“…Lord, set our own cities on fire using men and women from our churches. Lord we pray for harvesters because the harvest is great!” -Sean Feucht
Christel Berns : Apr 5, 2021 GODTV.com
[GODTV.com] God’s power moved among a group of Gen Zs in North Carolina as they ran to the altar to surrender their lives to Jesus. (Images: Sean Feucht /via GOD TV)
Gen Zs Surrendering to Jesus
As Sean Feucht and his team continue the “Let Us Worship” revival tour, more and more people are giving their lives to Jesus.
In a recent post by the worship leader, he testified to how God moved mightily in the hearts of young people attending the event.
He wrote, “Satan overplayed his hand targeting Gen Z with depression, suicide and anxiety. Tonight we saw hundreds of Gen Z-ers run to the altar laying their addictions (swipe), heaviness & compromise at the feet of Jesus!”
Apparently, some of these young people had paraphernalia with them and they surrendered these things in exchange for Jesus. Moreover, the photos Sean shared in the post revealed pictures of the Gen Zs crying out and praying to God.
“God is setting them on fire and I AM SO SHOOK!!!” Sean further wrote.
Indeed, the enemy has overplayed his hand with Gen Zs. And God is showing Himself more powerful. He is drawing this generation closer to Him!
Encouraged Thousands
The post also encouraged thousands of Christians.
Ginger Ezelle commented, “I am praying for God to send others to these hot beds of needs! One can’t do it all we need many more “Sean Feucht” leading this mission. Lord set our own cities on fire using men and women from our churches. Lord we pray for harvesters because the harvest is great!”
Another by Debbie Dunphy said, “Praise the LORD. GOD bless all these new young Believers and keep them strong in spirit and faithful to the LORD and a powerful GODLY influence on all their friends, acquaintances, neighbors, coworkers, fellow students, and families and relatives. May the NAME of the LORD be exalted and magnified in their lives. This is very beautiful and encouraging.”