Following-up on our theme for 2023:


There is nothing surer for 2023—that the global oligarchy of elites will ramp up their agenda for saving the planet.

Battle for total sovereignty

To do this they must prosecute a battle for total sovereignty, of enslaving the masses for their own good. They will do this by several means. They will move the nations toward Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) as a form of social credit, controlling each person’s supply of money based on their compliance to government edicts. These edicts already embrace gender and marriage redefinitions (weaponised by draconian antidiscrimination laws that violate normal human rights such as freedoms of religion and expression); fraudulent vaccines that reengineer human DNA (weaponised by enforced mandates and lockdowns); climate, food, and energy control; geoengineering, and much more.

God’s purpose for time-space history

We could enlarge ad infinitum on the open conspiracy that is before us. Nevertheless, while a clear analysis of the unfolding events of the last three years is important it is far more crucial that the redeemed community discover cogent answers for the world crisis. This entails discovering biblical blueprints for government, public health, medicine, economics, and much more.

But for this to occur we must first see that the Kingdom of God is for here and now. God’s saving act in Christ occurred in time-space history, culminating in his ascension and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. This occurred on the day of Pentecost and continues to the present not only through periods of revival but also the daily faithfulness of God’s people. The singular purpose of the outpoured Holy Spirit is to bring the Kingdom of God in history, his will being done on earth as it is in heaven (Mt 6:10).

To this end we will provide throughout 2023 various teachings and resources that focus on the victory of Christ in history (aka Postmillennialism). We will present an alternative to the defeatist pop-eschatologies (doctrine of end things) of modern evangelicalism (aka Premillennialism and Amillennialism).

This week we have a classic message delivered by Ern Baxter at the 1977 ‘Conference on the Charismatic Renewal in the Christian Churches’, Arrow Head Stadium, Kansas City, when 50,000 charismatics from all streams of the church gathered for a week of worship and teaching.

At this highpoint of the renewal Ern delivered a powerful message concerning the centrality of Christ’s Kingdom coming in history and the destiny of the redeemed community as its agency.

Listen: ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ by Ern Baxter
How to release God’s Word to the nations
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