Coronavirus dominates our headlines, but we can make the conscious choice to lift our eyes from the headlines and fix them on Jesus. Even in all the uncertainty we know no sickness, quarantine or fear can diminish his beauty and worth, nor can they silence our worship. He reigns! All things are under His feet: sin, death, viruses, everything! For a video to remind us of these eternal truths and lead us in prayer, see In the midst of uncertainty, sickness and death, the best thing we can turn our eyes to is Jesus, who, for the joy set before him, endured the cross, scorning its shame and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. To help you worship, click the ‘More’ button.
Praise: God for the revival of prayer and worship breaking out in this season. (John 14:14)
More: www.prayercast.com/you-reign-coronavirus.html |
The Lighthouse Medical Mission landed in Venezuela in March to provide medical attention and distribute 3,000 meals daily. Johnny took pictures and translated. He was appalled by stories of dead family members and the squalor people lived in. Johnny said, ‘While the doctors saw patients, the pastors and lay leaders were praying for people, many of whom got healed even before they received medical attention. Because witchcraft is widely practised in the region, several people were delivered from demonic spirits. They practise witchcraft and spiritism because of their circumstances. They are reaching out for help. But when we came to them with the gospel, they were open.’ He added, ‘We were swarmed by people. They were grabbing us crying, “Pray for me. Pray for me.”’ Johnny was staggered by what he saw.
Praise: God for the demonstration of His power of life over death. (Psalm 26:3)
More: godreports.com/2020/03/medical-mission-to-columbia-swarmed-by-desperate-people-especially-after-miraculous-healings/ |
American food stores are offering early-morning ‘senior hours’ to vulnerable shoppers during the pandemic. Recently, nearly 3,000 shoppers taking advantage of these hours at 44 Atlanta Kroger stores were surprised when actor-filmmaker and local resident Tyler Perry paid for their food. He also paid the bills for vulnerable people at 29 Winn-Dixies in New Orleans, where he was raised. Then, over the weekend, he gave £16,825 to bless 42 out-of-work servers at his favourite restaurant, giving each of them £400. The media advertised his actions and Tyler used Facebook to challenge his followers: ‘I dare you to still yourself and listen to this song. This has been my prayer and meditation.’ The song was the live version of Bethel Music’s ‘It Is Well.’
Praise: God for Tyler’s generosity, and his boldness in recommending Christian music in a crisis. (Luke 6:38)
More: www.christianheadlines.com/contributors/lori-arnold/tyler-perry-pays-for-seniors-groceries-at-44-food-stores.html |
Prayer is needed for people involved in commerce, industry, charities and church. Pray for the light of Christ to shine on leaders in lockdown. May they have wisdom and clarity of thought and insight. Pray for revelation as to the best approach for each organisation in times of crisis. Pray for leaders involved in health and those involved in the economy. What people are facing right now is far bigger than the individual area that they work in; we pray that all leaders see the big picture. May there be powerful God-led leadership teams, involving new thinking and encouraging their teams’ work. May every decision be based on the compassion and care that Jesus displayed, particularly when a staff member or supplier or customer is experiencing family, work or health pressures. May they see each person as made in the image of God.
Pray: for the leaders in this nation to take one step at a time; may all decisions align with God’s purpose and His laws. (1 Timothy 2:1,2)
More: www.eauk.org/news-and-views/what-does-leadership-require-in-a-time-such-as-this |
Currently, Britain will remain under EU’s rules until 31 December, but the withdrawal agreement allows for a one- or two-year extension if both sides can reach an agreement by 30 June. This gives both sides more time to negotiate a trade deal after talks were halted due to the coronavirus crisis. EU diplomats expect the Prime Minister to ask for a delay, but Downing Street remains resolute in its bid to complete Brexit by year end. Any delay would require a new treaty – another lengthy divorce deal. A Flextension for an extra few weeks was ruled out by Brussels, enraging Brexit supporters. The IMF said that the UK and the EU should not ‘add to uncertainty’ by refusing to extend the period to negotiate a post-Brexit trade deal: see
Pray: for God to steady the hands that hold the Brexit negotiations, so that the UK’s future follows heaven’s plan. (Psalm 24:1)
More: www.express.co.uk/news/uk/1267559/brexit-latest-news-transition-period-deadline-boris-johnson |
There are 15,517 care homes in England, and 200 hospitals. HC-One, operating 350 homes, had 311 coronavirus deaths. The Methodist Homes Association reported 210 deaths in 131 homes. However the official statistics at the same point recorded only 217 coronavirus deaths in care homes in England and Wales. Pray for the Care Quality Commission to investigate and update recorded deaths daily from the 15,517 residential and nursing homes. Care workers see up to twenty clients during a shift. The Government’s advice to residential care is almost the same as for hospital workers: single-use disposable gloves, aprons, and face masks. Pray for speedy delivery of these nationally. The government now promises that care home residents who develop symptoms will be tested. Care providers are reporting at least a quarter of their staff in isolation. Pray that the Government is able to keep its promise to recruit 20,000 social care staff by July and test the vulnerable for coronavirus.
