Praise Reports


British Isles


Praise Reports

Global: children praying

Currently 3,000 children are uniting to pray for the nations on Whatsapp. Royal Kids Ministries, started in Chennai in 1991 with one orphanage, have expanded into Children House of Prayer (CHOP), with prayer rooms at many orphanages. Their vision is Malachi 4:6: ‘He shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers’. ‘The aim is to raise up young intercessors as worshippers and as a prayer army to cry out for revival, and also to call forth spiritual parents to support and cover children with prayers: in essence, to bring revival through orphans.’ This vision has spread; today there are CHOP in eight countries praying every day, and in eight more praying once a week. The aim is to have every orphanage turned into CHOP prayer rooms in every nation of the world.

Praise: God for the 3,000 children currently crying out to Him in unison for the nations. (Psalm 34:17)

Beholding His glory in an unprecedented time

Malcolm Duncan, the key speaker at the recent WPC prayer conference, took 200 intercessors on an encouraging journey of encountering the glory of God. All across the UK churches are being called to prayer as never before. Virtual prayer meetings are taking place as the Holy Spirit raises up an invisible net of prayer, here and in many other nations. Each one of us is part of this! Our prayers for our loved ones, our streets and communities, our nations and their leaders and our world, are part of this. Ask the Lord what He wants you to pray into and follow His leading. Those not at the conference can listen here

Praise: for a mighty wave of intercession and worship to break every plan of Satan at this time. (Exodus 15:6)

Praise Reports

An encouraging message

Wherever you are reading this across our UK nations and across the globe, no doubt you are in some stage of ‘physical lockdown’ because of the coronavirus pandemic. Our culture of daily life and our gathered worship patterns are being reshaped. We are all being forced to look at what are the real priorities in our lives. But the wonderful truth is that as followers of Jesus Christ we can never be in ‘spiritual lockdown’. There is no situation, no place, no time zone, no age limit, no health scare, no financial pressure, nothing that can separate us from the love of Christ (Romans 8:38-39). So today and over these coming weeks, we want to encourage you to keep remembering that our God – the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ – is on the throne, and He is sovereign over all of the shaking.

Pray: for us to trust in Him daily, drawing on His strength to share His light with those around us. (John 8:12)

Volunteering and keeping together in crisis

The Queen said ‘We salute you’, after 405,000 individuals stepped up to support the NHS just two hours after the government made an appeal for helpers to deliver medicines to the vulnerable and do shopping. Boris Johnson said the number of volunteers was equivalent to the population of Coventry. Meanwhile people are finding new ways of being together while apart. Isolated elderly are becoming adept at meeting friends, neighbours, and prayer groups by Skype, Zoom and Messenger. There are wonderful examples of acts of kindness, generosity, and compassion that demonstrate the underlying unity that humans feel for each other. We can pray according to Psalm 5:11 that God’s protection will spread over all who are currently volunteering and showing unity and kindness.

Pray: for the spirit of unity and compassion to continue to spread across the UK as we contend with this crisis. (Ephesians 4:3)

City missions and homeless

London City Mission cares for sick and marginalised Londoners. Pray for churches in lockdown as they adapt to share the gospel of light in the darkness of this crisis. May Christians be beacons of light so that God’s grace is apparent in London and the nation. Pray for people like Kris, homeless and a Big Issue vendor, who can’t sell his magazines and relies on one meal a day. Pray for provisions to be made for the homeless in lockdown A Glasgow homeless shelter had to close when a staff member and a service user caught coronavirus. They tried to prevent people from being left without shelter, but those with insecure immigration status or complex background issues are sleeping on the streets after the council said they did not have a statutory duty to accommodate them. Pray for councils and police to care for self-isolating homeless. See

Pray: for all the authority in heaven and earth to be with every believer in London as they reach out to those around them who are facing the impact of coronavirus. (Ephesians 6:10)

Immigration detainees must be released

In this crisis, the Government has released 350 people from immigrant detention. But hundreds more are still being held in removal centres, pending ‘imminent’ deportation; human rights charities are calling for them all to be released. On 25 March the High Court was told by Detention Action that under British law the Government cannot continue to detain these people if they are not about to deport them. The case is vital as detainees are particularly vulnerable to coronavirus, living in big groups and unable to take ‘social distancing’ measures. They are living in unsanitary and unsafe conditions, with people displaying symptoms of the virus kept in the detainee population, and some even undertaking functions such as cleaning or serving food.

Pray: for the Government to have compassion and humanely care for 736 scared detainees still being held. (2 Corinthians 1:3-4)

Pastor’s warning from intensive care

Mark McClurg, an Elim pastor, is in intensive care at a Belfast hospital after becoming infected with coronavirus. In a video posted on social media from his hospital bed, he said, ‘This coronavirus is deadly and is dangerous. It wants to kill you. It wants to take all the life out of your lungs so that you cannot even breathe.’ He wants people to take the virus seriously. He praised the nurses and doctors who had cared for him day and night despite the risk to their own health. ‘They have saved my life,’ he said. ‘I am grateful that I am living. Don’t think this won’t touch you. Don’t think for a moment that this is just a cough and a cold. Look at me and listen. If you get coronavirus and go into an intensive care unit, you are going to struggle to breathe, you could go on a ventilator, so please listen to all the Government’s advice.’

