What does the end of the church emphasis age and the beginning of the kingdom of God age look like?
God’s purpose for the church age was and is to prepare a people for the kingdom of God to come forth on earth to restore the world to God’s original plan and purposes.
The church and the systems that developed from it have endured tremendous battles of persecution and subversive attacks from within and without.
Yet, the church and its systems have accomplished great strides in laying a foundation and preparing a people to become the sons of God in the kingdom of God.
Great world-wide strides were made in the salvation of man by grace through faith in our Savior and Lord Christ Jesus. In more recent times a major work of the Holy Spirit in baptizing the people of God in the Holy Spirit and Fire has further prepared the people for the kingdom of God.
As you read this article you may see how these and other works of the Word and Spirit of God have been presented and preserved by the church.
However, probably never has the entirety of the church systems agreed or worked together on these important works of God.
Only God knows the number of the multitudes of people groups, families, tribes and nations that have sought to find the way of peace, righteousness, and joy in this world during their lifetime on earth.
Though many have sought for it over the past two thousand years, precious few in the church age have found more than a temporary season or only a limited measure of peace, righteousness and joy.
There has been much separation and division between and within the many church systems.
In addition, the twentieth century church systems also separated themselves from the world governance systems and failed to effectively do its part in the governance of the world.
Competition, division and separation caused by a lack of love between groups allowed destructive forces to weaken the church systems and rob the world of the love and power of God’s rule.
This left room for the devil to continue to usurp more power in the governance of the world and thereby to entrap the world in evil darkness. In the absence of the love and power of God in world governance, generations have been retrained to despise God and embrace evil darkness.
The power of governance (dominion, stewardship) that was originally given to man under God, has been usurped by darkness. The church systems and all the religions and governments of the world have to some degree failed to prevent the rise of darkness that is killing, stealing and destroying the life of the world.
The cunning deception of spirits of darkness posing as angels of light working in the minds of well-meaning but duped leaders has established false teachings or doctrines of demons that tend to hide or cover some of the major truths of God and His plans for earth. (2 Corinthians 11:14) (1 Timothy 4:10) (2 Peter 2:1,18).
God is revealing truth that has been covered and thereby restoring the reality of God’s plans and purposes for mankind and Planet Earth.
He is restoring the marvelous works and message of Christ Jesus that changes everything.
God is love. The kingdom of God is the kingdom of Love.
Father God is Love. Christ Jesus the Son of God is the way, the truth and the life.
God is light and there is no darkness in Him. (1 John 1:5).
Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, is Spirit God, Father and Son is manifested on earth in man by the Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost of God.
Love, the pure holy Love of God is only available to mankind from Father God in the work of Christ Jesus by the consuming FIRE of the Holy Spirit saturating our entire being.
The Fire of God’s love is in the world through the Sons of God by the Holy Spirit of God.
The Fire of love dissolves all evil, sin and darkness or any other thing that hinders or lifts itself against the love rule of God.
The Fire of love ignites deep within us and quickly becomes a consuming fire of God’s overwhelming love arising to consume our hearts and minds to flow out of us impacting the world around us.
The fullness of the love and life of God flows with all the attributes of Heaven, all power and wisdom of God bringing forth His plan and purpose for your life, those around you and the entire world.
In the kingdom rule of love there is no rule of law.
By love all law is fulfilled. “Jesus said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like it: (AC)‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 (AD)On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.” Matthew 22:37-40.
The kingdom of love brings righteousness, which always leads to peace. In the righteousness and peace of love there is always JOY. The kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. (Romans 14:17).
The kingdom of God is the life of heaven come to earth.
All life begins in the Spirit and consist in the Spirit. Natural life flows from the Spirit and is a replica design of Spirit life from God.
Being in love with God opens heaven with all of its assets to guide and empower us to rule and reign with God on earth the paradise of God.
We live and walk in and by the Spirit of God by the power and wisdom of the pure holy love of God with us and in us. (Galatians 5:16,25).
We move in perfect oneness with God as one with God directed by His thoughts and strengthened by His glorious might to accomplish His will on earth, the paradise of the new fully redeemed earth. (1 Corinthians 6:17) (Ephesians 5:30).
We relate to God as a part of the Family of God. Father and Son are as one and with Holy Spirit altogether are one God married to one Wife, or BRIDE (mature grown-up children on earth) married to God in an intimate love union fit together to first meet the desire of God for a mate to love Him as He loves His Bride. And secondly together with His Bride to accomplish the will of God on earth.
The marriage union produces many children growing toward maturity as adult sons becoming a mighty army and powerful production unit carrying out the will of God, establishing the unprecedented majestic GLORY of God on earth. The unparalleled Glory that speaks to all creation of the greatness of our God Almighty.
All governance in the world is relational and can only function productively when structured and operated by the pattern of the Family of God.
Whether natural family, tribe, business group, ministry or nation, Father God from heaven must always be the head of every earthly relational structure beginning with the family consisting of husband / father, wife / mother, and children.
Love of God flowing from the head brings the order of God along with wisdom and power for each part to function together.
Whether the natural family, tribe, nation, or any other relational structure these same parts under God as head will function to do the will and work of God on earth as in heaven.
The church age systems proclaimed and propagated the love of God for His people. God loves all mankind and the world. However, the kingdom distinction is “being in love with God.” The difference in God loving mankind and being in love with God is His people truly loving Him.
The coming of the kingdom of God on earth is when the people of God truly fall in love with God. All heaven is released to change the world as the people truly love God with their whole life. All things are fulfilled and ordered in the glorious love and glory of God in and with us.
“Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” Luke 12:32.
Love Never Fails,
Ron McGatlin
“A Love Revival Is Unfolding Before Us” Kathi Pelton
As His love and presence washed over me, I realized that how He loves us is not merely a memory of a single moment, but it is a constant and never-ending reality that we can enter into at ANY given moment. Immediately, I had an overwhelming sense that more than anything else in this hour, the Lord wants His people to know the depth, height, width and length of His love for us.
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