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  • #22077
    Yolanda Ballard


    Shared by Yolanda Ballard

    In this insanely indifferent place that we deem to call Religion…

    Many are drawn into an aspect of representing Christ — but in a way that is purely powerless.

    There is a form of godliness but it has no power, because it is of the flesh, the mind, and not of The Spirit.

    You cannot walk with the impression of The Word without accepting its full package that is the fullness of The Gospel.

    We must accept the laying on of the hands to heal the sick, and binding and losing to cast out demons, to set the captives free.

    These signs will follow those who believe. They will speak with new tongues, which are a heavenly prayer language, which is perfect.

    We must believe we can raise the dead, both spiritual and physical.

    How can we cast out demons, if we have need of the same?

    We must dive into The Word — openly receiving it all — asking for Revelation and Application.

    To escape the clutches of the evil one, we must come under full submission to The Spirit of The Living God.

    Yes, this is the day to reach out and touch the Hem of the Father’s Garment and be set free, to be all that God has called us to be. He needs us to be the Light in a dark world with His Life to share.

    This is the hour to usher in the end-time Harvest of souls. The Harvest is ripe but the workers are few. Their minds are upon distraction upon distraction and not upon The Word that brings Life.

    Yes, there is a famine in the land of the true Word. Everything else has taken precedence.

    We must return to our First Love and cry out to escape the apathy, indifference, complacency, vanity…. and the list goes on!



    Steven Bliss

    So very basic yet remains ever-lasting truth.

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