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  • #24411
    Yolanda Ballard


    October 13, 2022

    Shared by Yolanda Ballard

    “This is the hour of My Power. It is a time to rejoice and be glad and not allow the enemy to deter you from your highest calling, which is to worship the King of kings, The King of My Glory, The LORD, high and lifted up to where His train fills the tabernacle.

    Taste and see that The LORD is good. Blessed is the man who trusts in Him and makes their abode in Him.

    Reach up and touch The Train of His Glory, for the fringes of it are mighty to heal and restore you to your original intent.

    The enemy came even before you were born to rob your inheritance in Me by tainting your bloodline with that which wasn’t of Me.

    Many even suffer up to this day with the curses from witchcraft, but I have come to set the captives free.

    Trust Me and believe Me for I am faithful to touch your loved ones with My saving Grace and My Healing Power.

    Cast all your cares upon Me for I care for you and take care of all yourneeds. Trust Me and obey for that is the only way.

    Believe My promises for they are all yes and Amen to you. Only believe and receive.

    I AM doing a deep work in your heart by allowing those things that may cause offenses. I mature you through all that I allow.

    How do you know what is in your heart unless it is tested with the fire of My love?

    The steps of the righteous are ordered by the LORD. Lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Me and I will direct your path.

    I have seen all your days before you were born and have made provision for them. I can do the impossible. My Ways are higher than yours. I have My Ways of providing for you.

    Yes, taste and see for I AM Good. Be blessed and continue on in Me,” says your God.


    Steven Bliss

    ….thank you.

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