The kingdoms of this world are becoming the kingdoms of our God. Supreme government for this world is the kingdom of God in Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit. (Revelation 11:15-19) (Psalm 110).
Every knee shall bow. Every form or facet of any governance ultimately must bow to the King of kings and Lord of lords. All authority on earth, in every person, family, tribe, corporate group, business, city, county, nation, region, and the entire world will bow to the ultimate authority of heaven. (Romans 14:11) (Philippians 1:9-11) (1 Timothy 6:14-15).
Is there tension between governing authorities and the kingdom of God? What is God’s plan and purpose for governance on earth?
God’s plan is to, by love through the Holy Spirit, abide in all mankind from the least to the greatest in stature of earthly authority and responsibility.
God’s purpose in becoming one together with man is “family of God” oriented. It is as a marriage or an intimate love reconnection of God and man producing a family of God on earth. It is to bring about the very best for mankind and every created thing on Planet Earth. (Ephesians 5:30-32).
Love, God’s love, makes all of His plans and purposes work together in perfect harmony to perfectly manage or govern the earth.
Fallen man without God has no potential to love and thereby has no ability to govern anything in perfect harmony. The love of God is the only source of pure holy wisdom and ultimate power to perfectly manage all human and natural resources on earth.
Fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, and all extended family relationships are created to be a natural replica of God’s Spirit order of governance of heaven and earth. Perfect natural family love on earth is to be a replica of Spirit God family love in heaven.
In a God family, different parts function in different roles or offices of family management for the well-being and progeny of the family under the headship of Spirit God in Christ by the Holy Spirit.
The lack of love is the lack of God in the life. God is love.
The lack of love relationship with God is the root cause of all sin, disobedience, disorder, selfishness, poverty, and death. The lack of God’s love in man is the basis for strife, war, hate, deceit, envy, jealously, and literally all that is evil.
Mankind is designed as an incomplete person with a need for being intimately connected in love with God to be complete. Human beings apart from God are incomplete and will seek for a god or gods to fill the void in their innermost being.
The world is thrown into disorder of destruction and death as mankind without God desperately seeks to satisfy the innate lack of value, purpose, significance, and satisfaction in life. Lust for self-pleasure and the stimulation of competition along with the elation of winning over others in life are some of the substitutes man uses to attempt to fill the void of love connection with God.
The default or first alternate god of a life without a love relationship with God is always self: self-focus, self-awareness, self-hatred, self-aggrandizement, self-seeking, and selfishness in all matters. The self-life without God is plagued by FEAR and PRIDE. When things go well there is pride and haughtiness. When things are not going well, there is fear and anxiety. There is never lasting peace in life without God and His love.
Perhaps the second alternate is godless humanism or looking to an ungodly system, group, or person as source of provision, inspiration, excitement, or guidance for life. Whoever or whatever we idolize becomes our god. Our fate and life potential will be affected or shaped by that which we have chosen to honor or follow.
Connecting into ungodly humanistic systems, groups, or persons opens us to be abused and eventually to become an abuser ourselves.
All abusive behavior on earth comes from the unfulfilled deep need for God’s love within the hearts and lives of people.
Whether the nature of abuse is sexual, substance, monetary, mental, physical, relational, religious, tyrannical, or any other form of abusive behavior, all result from the lack of God’s love within. All abusive behavior can be cured by the indwelling love of God in the hearts and lives of the people.
Only the LOVE of GOD in CHRIST within the hearts of mankind by the HOLY SPIRIT can and will remove all that is not of God from the hearts and lives of the people who will change the world. This is the KINGDOM OF GOD on earth.
God in the heart and life of people of God is the most essential work on earth today. Planters, proclaimers, waterers, and cultivators of God’s love with its power and wisdom are the most essential workers in this world today.
The pipeline of intimate love of God is the HOLY SPIRIT.
The SPIRIT reality of Christ Jesus flowing into the hearts of believers by the Holy Spirit is the only source of agape love on earth.
The Holy Spirit is calling for willing volunteer human beings to be emptied of all other gods and filled with Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit to become the conduit flowing the love power of God to set the captives free to flood the world with the love of God.
A battle call trumpet is blasting into the world now in this moment. The sound is blasting in the Spirit to the ends of the earth.
The trumpet call is to abandon our own separate parts and in one voice as of many waters proclaim the arrival of the KING of Kings, the Lord of lords pouring the GOLDEN LIQUID FIRE LOVE OF GOD into the hearts of all willing people of God.
Do not look back at what you spoke yesterday or planned for today. Exude the ONE WORD OF LOVE with its endowments of heaven’s power, wisdom, and knowledge.
Ask and receive POWERFUL HOLY ANGELS OF LOVE AND WAR TO WORK WITH YOU, to inform you of heavenly knowledge of earthly things to speak to the people before you. Obey without hesitation the word of the Lord spoken to you from heaven in that moment. (2 Chronicles 5:13-14) (Matthew 10:19-20) (Acts 27:23).
There is a trumpet blast from a mountain that burns with fire that is terrifying and hard to hear with much fear and trembling. The blasting voice of great shaking is removing all that can be shaken.
But you, the people of God in the presence of angels have come to a different mountain of the love and power of Almighty God and Christ Jesus in the New Jerusalem City of God on earth as in heaven. The Spirit kingdom that cannot be shaken, that will remain in the consuming fire of the presence of our God now and forevermore. (Hebrews 12:18-29).
“Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” Luke 12-32.
Ron McGatlin