Pray: for the nations to listen to this and similar warnings, and for citizens to take recommended precautions. (Proverbs 19:20)

London hospitals – tsunami’ of coronavirus cases

Hospitals in London are facing a ‘tsunami’ of coronavirus cases and are beginning to run out of intensive care beds. Chris Hopson, of NHS Providers, said that while critical care capacity had been expanded, hospitals in the capital had seen an ‘explosion’ in demand. A third of the UK cases have been diagnosed in the city. Staff absence rates due to infection are at 30% to 50%, as hospitals desperately struggle with wave after wave of seriously ill patients. Mr Hopson said an extra 4,000 beds soon to be available at London’s ExCel centre will be used up very quickly in the peak, which is two or three weeks away. From April all routine operations will be cancelled for three months, and as many patients as possible will be discharged from hospital. These two measures could free up 30,000 of the 100,000 hospital beds in England alone.

Pray: for the NHS to act wisely and find creative ways to acquire extra intensive care beds and ventilators. (Proverbs 13:14)

Scotland: field hospitals

NHS field hospital sites in Scotland will be identified ahead of a predicted rapid rise in coronavirus cases. Chief medical officer Dr Catherine Calderwood said, ‘We have had quite detailed discussions very recently and I know that there are sites being considered.’ Referring to comments by the vice-president of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine that the dramatic explosion in coronavirus case numbers in London could be replicated in Scotland, she said, ‘Unfortunately, he is absolutely right. We have people with mild illness, which we know 80% of people will experience – but up to 20% of people will have a much more significant illness.’

Pray: for prompt allocation of sites and the creation of suitable hospital isolation units before the anticipated increase of illness. (Proverbs 16:21)

Praise Reports

Europe: Christian perspective

‘We grieve for those who have lost their lives or loved ones. We grieve about the physical, emotional, and financial repercussions of this pandemic. We are grateful for those working tirelessly to care for the sick, curb the spread, and create a cure and vaccine. But most importantly, we stop to remember these Biblical truths about COVID-19: God reigns OVER it. If the wind and sea obey Him, so does this virus (Matthew 8:27). He is IN THE MIDST of it. He’s our ever-present help in trouble (Psalm 46:1). He wants to do something THROUGH it. He has good purposes in ALL things (Romans 8:28). He can bring eternal hope OUT OF it. Millions are being forced to face their mortality. It is urgent that each one of them hears and knows the Hope of the Gospel. So let us lift our eyes from the headlines and fix them on Jesus, and pray – because no quarantine will ever stop its power and reach.’

Pray: for this crisis to bring unprecedented numbers to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. (Psalm 25:5)

EU: self-preservation

The European Union is showing major evidence of stress thanks to the pandemic. Every member state considers its own national interests over those of the rest of the EU. Economist Branko Milanovic called the crisis ‘a huge test of European solidarity’, as countries close borders and hoard medical equipment. When Italy requested help from other member states to fight the coronavirus not one responded, but China did. Germany and France were condemned for blocking the export of vital medical supplies, calling into question the bloc’s solidarity in times of crisis. Pray for humility and compassion to replace nationalist dialogue, and for members to return to the founding principle of unity.

Pray: for the nations’ ‘war footing’ to be directed to the virus and not each other. (Galatians 5:23)

Croatia: earthquake rocks Zagreb

On 22 March a 5.3-magnitude quake, the largest in 140 years, brought panicked residents out into the streets at 6am. The interior minister told people, ‘Keep your distance. Don’t gather together. We are facing two serious crises, the earthquake and the epidemic’. Many buildings cracked, with walls and rooftops damaged. Zagreb cathedral and parliament buildings were among the damaged structures. The earthquake prompted residents to flee to holiday homes on the coast: the police closed motorways and set up control points to prevent coronavirus spreading.

Pray: for residents coping with the earthquake’s aftermath as well as contagion fears. (Psalm 142:3a)

Praise Reports

Global: Anglican Alliance response to coronavirus

Anglican health and mission agencies had a global consultation to discuss their response to coronavirus. They have published key learnings and some examples of best practice, and are building up a repository of resources and Bible studies that can be adapted for different contexts. The Alliance identified three key roles the Church can play in such times to promote preparedness and resilience. These are ‘to give hope and combat fear with accurate information and encouragement through our faith; to keep the worshipping and wider community connected, if necessary via messages, phone and online, in case of quarantine and disruption; and to show God’s compassion and care to those affected in our communities, remembering that those already most vulnerable will be most affected’.

