It is easy to see the real threat before us. The intelligence apparatus of the state has become a tool of politics. The mainstream media has created an unrestricted capacity to propagandize narratives that paint ordinary citizens as our enemies. As we are continually bombarded by confusing and contradictory messages, we have the one weapon available to us that can defeat them all…PRAYER!

The strategy is to pray fervently, with faith, that the truth will manifest, and the lies will be revealed. We pray that those things done in the darkness will be brought into the light.

Every home needs to become a laboratory of prayer. Pray for our President. Pray for those in leadership. YES… I said pray for our leaders. Pray that the scales will be removed from their eyes and the darkness in their hearts will be shattered by the light of God’s truth.

Will you join us in praying for our leaders and for God’s protection and blessing on our great nation?

The Bible also encourages us to “write down the vision and make it clear” (Habakkuk 2:2). These resources will help you in your daily walk with the Lord and serve as a way to document your dreams and prayers so that you can see how God responds to those needs in the coming months. Click here to get your gift today at

Isaiah 59:19 promises us that “when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift a standard against it.”

This paints a rich picture of God riding in to defend His people against overwhelming odds and unspeakable evil. Even amid uncertainty and craziness, we can be confident that as we stand united in prayer and committed to the truth, our God will fulfill His promise in Romans 8:28, knowing that “all things work together for good to those who love God, and those that are called according to His purpose.”

To help you pray bold prayers, I want to send you a copy of an extraordinary resource entitled “God’s Promises for Your Every Need.” This book is filled with scriptures that you can pray and declare over your life every day. I want to send you this as my gift for your support of any amount this month.



Pray that the fear and misinformation surrounding our lives and nation will be replaced with the hope and truth of the Gospel. The Apostle Paul described our current circumstances perfectly when he wrote in Romans 1:18, “suppressing the truth in unrighteousness.” At first, they merely seek to deceive, but gradually they are given over to deception and believe a lie (2 Tim 3:13). However, when you and I pray bold prayers, we will most certainly reap a reward in the coming days.


We are constantly being fed a diet of lies and deception that looks skimpier than a Kim Kardashian wardrobe change. However, what won’t get skimpier is the power available to us as believers through prayer. It is time for The Church to use this weapon to defeat the enemy of darkness who is seeking to kill and destroy our families and this great nation. You and I are on the front lines of this new chapter in history. It is time to put on the whole armor of God and get ready for the battle.

It is laughable that many Christian leaders worry more about their church being inappropriately engaged in the political battle for democracy than in losing their religious freedoms. Let’s be ruthlessly honest. ARE YOU READY?? Don’t doubt it for a second: The church is undergoing a significant shake-up.

Since the pandemic and past election, it feels that the promoters of nationwide riots, Cancel Culture, and Critical Race Theory are winning. It seems that we no longer have leaders that have a firm foundation of faith. It is up to you and me to be that “voice in the wilderness.”

Did you know that there are 20 million souls that love America but have never heard the Gospel? There is coming a day when revivalists will seize the flag to lead souls to the cross. The pastors and preachers who get this right will be promoted in this next move of God in America. I believe that when they do, they will be met with unexpected success.


While we do not employ the weapon of compulsion, we deploy the weapons of PRAYER AND PERSUASION. We should never seek to rule over people. Still, we can resist the devil and upend his dominion through prayer and persuasion.

Like our apostolic fathers, we can persuade kings, influence rulers, impact governments, and transform the lives of people and nations under these governments. If you grasp this, you will understand the magnitude of our threat to dictators and rulers of all types.

We must pray for our leaders. We should strive to live peacefully with all men. Still, we are inevitably on a collision course with evil and corrupt regimes, even those operating under the false veneer of democracy.

Christians can and should shape culture in EVERY sphere. Our weapons are spiritual and will manifest themselves through faithful prayers and the power of persuasion.


Nations are shaped by the influencers that dominate the high places of culture on seven mountains. Which of the seven mountains of culture are you supposed to engage? Or rather, which mountains would Jesus have us neglect or ignore? Education? Media? Government? Business? Arts and Entertainment? Your Family? The Church? You cannot “go into all the world, teaching and making disciples of nations” without intersecting or making a living in one of these domains.

Both salt and light have properties that affect things around them. For example, salt is used to enhance flavor and as a preservative. To be salt means deliberately seeking to influence the people in one’s life by showing them the unconditional love of Christ through good deeds (Matthew 5:13-16).

What exactly does it mean to be “salt and light” in these circles? More importantly, what did Jesus mean when he warned us that a loss of “saltiness” could lead to our being “trodden under foot of men?”


Perhaps you share my sense of the danger of this moment. How are we to overcome evil with good? One thing is sure; it will only come to pass through us being united in prayer and utilizing our God-given power of persuasion.

Our next big battle will be to unseat those in leadership who are driven only by self-interest and power. It is time for us to rise as a united body of believers and elect righteous people to our local and national offices in 2022.

Are we willing to suffer for doing good? Are you ready to let your good works shine before men? It is time for us to restore salt and light to our nation before it is trodden under the feet of unrighteous men and women!


It starts with a return to our radical roots. The word “root” is the Latin origin of the word “radical.” Radical preachers and their radical messages were the catalysts for The First Great Awakening. Radical praying. Radical witnessing. Radical conversions. A by-product of these Awakenings produced an extreme dislike for the overreach of King George.

It formed a new idea in history – a people free from government tyranny and the rule of the elites. That new idea is the grand experiment that we call America. Democracy and due process, freedom from the fear of government, and freedom of speech were new ideas. It was RADICAL THEN, and it is RADICAL NOW!


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