One of the tactics of the enemy is boredom. People can be busy but they’re bored. Boredom is the result of not being on adventure with God. We live in a culture that hails independence, self-sufficiency, survival and self-help. It all sounds so good, but the fruit of it is boredom. People are bored, they are not living a great adventure, because they have chose to trust self and not God. Trusting God is the greatest adventure you will ever be on, there is literally no time to be bored when you are truly walking with God.

Saturday Feb 11, 2023

Living on adventure with God has so many benefits to it, one it causes you to be and feel fully alive even when you are not doing some activity; it produces in you a sense of purpose for your existence on this earth; it gives you hope for what is possible; and it produces a joy in you that circumstances cannot alter. But the most important benefit is it pleases God. Trust is faith and Hebrews 11:6 says “Without faith it is impossible to please God, for he who comes to God must believe that He is (God) and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.” When you trust God that pleases God and His pleasure is what keeps the adventure active every day.

Most people don’t walk by faith, because they are self something in so many ways, but self is not fun, God is fun. We were created for God’s pleasure, the Lord loves doing life with us. It is any wonder Jesus said, “When the Son of Man comes, shall He indeed find faith on earth?” Did you know Jesus is coming to earth looking for faith? Faith is what attracts Christ to us! Faith is the great adventure, because when we live by faith we do life with God and then He brings others around and it is so much fun and full of adventure.

There is nothing boring about the kingdom of God. What is boring is living for ourselves. Making it all about me and me time. You can do that stuff, but I promise you, it is boring. Living by faith, putting yourself in a place when you are not sure how things are going to workout, is not thrill seeking, it is faith walking and it is the greatest adventure you will ever embark on. Try it, I think you will like it, for God is a lot of fun to do life with!