12/29/2015 OpenHeaven.com Digest
1. 2016 The Year of Kingdom Awakening
2. Come Forth Young Man Come Forth
3. News Headlines
12/16/2015 OpenHeaven.com Digest
2. All You Need is Love
3. World Peace Prayer
5. News Headlines
12/10/2015 OpenHeaven.com Digest
1. Is There A Time to Bear Arms? A Biblical View
2. News Headlines
12/3/2015 OpenHeaven.com Digest
1. Leap of the Faith of God Within
2. Thy Kingdom Come
3. News Headlines
11/24/2015 OpenHeaven.com Digest
2. The Old Man is Dead – In Christ is Newness of Life
3. News Headlines
11/19/2015 OpenHeaven.com Digest
1. Treachery Among Believers?!
2. Talkers, Gawkers, and Walkers
3. News Headlines
11/12/2015 OpenHeaven.com Digest
1. Attaining Resurrection Life
2. Give Us Back Our Land
3. News Headlines
11/5/2015 OpenHeaven.com Digest
1. A New Heaven and a New Earth
2. Body Connection Ignites Kingdom Purpose
3. News Headlines
10/28/2015 OpenHeaven.com Digest
2. Charismatic Christianity Is Not (Necessarily) The Kingdom!
3. News Headlines
10/22/2015 OpenHeaven.com Digest
1. Clearing the Channel for His Glory
2. Note from Ron
3. News Headlines
10/15/2015 OpenHeaven.com Digest
1. Shutdown and Reboot
2. Note from Ron
3. The Coming Outpouring of Light
4. News Headlines
10/8/2015 OpenHeaven.com Digest
1. The Eternal River Our Present Reality
2. The Empowering of God Dependency
3. News Headlines
9/30/2015 OpenHeaven.com Digest
1. Forming the New Kingdom Order
A Modern Day Parable Part 5
2. Ambassadors of Heaven Assigned to Earth
3. News Headlines
9/24/2015 OpenHeaven.com Digest
1. Abiding in the Glory Realm
A Modern Day Parable Part 4
2. Love Story Of The Ages
3. News Headlines
9/17/2015 OpenHeaven.com Digest
1. Transference of the Wealth of the World
A Modern-day Parable Part 3
2. What I See Coming in the 2nd Half of 2015
3. Picking Up Sticks and Shinning His Light
4. News Headlines
9/10/2015 OpenHeaven.com Digest
1. Discovering the Brightest Light of Heaven  Modern-day Parable Part 2
2. News Headlines
9/3/2015 OpenHeaven.com Digest
1. A Modern-day Parable Part 1
2. America and Antichrist
3. Where Are Our Children?
4. News Headlines
8/27/2015 OpenHeaven.com Digest
1. A Call to Supernatural Kingdom Victory
2. Daily Prophetic Word – In Spirit and In Truth
3. News Headlines
8/20/2015 OpenHeaven.com Digest
1. The Love of Home
2. What About the Church
3. News Headlines
8/13/2015 OpenHeaven.com Digest
1. Brilliant Spiritual Light
2. A Note From Bob Mumford
3. News Headlines
8/6/2015 OpenHeaven.com Digest
2. I will bring you out of trouble and give you TRIUMPH
3. Small Straws In A Soft Wind
3. News Headlines
7/31/2015 OpenHeaven.com Digest
1. Mercy In Judgment
2. The New Life
3. Pioneers, Forerunners, & Trailblaizerss
4. News Headlines
7/23/2015 OpenHeaven.com Digest
1. A New Season of Glory
2. Energized And The Great Unlocking Is Happening In Seeing His Glory
3. Today you stand at the threshold of a new beginning
4. News Headlines
7/16/2015 OpenHeaven.com Digest
Are You Expecting God’s Shekinah Glory?
