Prophetic word released on July 20, 2021:
If we make ourselves a target, we will get hit – a lot…mostly because we receive whatever we believe is ours for keeps. But a mindset of being an arrow invites us into adventure with God, not defense from enemies. Adventure will get us into the kind of ‘trouble’ from which a lifestyle of continual defense and offense keeps us.
Safety in Christ Makes Us Dangerous
I sense the Lord charging us with this: The army, of which we are a part, does not confine us to being mere foot soldiers. When we respond to His desire for us all to “Come up here,” it is not a call to a restricted zone for prophets only, but a consistent call to the eternal realm of salvation called Christ! This is our greatest call: to be in Christ and seated in the realms of confidence in Him, with Him – to know Him.
Much of the world is largely in a combative mode for very obvious reasons – the pandemic, war, floods and famines…the work of relief is tireless, and our help in the midst of that can at times seem fragile or insufficient in the face of the enormity of the task.
Today, fresh courage came to me. We are not merely a task force confined to the groundwork or the airwaves of this planet. We are of the dominion of Heaven – a task force to be reckoned with because we come from the unrestricted zone of Christ, dispensing the glory and dominion of a God who created everything. Not only that, but He created us for the kind of works that make us vulnerable to His powerful love working through us, compelling us into the war zone of faith. (Photo via Flickr)
The talk of the Church being a continual target needs to change; this is not how God views the joy of the whole earth. The persecuted people need to know that persecution is not their daily bread, but Christ is. The Bible speaks in several places of us being like arrows in the hand of a warrior: Psalm 127:4 speaks of us as sons of God; we are arrows in the hand of a warrior. Psalm 7:13 says, “He has prepared His deadly weapons, He makes ready His flaming arrows.”
The “Babylon of confusion” is what is coming to an end (Jeremiah 51). That is what the word “Babylon” means – confusion, and we, as the people of God, are called out of confusion to bring clarity. The way we bring clarity is not through opinion but through the clarion call to Christ. The clarity and accuracy of freedom in Christ will be the victory of His people. The ultimate target was death and eternal death was conquered through Christ.
Arrows Are Sent Not Bent
The only way to be an arrow of the Lord is to be sent by His righteous right arm as missiles of the power of His resurrection life, to be released from His dominion as ambassadors of another Kingdom. We are a people of FAITH! We are not earthbound; we are Heaven sent!
Arrows also do not carry the pressure of hitting the target, that pressure is on the Arrowkingdom.smith, or the Fletcher – Christ’s Way – the ultimate perfection of purpose. God has made Christ to hit the mark of every challenge, every time, because God never misses. The Archer is the Lord who bends His bow and releases arrows of truth, a people of truth, into the confusion on the earth. We are not the targets of evil; we are arrows of goodness. We are not targets of fear but arrows of powerful love, hitting the mark wherever He sends us. We are not targets that are blindsided by schemes of darkness or governments. We are missiles of glory and citizens of a Kingdom that is unshakable, make no mistake.
We as the Church are called into the Godhead to be launched as “love missiles” into the target of humanity’s cry in the midst of confusion. The Gospel, the resurrection, the New Covenant of faith in Jesus has made divine provision long before the earth’s confusion. This is what we are about. We are a warrior Bride descending from another realm and being released from the righteous Judge, the Mighty Warrior, the Rider Faithful and True.
We Are in His Quiver – So We Need Not Quiver!
If you only see yourself as a target, you may get hit a lot; sometimes not even because of things you have done or are doing, but merely because you have put yourself in the warpath of confusion and not the “Warhead”; the Godhead. (Photo via Max Pixel)
Come up here and see how He sees, not because you are a prophet, but because you are a son of God, sharing in His victory by enforcing His victory on Earth. Come up and see what the prophets see: the Lord high and lifted up. Let the train of His robe, the righteous mind of God, fill you and spill over into all good works. You are God-sent! Be happily sent. You will hit the mark even when you think you have missed it!
“From now on, let no one cause me trouble, for I bear on my body the marks of Jesus.” (Galatians 6:17)
Paul suffered from a different mark for a fearless Gospel. The focus of our faith will determine the state of our minds at this time, and there has never been a more crucial time for us to know that our mind needs to be the mind of faith. If you are going to suffer, do not suffer the torment of fear, but suffer the marks of being MARKED BY YOUR FAITH IN CHRIST! He is happy to be carried in your body.
Isi De Gersigny
Jubilee Church
Isi De Gersigny is a co-founder and leader at Jubilee Church, Sydney. One of her passions is writing songs and music that touch the souls of people everywhere. Her love for the arts allows the exploration of different and creative ways of communicating to reveal Christ.