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  • #20732
    Lily Deschamps


    Yesterday while reading Psalm 37, the Word “PREACH” was spoken. I immediately recognized it as a Word of Knowledge and the call to publicly disclose this Word.

    Known to be one of the most cherished of David’s Psalms, these verses teach on the subject of RIGHTEOUSNESS; how to live in a world filled with wickedness and how to survive persecution by those who hate righteous Believers. This memorable Psalm contains instructions – seven directives – on how to achieve tranquility and peace of mind under such conditions.  If ever there was a time to be instructed in this Word, it is now.

    For the past few weeks Sodom has been brought to remembrance, and now the reason for it is clearly understood.  “As in the days of Sodom”…so is the world increasingly being precipitated in the abyss of wickedness. What stands prominent about this historic event was that the wicked people and the land would have been spared destruction had even only ten righteous people been found.  In this is also seen the importance of returning to and remaining in Righteousness before the hammer of Judgment strikes.

    A few days ago, a vision was shown of a Pastor standing on a stage. His identity was not revealed. Behind him was a wall with a circle. He stood in the center of this circle with a spotlight shining on him. Because there was no oblique line crossing the circle, it was recognized that this is the hour for true Pastors to shine.  Pastors choose your lectures according to the unadulterated truth of the Word and under inspiration by the Holy Spirit.  The Light of  the Lord’s truth must be preached in righteousness.

    In summary, living in righteousness will make the difference between persecution and protection; between bondage and liberty and between destruction and reconstruction. This is a time when the righteous Believer in Christ will be a luminary whose light will shine as a thousand suns in the fallen lands of darkness.

    Keep the Faith,



    Lily Deschamps

    Recommended Reading:  Psalm 37


    Clu Monroe

    The H.S. led me specifically to Psalm 37 on the morning of 5-27-2012. It has been a steadfast go-to Psalm of mine ever since then for varying reasons, times of need. The verses I have highlighted in my computer-side, worn/torn Bible :0) are:

    5-6: Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass. He shall bring forth your righteousness (this is what “it’s” all about…) as the light, and your justice as the noonday.

    34: Wait on the Lord, and keep His way, and He shall exalt you to inherit the land; When the wicked are cut off, you shall see it.

    39-40: But the salvation of the righteous is from the Lord; He is their strength in the time of trouble. And the Lord shall help them and deliver them; He shall deliver them from the wicked, and save them, because they trust in Him.

    Here I am Lord… standing shoulder-to-shoulder with my sister Suzanne!

    Lily Deschamps

    Hello Clu,

    Thank you for sharing those verses.  Psalm 37 is awesomely rich in meaning.  Without doubt, Jesus  also had these scriptures in mind when He taught the parable of the wheat and the tares (v2).  All conciding with the latter days.  It is amazing to think that we are reading and studying the same comforting and prophetic scriptures Jesus also read and studied.  And because we are of the same mind in Christ, the Holy Spirit shares the same thoughts with us, even now, thousands of years later.

    Much blessings to you my dear Sister in Christ,


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