Pray: for the Government as it rolls out containment and prevention strategies in the caring profession and across the nation. (Romans 15:1)
More: www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-52284281 |
This pandemic has sparked a childcare crisis for 3.9 million UK working parents, stuck between the closure of formal childcare and the abrupt withdrawal of informal care provided by relatives and friends. For those fortunate enough to work from home, it means a child or two making an unexpected entrance during a crucial work call. Pray for peace to flow through the homes of families with children facing endless days of lockdown. Pray also for parents navigating a total redesign of working patterns while trying to care for children who are more likely to be anxious, unwell, or fed up with restrictions. Nurseries and day care centres are now closed. Pray for lone parents, or families with disabled children or children with special educational needs, now that they can no longer attend daytime care.
Pray: for powerful support systems to be in touch with the most vulnerable at this crucial time; keeping their finances afloat and home atmospheres well-balanced. (Deuteronomy 15:11b)
More: www.independent.co.uk/voices/coronavirus-lockdown-childcare-parents-uk-boris-johnson-government-a9449946.html |
Families in rural England are totally dependent on volunteers delivering food during the coronavirus crisis. Many households face long journeys to buy food – more difficult if they are self-isolating. Catherine Boyes’ son has cystic fibrosis and she is shielding him by staying home. She says, ‘Without these deliveries my children would starve.’ The mother of six, living on a farm on the edge of the North York moors, struggled to get a regular delivery from a supermarket due to surging demand and is reliant on the Pickering Help Network to deliver supplies. Pauline Hewitt, delivering food, said, ‘There is a real sense of fear and panic among some people about how they are going to get their shopping in an area like this. We have spent a lot of time reassuring people that whatever happens, we will deliver a weekly supply of food.’
Pray: for heaven’s protection and strength for the Countryside Alliance and similar ministries. (Isaiah 40:29)
More: www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-52215575 |
At 3pm on Good Friday, thousands stood in the street outside their homes to pray against the negative effects of coronavirus and for restoration and healing in the land. The National Day of Prayer and Worship team are now calling Christians to join a 24-hour prayer chain to run through April, May and June until there is complete victory and tangible answers to our prayers. 1,000+ churches have already chosen a prayer slot. The target is for 2,000 churches to choose a day when they will pray for 24 hours. Individuals or small groups can also pick an hour slot when they will pray. To register to pray at a certain time, click the ‘More’ button, go to the specially prepared website, and choose a date. No amount of time you give is too small or too big.
Pray: for thousands to enter the valley of continuous intercession, prayer and unity. (Colossians 4:2)
More: www.unitedinprayer.co.uk |
When Angela Barry’s grandfather died last year she realised just how difficult many of his generation were finding life, often feeling isolated. As the country went into quarantine, she was determined to ensure that the older people in her community did not feel alone. Her solution – fruit and vegetables. Along with her husband and three children, she has set up a weekly free fruit and veg stall outside her house in Bolton and delivers bags of fresh produce to those who need it most. So far they have served 50 isolated neighbours. Sons Joshua (9), Ben (7), and Isaac (4) are manning the stall, which has created many opportunities for new relationships. Angela says, ‘This is a really great time for us as a church to be the light. We are all at home and it is a brilliant chance for us to really show what church is in our local community.’
