing and bring it into obedience. You’ve been working with the iniquities of the ground, but Heaven now will shake and the earth will quake, and with what you’ve been working with I am ready to show you a new way to prosper and succeed. So start plowing and you will uncover the seeds to your future. You will return to divine patterns you’ve not seen clearly in the Word before; or you saw them and you didn’t know how to apply it right. But now divine patterns are coming down!
“I will show you how to break open the heavens and shake the earth. You’ll no longer be working with the iniquities of your forefathers. That will no longer be your paradigm. You’ll no longer be working earth that is cursed, because the blessing is beginning to be uncovered. Plant your future and watch growth begin.
The Sounds of Heaven – Vibrating the Ground
“Learn to move by the vibrations of the sound coming up through your feet. This is how I will move My people into place in days ahead! You will not move by the thoughts of your mind, but by the sounds of Heaven vibrating the ground and causing your feet to sense what I’m saying so you can move into place for the future.
“You will be like the elephant that hears through his feet, and because of that he can hear things coming from miles away. As he hears things coming from a distance and prepares himself for what’s coming, he trumpets with his mouth what’s going on so others can see. Your enemy is confined to the air; he is the prince of the air. But I am the God of the earth and you stand on My ground and can receive My vibrations and My revelation to advance in days ahead.
“I am calling you as ‘Change Agents!’ No matter where you go, you pull the anointing from Me, and that will change the atmosphere. Don’t be afraid of this shaking for it is a remaking. Everything that is of Me will not fall in the shaking. The time is NOW to stand up and move with the cadence of Heaven. You will then be able to shake dens of iniquity and watch dagon’s head fall and roll. The shaking this time is about a remaking. Let Me reshape, remold and cause you to shift atmospheres, for you are truly Change Agents in this hour. Receive a mantle of change. Receive a mantle to shift.
“The sound that is coming down from Heaven is the sound that the ‘New Trailblazers’ will hear. I am equipping New Trailblazers this season. They will cut through the brush and the stubble. As My sound comes you will be equipped. I am preparing new vessels and new vehicles for these New Trailblazers. I am shaking and I am quaking the earth to break up old paths and to construct new paths. Only a new vehicle with a NEW Trailblazer will master these paths.
“This is an hour I am beginning to change the language of My people. I am beginning to change the way that My people interpret language. There is a sound from Heaven to connect you with this season. Remember Peter. The people listened to him speaking. They knew that he was not someone educated, but they could feel My authority and power being released. There is a sound and a shofar from Heaven that is aligning with the trumpet inside MY people. Recognize and realize this power from Heaven that is working through you.
“I am causing your language to change and the way that My Word is released. The way that you release and understand prophecy and how I am working in the atmosphere is now changing. One simple word and sound will begin to shift, and people’s minds will begin to grasp and understand the power that’s working in the earth and in the atmosphere. The specifics of what I am doing and where I want to take you will be revealed.
“Healings and miracles will happen as you change your language. One utterance of that tongue can set the course of everything you need to know. I will have a joyful house of prayer for all people. Therefore, if you will start expressing the joy of the house you have, I will develop the joy that I need for your strength to increase.
Watchmen Arise! A Year of Rapid Fire!
“Watchmen, arise. Let your tongues be the pen of a ready writer. As you write, as you bring down the strategies, I am going to cause doors to fall like dominoes. I am going to cause gates to be blown off the hinges. Watchmen, write what you see, write what you hear; I am fine-tuning your ears. I am opening your eyes in a new way. I am bringing you up to an aerial view, so you can look down into the enemy’s camp. You will speak and write specific things, and you will cause ambushments to be set in the enemy’s camp.
“Judah, Judah, I am waking you in a new way. For even as I caused the gates to shake for Paul and Silas as they prayed in the night, so Judah will be awakened in a new way. There is something I am awakening you to, to discipline you in, this year. So break through that fear that’s surrounding you.
“This will be a year of ‘rapid fire.’ This will be a year when I will be shooting down, like lightening, upon My people. For I am calling fiery warriors into place. I will do things in you that you have been waiting to see, but I will call you into a place where I want you to pave the way for others to see. Know that this is the year of the travail of rapid fire.
“I am bringing you out of the desert, out of the war in the desert, and I am calling you to stand on the banks of your Promised Land, and war. Many of My children saw me remove many things, and this was difficult, but it was Me. I am removing that old mindset of the desert, and am placing you in the place where you belong, in the place I have desired for you.
“For this is the season to war in a way you’ve not warred before. So lay down your desert weapons and move forward into your Promised Land and I will establish you. You will hear My voice as never before and you will conquer the enemy that has tried to take you out in the past season. So look up, look up and see that your help doesn’t draw nigh, but that it is already here!
“With every crescendo of your life this year I will take you to a point to put your foot on the enemy. Wait for My exact moment. Then, when you bring your foot down on your enemy, your enemy’s headship will no longer rule you.
