The following is an excerpt from an article in The American Thinker, you can read it in its entirety by Clicking Here.
[] …When we arrived at the Capitol steps, we saw a young man with a bullhorn on top of the highest scaffolding urging participants to move forward. Soon we heard what sounded like ceremonial cannon fire and saw smoke and I smelled tear gas… (Screengrab image)
Up to that moment, I had not witnessed any of the violence involved in pushing through the barricades or entering the building. The only destruction of property I witnessed first-hand was the alleged Antifa infiltrator breaking a window, only to be forcibly pulled away by Trump supporters. Suddenly the three young men I saw earlier on the train with scary masks in front (but pro-America symbols on their backs) made sense to me, as did widespread smell of marijuana.
…I have no doubt that dozens and possibly even hundreds of Antifa and/or other provocateurs had infiltrated the rally in order to carry out violent acts and suck impressionable Trump supporters into their antics. None of this violence was justified, but contrast the frustration and conflicted attitude of this Capitol building trespasser with that of the proud of this BLM rioter. One calls for prayer while the other calls for “reparations.”…
Some of the more impulsive Trump supporters fell into a trap that served to scapegoat both the Trump administration and the 99.9% of rally participants who neither condoned nor participated in any of the violence… Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here