Pray: for God to bless this family and others developing ideas to touch communities with the light and love of heaven. May we all find ways to reach out. (Leviticus 9:23b)
More: premierchristian.news/en/news/article/how-a-christian-family-is-using-a-fruit-and-veg-stall-to-reach-out-to-their-community-during-coronavirus-pandemic |
The Eurozone is in a deep recession. Unemployment figures are spiking to unprecedented highs and debt levels are soaring. It is an economic crisis on a scale not seen since the Second World War, or the Great Depression. Onlookers have watched individual countries retreat into national self-righteousness and mutual finger-pointing in a very un-united attitude that threatens the survival of the EU and will not solve anything. Then, finally, after weeks of wrangling, EU finance ministers managed to reach a deal – to the relief of most. Let us pray that the €500 billion package to help countries hardest hit by the pandemic will succeed in implementing an economic plan. See also
Pray: for innovative financial, medical and political mechanisms to help all survive the pandemic and economic crises. (Psalm 2:10)
More: mirror.ownpage.fr/clients/21d281cc37e84c52/newsletters/43644/4926ee5656a15e67cb08d0786fe2e80b.html |
Wildfires are just over a mile from the defunct Chernobyl nuclear power plant and a disposal site for radioactive waste. Over 300 firefighters are working to contain the blaze. A toxic cloud rises within sight of the carcass of Chernobyl’s Unit 4 nuclear reactor, the site of the worst nuclear disaster in history. Greenpeace said that the fires were larger than Ukraine’s official estimates and could pose a health risk, saying, ‘A fire approaching a nuclear or hazardous radiation facility is always a risk’. Flames could reach abandoned vehicles at the former plant, causing mighty explosions and spreading toxic fumes and unleashing radiation into the ground near the reactors. The fumes could sweep across vast swathes of Poland, Belarus, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia and Moldova. All are vulnerable: see
Pray: for radiation (currently 16 times above normal) to be contained, and the fires doused. (Psalm 10:12)
More: www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/apr/13/ukraine-wildfires-close-chernobyl-nuclear-site |
A missionary writes, ‘May we beg for your redoubled prayers as a “Double Whammy” threatens our communities. The Ugandan lockdown seems to be stemming Covid-19 and has just been extended for 21 days. Very tough on children; folk barely earning enough to eat; Sudanese refugees with 30% cut in rations and unable to plant more than a few vegetables; and the elderly with no one to help them. But many have spent lockdown in the fields, preparing to plant. Rains have begun and seeds are beginning to grow. This morning I rode my bicycle past fields of young beans and groundnuts. However, another threat hangs over us now. The locusts experienced in January have bred and millions of young are growing and devastating crops, trees, and cattle fodder. The military and everyone are concentrating on Covid-19. The locusts are spreading towards the huge refugee settlements and West Nile. Massive hunger could weaken the population, and we really wonder what might follow.’
Pray: for the King of creation to intervene, and for all agencies facing this ‘double whammy’ to be strengthened and protected. (Hebrews 6:10)
More: www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jan/26/kenya-suffers-worst-locust-infestation-in-70-years-as-millions-of-insects-swarm-farmland#img-1 |
Despite relentless caution from medical workers battling the virus in hospitals, President Hassan Rouhani’s government pressed ahead and reopened sectors of the economy deemed to be less vulnerable in the face of the disease. The project saw public transport, with strict protocols, resume normal activity. However, overcrowded buses and metro wagons prompted the government committee tasked with fighting the virus in Tehran to warn that it would only be a matter of days before the megacity was rocked by an exponential infection growth. Now the media are reporting that at least three Iranian provinces are experiencing a resurgence of coronavirus. ‘We are playing a chess game with coronavirus,’ said health minister Saeed Namaki. An updated government report stated that at least three provinces (including Qom, the initial epicentre) are currently grappling with a resurgence of the pandemic.
