“…Without your resolve, many of the accomplishments over the past year would not have been possible, and we are deeply grateful for your work…” -Excerpt from letter to President Trump from members of Congress

IFA Staff : Mar 6, 2020  Intercessors For America

airlift[IFAPray.orgFather God we pray that family values, Biblical values, would continue to be upheld in this Administration. (Image: Pixabay)

A large number of House members wrote a letter of thanks to President Trump for his position on issues relating to families in America. An excerpt of the letter is below:

Read the entire letter by clicking here–and see who signed it!

We write to express our sincerest gratitude for your stalwart support of family values. Your steadfast leadership in this area has created an environment in which family values may thrive. Thank you for being an advocate for our Nation.

While each of us represents a diverse cross-section of constituents, together we strive toward a shared vision of a culture that upholds family values, protects life, and defends religious liberty. Such an endeavor requires strong and faithful leadership. Without your resolve, many of the accomplishments over the past year would not have been possible, and we are deeply grateful for your work.

Life has immeasurable value and your Administration has made it a sacred duty to protect the right to life at all stages. The list of pro-life achievements continues to grow each day under your guidance. From your pledge to veto any legislation that weakens federal pro-life policies to reinstating the Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance policy and positively reforming the Title X family planning grant program, your Administration has made significant commitments and implemented much-needed improvements. Moreover, your directive to end human trafficking, the appointment of constitutionalist judges, and your vow to end veteran suicide have firmly established your place as one of the most pro-life presidents in American history…

Click here to read the letter in its entirety.

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