Syria (MNN) — How much would you risk to share your faith? Uncharted Ministries co-founder Tom Doyle says a new believer in Syria recently put her life on the line for Christ. “We’re seeing so many young Muslims coming to faith in Christ, and they’re sharing their faith. God is using new believers; they’re spreading the Gospel rapidly throughout the Middle East,” he says.

By August 24, 2021

“What we’re seeing today is a wave of holy boldness.”

(Photo courtesy of Ramy Kabalan/Unsplash)

When a Muslim woman we’ll call “Lydia” came to saving faith in Jesus, she immediately thought of her family. But not in the ways you might expect.

“She has a brother in the Islamic State [and] her brother is fighting with terrorists in Libya. She picks up the phone and calls him, and tells him she’s accepted Jesus as her Savior. He said, ‘Well, that distresses me and we will have to do something about this; I’m coming home.’ That next week she was baptized, and it wasn’t just her,” Doyle says.

“She had already led three other Sunni Muslims to faith in Christ. They were all baptized together.”

Lydia’s brother is still hunting for her, but thankfully she’s in a safe house. Pray for her continued protection, and pray the Lord will appear to her brother in a vision or dream. Pray he will understand God’s truth, and believe in Christ.

Find your place in the story

The Holy Spirit is moving among Muslims in the West, too. For example, two Muslim women in the United States recently came to faith in Christ after reading Women Who Risk: Secret Agents For Jesus In The Muslim World.

“They saw the cover photo of the woman in the pretty head covering and they started to read it,” Doyle says.

“[As] they were reading about what people had experienced in their religion, they would stop and ask each other, ‘Did you see this in Islam? Did you see women being beaten? I did, too. I guess this is the truth. Let’s keep going.’ These two Muslim best friends read all of Women Who Risk and at the end, prayed to receive Jesus as Savior.”

Once God sets a Muslim woman free, she becomes an unstoppable force for God. Women Who Risk takes readers into the intimacy of Muslim homes in Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iran, and other hot spots to see the drama of Christ at work.
(Photo, caption courtesy of Thomas Nelson)

Today, the women are actively involved in discipleship courses and eager to share their faith. “They want to start an exercise class [for] their Muslim friends who emigrated here, just to get to know them and to love on them, and eventually share the Gospel of Jesus with them,” Doyle says.

Do you have a Muslim coworker or neighbor? Pray for courage to share the Gospel with them. Maybe you can use one of Doyle’s books as a starting point for conversation.

“One-fifth of the world is Muslim, [it’s the] largest people group we need to reach,” Doyle says.

“Muslims have never been more open. We’re trying to inspire the Body of Christ to wake up and realize that the Muslim harvest is here.”

Header image is a representative stock photo courtesy of mostafa meraji/Unsplash.
