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Holy passionate love in the presence of God consuming the spirit and soul of young men and women brings the kingdom of heaven to earth.

Experiencing the pure holy all-consuming love of God in the company of a spiritually on-fire group of young people is heaven coming to earth. Spirit to Spirit expression of love is far beyond any experience of natural love on earth. The complete fulfillment of joy, excitement and perfect peace is truly found in becoming one with God. It is beyond the natural life of mind and emotions. It is everlasting life in Spirit union with Almighty God in Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit.


God is now awakening us unto a Spirit life of pure holy love in and with God. As we awaken to a pure love connection and full-time relationship with God we grow into greater maturity in this life. Whether we are eighty or eighteen or eight years old, the new kingdom Spirit life only begins when we truly are consumed in love with God.

This is not just the born-again birth that we call salvation. This is a giant step in growing up into true kingdom men and women that are totally in love with God and have given themselves completely to Him.


Thank God for the church age of birthing Christian people from the unsaved masses and for the discipling of us into a more Spirit reality. If the church-emphasis age had not been, then there would be no kingdom-emphasis age now coming forth in this world. Many books could be written describing the many works of God from the First Century to this current Twenty-First Century.

However, the way we have lived in the church age will not work in the kingdom age. That which was only in part is now becoming whole.

In the church age, we separated our personal life into parts. There was our family life, our business or work life, our church or religious life, and other parts. We sought to learn how to act in the divided segments of life. God was allowed to be involved at different levels in some of the segments of life and ignored in others.

In falling completely in love with God, our entire life becomes ONE. All of our life is in His hands as He guides and empowers our entire life. Our purpose in life is His purpose and nothing is apart from Him.

We do not give a percentage to God and keep the rest. In the church- emphasis age we gave a part of our time and a part of our money to serving God.

In the kingdom age, all our time and all our money belong to Him. He lives in us as one Spirit with us. His Spirit abides in us and we abide in Him. We are seated with Him in Christ Jesus in heaven and He walks with us on earth at the same time. (John 15:5-8) (1 Corinthians 19-20) (Ephesians 1:20, 2:6).

God is involved and cares about everything in our lives. Every breath and every moment of our time on earth is now Him living on earth as the ONE HEAD of His entire Body of many sons and daughters of God. (Colossians 1:17-18).

God and the kingdom age is not about religion. Nor is it about God being only a part of our lives. GOD IS OUR LIFE. He cares about every part of our lives and will empower us to do all that we are given to do and be in this world. (Galatians 2:20).

The kingdom life is a life of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. The kingdom life is God in Christ in us living His life now on earth. This is the reality of the King and His kingdom coming forth on earth. (Romans 14:17) (Colossians 1:26-27).

In Christ, we are Spirit beings in earthly bodies designed to bring the love and governance of God from heaven to earth. There is no greater fulfillment of peace and joy on earth beyond becoming one with God and His purpose. (John 14:20)


A generation of kingdom people are now being born, and have been being born in recent decades. These young people of God are equipped with the supernatural Spirit DNA of God to destroy the evil of the world with the LOVE of God flowing the POWER and WISDOM of God.

Satan and all anti-Christ evil spirits know the kingdom children are being born and are trying to stop them through the abortion of babies and perversions that prevent successful procreation of the people of God.

This same type of thing of slaughtering babies happened when Moses was born and again at the birth of Christ Jesus. The same thing is happening now in the season of the manifesting of Christ in a generation of kingdom people.

AN AWAKENING OF THE LOVE OF GOD IN THE YOUTH HAS BEGUN NOW! The young adults of the kingdom generation are emerging now! They are becoming visible speaking the powerful Gospel of the Kingdom bringing the transformation of this world.

Among the young children and babies born in this season are the kingdom of God leaders for this world. Christ Jesus the king of glory is being formed in His chosen kingdom people.


In the earlier part of my life span, I saw and was part of the beginnings of this transition. It began in much mixture as gifted but deceived youth rebelled against all systems of human authority and governance. They were seeking PEACE and LOVE but did not know God. During the Hippie movement in the late 1960s and 70s, God sent His Spirit into some of the young people with the truth of the peace and love of God in Christ Jesus. This became the JESUS PEOPLE movement of God that exploded into the world.

Most of the church despised and did not receive the hippie-type young people that became the Jesus People fanatics. A few church leaders saw that God was changing the world in this holy fire revival of love and praise music unto the reality of relationship and manifestations of the presence of God.

I was personally involved and observed this great phenomenon that began the abrupt changes from the religious church age toward an age of love, peace and praise music exploding into the world. However, the kingdom of God was not in public view at that time.

It was in the 1980s that the revelation of the reality of God’s kingdom now available on earth through the indwelling of Christ by the Holy Spirit began to be publicly received. The reality of understanding that the kingdom of God is not meat and drink but RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE, AND JOY IN THE HOLY SPIRIT. (Romans 14:17)

In the 1990s powerful revivals and Holy Spirit outpourings occurred with demonstrations of miracles and manifestations. Some of the revival outpourings culminated in THE LOVE OF THE FATHER and greatly affected much of the world. And now in the 2000s, the reality that it all comes through the relationship of being totally IN LOVE WITH GOD is taking us into the kingdom of God on earth.


God is revealing to His people, with Holy Spirit eyes to see and ears to hear, a mighty vision of imminent powerful awakening among the youth similar to but far advanced to the worldwide outpouring of the latter 1960s and 70s.

A movie called JESUS REVOLUTION based on this historical awakening of youth is now coming in theaters. I have not yet seen the entire movie. However, I believe it is a good starting point to enter the great kingdom of God awakening of 2023.

It is impossible for me to overstate the ultimate significance of the intervention of the power and glory of the release of the full power of heaven now coming forth in this season.

The ultimate dissolution and dissolving of all that is not of God in this world is beyond my words to describe. The ultimate glory and power of God is entering now into this world through the pure holy love relationship of redeemed and restored young people called out from the “Millennials” and “Gen Z” generations.

There has never been a more significant time in the history of this world. The final summation of all that has gone before from the time God spoke the creation of the world until now is fulfilled in the glory of God establishing His everlasting kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.

The glorified Earth is becoming one with heaven and the showplace of God for all creation. The fully manifested GLORY OF THE LOVE OF THE KING OF KINGS that is beyond all understanding will reign forever. This is the kingdom without end, and we get to be a part of it, along with all the people of God that have ever lived on earth.

Ron McGatlin

After I finished this article, I opened an email from Dutch Sheets. The link to this video was in that email. His vision from God is a perfect picture of what this article is about.

ALSO watch the ofical trailer of the JESUS REVOLUTION movie! 

‘We Are Not Competitors We Are UNITERS’ – Bernice Scheidler

‘We Are Not Competitors We Are UNITERS’ – Bernice Scheidler

“This race is not a competition! As you work together in unity the heavy weights that the enemy has used to keep my people bound will be uprooted, I will use you as chain breakers.” “Unity will move you forward into the plans I have for your future.” “Unity will propel you forward in my glory competition will only take you in circles, and you will end up right back where you started.”

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