Transformation of the Bride
News Headlines
7/9/2015 OpenHeaven.com Digest
1. Prepared for a journey through a foreign land.
2. Changed By Love
3. Where’s the Power?
4. News Headlines
7/2/2015 OpenHeaven.com Digest
1. Radical Supernatural Spirituality
2. We Need Reality!
3. News Headlines
6/25/2015 OpenHeaven.com Digest
1. We Stand At A Line of Demarcation
2. His River of Life Flowing Out of You
3. News Headlines
6/18/2015 OpenHeaven.com Digest
1. The Best Defense Is an Offense
2. What I See Coming In 2nd Half of 2015
3. His promises are surronding and encircling you.
4. Has A Nation Changed gods?
5. News Headlines
6/11/2015 OpenHeaven.com Digest
1. The Fruit Is His Glory
2. Fresh Mana From Heaven
3. News Headlines
6/4/2015 OpenHeaven.com Digest
1. Spirit Connections
2. And Jesus Said – Follow Me
3. News Headlines
5/28/2015 OpenHeaven.com Digest
1. What More Can God Do?
2. America’s Unusual Awakening!
3. News Headlines
5/21/2015 OpenHeaven.com Digest
1. They Rose Up To Play
2. The Birth Canal
3. News Headlines
5/14/2015 OpenHeaven.com Digest
1. Precious Kingdom Seed
2. The Scandalous Reason You Struggle With the Supernatural
3. News Headlines
5/7/2015 OpenHeaven.com Digest
1. Tend His Garden
2. The Indwelling Compelling –
A Sign of Personal Kingdom Order
3. Sexuality Dislocated
4. News Headlines
4/28/2015 OpenHeaven.com Digest
1. The Transformational Power of Love
2. The Revealer of Mysteries
3. What On Earth Is Going On? – Excerpt
4. News Headlines
4/23/2015 OpenHeaven.com Digest
1. Stand Up In Holy Boldness
3. News Headlines
4/16/2015 OpenHeaven.com Digest
1. Last Call for America and the Western World
2. The Alarm is Sounding
3. United Nations to Hear of Rising Persecution of Believers
4. News Headlines
4/9/2015 OpenHeaven.com Digest
1. The Heart of God
2. Proclaim My Grace Like AN Anthem
3. News Headlines
4/2/2015 OpenHeaven.com Digest
1. The Breath of Heaven on Earth
2. Kissing Us To Life – Resurrection Movement
3. News Headlines
3/26/2015 OpenHeaven.com Digest
1. A Sacrificed Life
2. Once Again Will I Breath Upon The Earth
2. News Headlines
3/19/2015 OpenHeaven.com Digest
1. It Is Time To Fight
2. The Invisible Kingdom And Its King
3. News Headlines
3/13/2015 OpenHeaven.com Digest
1. Crystal Clear Spirit Connection
2. From The Heart of God
3. Birth of the Man-Child
4. News Headlines
3/5/2015 OpenHeaven.com Digest
1. Be Strong and Very Courageous
2. Kingdom Reality Is Upon Us
3. News Headlines
2/25/2015 OpenHeaven.com Digest
1. The Spark of Life – Ignition
3. A Video Tribute to Wade Taylor
4. News Headlines
2/18/2015 OpenHeaven.com Digest
2. Arise – For The Kingdom Of God Is At hand
3. News Headlines
2/11/2015 OpenHeaven.com Digest
1. The Kingdom – Our Bridge to Proper Government
2. Beyond the Scope of Natural Reality
3. “We’re Not in Kansas Anymore”
4. News Headlines
2/5/2015 OpenHeaven.com Digest
1. Love Dissolving Limitations – (The Next Move of God)
2. Awaken To The Season At Hand
3. A Storm is Comming
4. News Headlines
1/28/2015 OpenHeaven.com Digest
1. Experiencing the Pure Holy Love of God
2. 2015 – Anappointed Hour!
3. All Heaven Is About To Break Loose
4. News Headlines
1/22/2015 OpenHeaven.com Digest
1. GOD’S LOVE, Our Greatest Asset
2. We Are Becoming Love
3. News Headlines
1/12/2015 OpenHeaven.com Digest
1. Boldness in the Day of Judgment
2. Heavens Government on Earth (as it is in heaven)
3. News Headlines
1/6/2015 OpenHeaven.com Digest
1. 2015 A Joseph Type Year
2. Glimpse into 2015
3. Hunger for God
4. News Headlines


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