“That which has been underground, I will now draw upward. Over that which has had to amass, and that which has had to come together in one way, you will now see what I have gathered. I have been gathering and I have been preparing, and now, I will draw forth.
“To this nation I say that the enemy has been gathering and preparing against you. But you will now strategize to rise against. Do not rise up too quickly, for I can cause the enemy to start moving even as I prepare you to move into his path and ambush him. You are now going to amass and gather in a way you have never gathered, and I will start the gathering. For the contractions of the earth have begun, and because of that, what has been down, hidden, will now be pushed up, and seen. Know this hour for your change has come.”
(Prophetic words by: John Dickson, Chuck Pierce, Anne Tate, LeAnn Squier, Allen Faubion, Melinda Richardson, Tobias Lyons, James Vincent, Michelle Hadley, Shatece McLeod, Raymond Banks, Justin Rana, Marty Cassady.)
Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion International Ministries
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Lisa Enebeli
Mouthpiece Ministries
4. News Headlines
Tornado made direct hit on Christmas celebration with 22 family members, all survived – 1/14/2016 “The roof is gone over the study and windows shattered in the master bedroom.” Her house across the street in Rowlett, Texas, was completely destroyed. All 22 crammed into a 15-foot-long hallway between the kitchen and the garage. They were crying out to God, praying for safety. After they embraced with tears, Dr. Land learned the terrifying details of the near-disaster. Full Article » |
Critics Lambaste Obama for Downplaying ISIS Threat – 1/14/2016 Obama raised some eyebrows in his State of the Union address when he said ISIS is not a threat to national security. It’s not the first time he has downplayed ISIS. CBN News Terrorism Analyst Erick Stakelbeck said the president does not understand the threat posed by radical Islam. “He made a comment that America is not under attack, that terrorists aren’t attacking here. … Full Article » |
UK Christians Rally Behind Israel – 1/13/2016 Under the banner of Christians United for Israel, a petition is being sent to the UK Government expressing condemnation of anti-Semitism and acknowledging the huge contribution of its Judeo-Christian heritage in shaping British values. The past year has seen two shocking terrorist attacks on Paris, with Jews specifically targeted on both occasions. Full Article » |
Terrorists Target Tourist Site in Istanbul and A Mall in Baghdad – 1/13/2016 A suicide bomber launched a terrorist attack in a popular tourist area of Istanbul Tuesday. The bombing killed at least 10 people and wounded 15.” Also, Isis terrorists targeted a shopping mall in Baghdad killing 18 and wounding 50. After setting off a car bomb, they launched a suicide attack. Also Monday, back-to-back suicide attacks on a cafe killed at least 24. Full Article » |
Palestinian children wear “suicide belts” to celebrate terror anniversary in Bethlehem – 1/13/2016 Young children participated in the procession wielding toy weapons and “suicide belts.” “Children were seen carrying models of RPGs and explosive belts. A key part of PA educational messages to children is promotion of violence and glorification of terrorists. The cycle of violence in the Middle East will not end as long as children are schooled in terrorist ideology. Full Article » |
Twisted New ISIS Tactic: Pretend to be a Christian Before Launching Attacks – 1/13/2016 In a new set of guidelines, leaders with the Islamic State terrorist group are urging its followers in the West to pretend to be Christians before committing lone wolf, terrorist attacks. instructs its adherents to trim their beards, wear Western-style aftershave and even pretend to be Christians by wearing cross necklaces. Full Article » |
Europe’s Rape Epidemic: Western Women Will Be Sacrificed At The Altar Of Mass Migration – 1/13/2016 In Norway, 100 per cent of violent street-rapes committed in Oslo were committed by “non-western” immigrants. In Denmark, where the majority of rapes are committed by immigrants, usually Muslim. Sweden has become Europe’s rape capital. n England thousands of young British girls are brutalised, tortured, beaten and raped by gangs of almost exclusively of Muslims. Full Article » |
Is Europe Finished? More Fallout From Cologne – 1/10/2016 One hundred German women sexually assaulted by a thousand migrants and recent refugee arrivals may have finally woken Europe up – if it is not too late. Cologne was not alone, with many other German and European cities also reporting such atrocious attacks on white women. Authorities sought to cover this up, but with so many victims attacked so openly in public, it is hard… Full Article » |
White House Warns Employers to Protect Muslim Rights: Tells Victims to File Complaints – 1/8/2016 Americans are told they are the front line in the war against homeland terrorism and report suspicious activity, yet—as happened recently in San Bernardino—citizens are afraid if they step forward or act on their suspicions, they’ll be taken to court. In the last few years the administration has sued a number of U.S. businesses for violating Muslim civil rights. Full Article » |
TransCanada Sues White House over Keystone – 1/8/2016 President Obama had said the project would have undercut the U.S’s effort to stop global climate change. Now, Americans may have to pay for the “breach of obligation.” TransCanada is asking for more than $15 billion in damages. The company says that the president’s decision to kill the pipeline in November exceeded his power under the U.S Constitution. Full Article » |
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