Pray: for Iran and the leaders of all the nations to be filled with heavenly wisdom for a perfect balance between public health and a working economy. (Exodus 31:3)
More: www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2020/04/coronavirus-iran-hotspots-partial-reopening.html#ixzz6JmB233qH |
The Burmese military recently bombed Hnan Chaung village, in Chin State. Houses were burned down, seven civilians were killed (including two children, a mother and an infant), and at least eight others were injured. Fighting between the Arakan Army, an ethnic armed resistance group, and the Burmese military (named the Tatmadaw) had been ongoing for several days with gunfire and explosions. Two Tatmadaw jets bombed the village many times, damaging several churches. Also, a 53-year-old man was hospitalised after stepping on a landmine. During the coronavirus pandemic, human rights organisations and others are calling for a nationwide ceasefire in Burma, saying that everyone should focus efforts on fighting the virus and protecting the vulnerable, not fighting wars and killing civilians.
Pray: for people to be safe, particularly the Christians facing virus and persecution. (Leviticus 25:19)
More: www.csw.org.uk/2020/04/09/press/4614/article.htm |
A ceasefire few expected to last is holding in Idlib, for now – but the last rebel-held area in northwest Syria is bracing itself for the expected onslaught of the deadly coronavirus. The 5 March truce between Russia and Turkey halted a dangerous escalation of nine punishing years of war in Syria, but Idlib’s breathing space is fraught with fear of the new enemy. The health system has been destroyed by bombing by Russian and Syrian warplanes. Nearly a million displaced people, sheltering inside flimsy tents, or on open ground, have few defences against the powerful Covid-19. ‘There’s a humanitarian and political imperative for a complete, immediate nationwide ceasefire throughout Syria’, said the UN special envoy, in his recent briefing to the UN Security Council.
Pray: for peace and protection for all living in virus fear in Idlib refugee camps. (Psalm 10:14)
More: www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-52196817 |
On 24 March India shut its £2.3 trillion economy, closing businesses and issuing strict stay-at-home orders to over a billion people. The lockdown, due to end on 14 April, has been extended as the virus spreads through dense communities and new clusters of infection are being reported daily. The sudden lockdown threw the lives of millions of children into chaos. Tens of thousands are calling helplines daily, and thousands are going to bed hungry. India has the largest child population in the world (472 million). The lockdown has impacted 40 million children from poor families. Everyone must stay home – but what about the street children? Where do they go? Officially Delhi has over 70,000 street children, but the real number is much higher. Pray for the millions of homeless children on streets, under flyovers, or narrow lanes and bylanes. See
Pray: for churches, charities and the Commission for Protection of Child Rights to reach every hidden community with food and support. (Psalm 20:2)
More: www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-india-52255011 |
Days after the UN called for a halt to fighting in Yemen amid the coronavirus pandemic, a two-week ceasefire was declared by the Saudi-UAE coalition. But the Houthis said they would keep fighting unless a years-long siege on the impoverished nation is lifted. The conflict has killed over 100,000 people and pushed millions to the verge of famine. The vulnerable impoverished people now have their first coronavirus case, and the country is now bracing itself for the pandemic. Continue to pray for a de-escalation in the fighting, widely seen as a proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran, and for the Houthis to join the UN-sponsored talks for a settlement to the five-year conflict. Pray particularly for God to soften the heart of Mohammed al-Bukhaiti, the Houthi spokesman.
Pray: for Yemenis to receive the humanitarian aid needed to prevent disaster. (Psalm 37:37)
More: www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/04/saudi-uae-coalition-declares-2-week-unilateral-ceasefire-yemen-200408185013981.html |
‘It will disappear one day like a miracle’ is how Donald Trump originally described coronavirus. For weeks he assured Americans it was ‘totally under control’. However, the US now has the largest number of confirmed coronavirus cases (644,188). Healthcare workers have medical shortages. Hospitals are overwhelmed. The president is accused of ignoring crisis warnings and misleading Americans. Trump insists he is ‘doing the job right’, using daily briefings to promote his achievements. He has now made the controversial decision to halt funds to the World Health Organisation, accusing it of mismanaging the virus spread. America is WHO’s largest donor. The UN said, ‘It is not the time to reduce resources for any humanitarian organisation in the fight against the virus’. Trump is suspected of attempting (in the lead-up to the presidential election for his second term) to make a case that his previous optimistic statements had been based on inaccurate information from WHO: see
Pray: for Trump to heed wise advice; stop politicising a humanitarian disaster, and for the WHO to receive outstanding generous donations. (Proverbs 12:15)
More: www.aljazeera.com/programmes/insidestory/2020/04/blame-president-trump-200415175150383.html |
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