Pray: for all churches across the nations to be recognised by the ‘unchurched’ as a calm reassuring voice to their communities. (Exodus 4:12)

Praying for life to get back to normal

The world is shutting down in an unparalleled global response to coronavirus. Pray for God to cause a mighty wind of His Holy Spirit to turn the tide of sickness and fear. The current strategy of shutting down large parts of society is not sustainable in the long term. Pray for countries to agree to an exit strategy that will restrain social and economic damage. Scientists say that the coronavirus is not going to disappear entirely. Let us ask God to convict communities of the need to change permanently behaviour that enables contagion, so that there is a sound global immunity to infection. Vaccines are said to be 12-18 months away. Pray for God to guide the researchers and scientists as they seek to develop them.

Pray: for community protection, with suppressed transmission across the nations and an end to fear. (2 Timothy 1:7)

Syria: recap

It has been almost ten years since the horrific war began. The Syrian army has retaken most of the land (except Idlib). Many believe that what happens here could be the culmination of the entire war. Recent devastating airstrikes and ground operations have forced millions to run again. But to where? No nation wants them. Refugee camps are full, and it is winter. This has the potential to be the worst refugee and humanitarian crisis in Syria yet. An incredibly fragile ceasefire was declared, bringing a tense calm. But for these traumatised masses, it was too late. Bad news has been coming out of Syria for so long, we hardly even notice any more. But Jesus does. Let us not give up praying for peace in the nation and in every heart in Syria.

Pray: for God to be a refuge and strength to the Syrians. (Psalm 46:1)

Hope and prayer during the coronavirus

As the virus spreads, pray for everyone to listen to the advice from local authorities, and show care and regard for one another – especially the elderly and most vulnerable. If ever there was a time for prayers and supplications, this is such a time. Let us join together in united prayer as we pray for: governments and local authorities who bear large responsibilities in confronting this challenge; WHO and all professionals working to safeguard public health; industry leaders and all taking precautions and making decisions to confront this challenge; and pastors, church leaders, and community leaders, who provide care and guidance for those they lead. As a global family, this is a time to let the light of Christ shine healing rays throughout the world.

Pray: for God to grant mercy and grace upon the nations in this time of trouble and distress. (Psalm 91:3)

Afghanistan: US fails to end stalemate

US secretary of state Mike Pompeo announced a $1bn cut in American aid to Afghanistan after he failed to convince President Ghani and his political foe, Abdullah, to end a feud that has jeopardised a US-led peace effort. He said that the US is also prepared to cut another $1bn worth of assistance in 2021, and is conducting ‘a review of all of our programmes and projects to identify additional reductions and reconsider our pledges to future donor conferences for Afghanistan’. The harshly-worded announcement underscored how badly the US-led effort to end decades of strife in Afghanistan has stalled. En route back to Washington, Pompeo stopped at Qatar to meet Taliban officials, including their top negotiator. Pompeo indicated that the aid cut could be cancelled if everyone came to an agreement.

Pray: for the rivalry between Afghanistan’s leaders to end, and for peace talks to flourish. (Proverbs 16:7)

Israel ‘not ready for pandemic’

A damning report, prepared last year, has been released. It detailed Israel’s lack of preparation for a major epidemic. A pre-coronavirus scenario in the report (based on an influenza epidemic) expected about 2,250,000 infected residents (25% of the population) with an increase in morbidity spread over eight weeks, about 150,000 more hospitalised, 25,000 in intensive care, and 12,500 needing ventilation. The report stated that the health system was greatly burdened all year round, with many departments overcrowded, and there was a shortage of ICUs. Now there is a lack of protective medical gear, and problems with infection testing. Netanyahu said nobody was ready for corona.

Pray: for Israel as it begins applying some of the report’s recommendations. (Psalm 121:3,4)

Taiwan: quarantine technology

The island’s phone-tracking system is an ‘electronic fence’, using existing phone signals to triangulate mobile phone owners’ locations. To ensure users comply, an alert is sent to the authorities if the handset is turned off for more than 15 minutes. More than 6,000 people subjected to home quarantine are monitored this way. Officials phone users up to twice a day to make sure they have their mobile to hand, and to ask about their health. Milo Hsieh is under quarantine. Early on Sunday morning, while he was sleeping, two police officers knocked at his door. His phone had run out of battery; in less than an hour four different administrative units had called. Police were dispatched to check his whereabouts. A text was sent saying that the government had lost track of him, and warning of potential arrest if he had broken quarantine.

Pray: for the expanded powers to end surveillance practices once the crisis has passed. (Deuteronomy 16:19a)

USA: Christian school disregards coronavirus warnings

Liberty University has 100,000 pupils studying online, with a further 15,000 attending campus in Virginia. It will now allow 5,000 students to return to campus and halls of residence despite the state governor ordering all schools to close until the end of the academic year. An email to students said, ‘All planned international trips have been cancelled, but students should return to campus this week. Liberty University is open and operating normally.’ The majority of lessons will be conducted online, but staff have been instructed to ‘report to work as normal’. According to the university president, on-site pupils have said, ‘Don’t send us home to study online; we love it here, we want to stay’. This decision came after President Trump questioned whether public health measures to prevent coronavirus contagion were too strict. Health officials stressed that relaxing them could put more people at risk.

Pray: for God to grant wisdom to those in places of authority and help them to make the right decisions to protect the public. (Proverbs 1:5)

Praise Reports
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