Millions of Angels Are Coming!

Recently, I had a vision where I was taken into Heaven. I was escorted to a room where large celestial beings were overseeing an ancient portal that served as a gateway between Heaven and Earth. Then I heard the Spirit of God say, “It is time for the harvesting angels to partner with My Church.”

Suddenly, a loud trumpet sound was made, and a massive army made up of millions and millions of angels instantly mobilized together in a flight formation. Then I heard the voice of the angelic gatekeeper say to the Church, “Reinforcements are coming.” The angelic gatekeeper opened the portal, and suddenly millions of angels passed through, from Heaven to Earth.

Then I heard the Spirit of God say to me, “Tell the Church to call forth the ‘Ministering Heirs of Salvation,’ to call for reinforcements, and I will send them.”

“Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?” (Hebrews 1:14 KJV)

Now is the time; it is the hour for the Church to call for Heaven’s reinforcements. It is time for God’s end-time army, both in Heaven and on Earth, to work together to bring forth the harvest of souls. I see visions of millions of angels working in the unseen realm, assisting the Church in this next hour. We will see massive deliverance, miracles and breakthroughs…the kinds that we have cried out for but have not yet seen.

We were never supposed to do this alone. Throughout the book of Acts, there are so many instances of angelic activity, because angels assisted the early Church. This partnership is vital right now, as we aim advance the Kingdom.

A great example of this is found in Acts 12, as an angel helps Peter escapes from prison. After escaping, Peter goes to the house of Mary, the mother of John Mark. When Peter knocks, the servant Rhoda answers the door. Overjoyed, she runs back and tells everyone inside that Peter is at the door. However, no one believes her. In fact, in verse 15 they respond, “You’re out of your mind.” When she keeps insisting that it is so, they say, “It must be his angel.” It’s my belief that angelic activity was so normal at that time, it caused them to believe Peter’s angel was knocking on the door, instead of Peter himself! This is how it shall be once again.

Millions of angels are on their way; they are coming. It is time to partner with Heaven and see the release of extraordinary supernatural activity. Because what we could not do alone, we will do together, on Earth as it is in Heaven. (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)

Revival Mandate

For years, I had been on a journey seeking authentic revival. Then, in 2015, I had a prophetic encounter where God spoke to me and said, “Aaron, if you want authentic revival, then it starts with prayer.” Literally days after celebrating Rosh Hashanah, while in prayer, I heard the Spirit of God say, “Now is the time for a new Kingdom movement that is birthed out of REVIVAL.”

It is important to recognize that revival does not manifest just because we want it to. There are certain conditions that must be met in order to bring it to pass. Often we say we want revival, but are we willing to pay the price to see it come to pass? Real revival cannot be manufactured by hype.

Real revival is born out of the FIRE! Prayer is key because prayer creates movements that birth revival. Prayer is the place where the fire is born. This is because revival is supernatural.

Therefore, we must pray, because when we pray, something happens on the inside of us. A transformation takes place as we experience the fire of God. Prayer is so much more than the spiritual action of invoking communication with God. Prayer is the intimate act of coming face-to-face with God, and that is what revival is all about – EXPERIENCING GOD.

In the Gospel of Luke, chapter 24 verse 32, two men met face to face with Jesus while walking on a road: “They asked each other, ‘Were not our hearts burning within us while He talked with us…?'” There is a fire, there is a burning, that is born out of a face-to-face encounter with Jesus. When we have the fire on the INSIDE of our hearts, we not only see and perceive everything differently, but we also hear differently; we move, we walk and we live differently. Everything about our lives becomes unique, because they are now BRANDED BY THE FIRE.

There is movement, a ripple effect, because as we are changed on the inside, we then become a conduit through which the fire that is in us spreads. When we live in the FIRE, EVERYTHING IS IMPACTED. Those who have walked through the fire leave sparks everywhere they go. That’s important to know, because it only takes a spark to light a fire! Ferdinand Foch said, “The most powerful weapon on the earth is the human soul on fire.” This is where revival starts…on the inside of our hearts.

The Coat of Many Colors

I heard the Lord say, “It is time for the Church to go beyond unity and racial reconciliation. It is time to become one Body, to be in one accord, with every race and culture represented – like Joseph’s coat of many colors. In fact, it is My prayer that My Church would be one, that My Body would be the place where all races and cultures blend together in harmony. It is here that the people will know Me by our love. Through this all peoples of the world will know that I am the Lord and that I am with you.”

Then He said, “The world is looking for love; they are looking for a place to belong. And if the Church does lead the way, the world will continue to try to build a false utopia of fake racial equality. There is no life in this because they build in vain, as they are missing the most important ingredient, ME (Jesus Christ). They are building an idol like the tower of Babel. It is a form of unity, devoid of God, with a demonically inspired agenda to take control of world systems.”

It is time for His Bride to be one. It is time for brother to stand with brother, to demonstrate love that moves beyond racial and cultural divides, so we can demonstrate the greatest love the world has ever seen. And as we demonstrate this love, God will bestow the blessing of Psalm 133 and release the greatest anointing the Church has ever seen! (Photo via Unsplash)

Tent Revivals Marked by Deliverance

The other day, I was driving down interstate I-5 when the Lord suddenly spoke: “I am raising up the next wave of tent revivals. This will be like the Voice of Healing, where the miraculous will be demonstrated in power; only it will not be marked by only a few leaders but an entire generation of upcoming leaders who will demonstrate the power of God. This is the ‘nameless and faceless’ generation that will move in both power and love. Many will be saved, others delivered.

In fact, these meetings will be marked by deliverance. Many will be delivered from the occult. Others who struggle with same-sex attraction, and even those who are trans and going through transition, will be miraculously delivered.

Then He continued: “Even the young will be delivered. This will take place all over the nation, as I am healing both the people and the land. A deliverance revival made of tents is coming that will move the Church outside of the four walls and create such a spiritual hunger that an awakening will dawn a new day!”

Unearthed Resources as a Sign of God’s Supernatural Provision

Recently, when I was in prayer, the Lord said to me, “I am opening up undiscovered natural resource in the earth. This will be a sign that I am going to provide supernaturally for those who seek and find Me in this season. For I am about to do something profound, so those who are in doubt can witness My goodness.

For I am going to prosper those who seek Me in this season, so they can carry out My purposes in their lives – despite the many shakings in the global economy. Yet, I will not only sustain you but cause you to thrive and prosper as a testimony to My greatness.

“Look at the signs I will bring forth in the earth in this season, for new finding after finding, and discovery after discovery will be the sign that I am doing this. Trust Me in this season and do not fret, for I am with you.”

Dr. Aaron Winter
Hearts of Fire International Ministries


Dr. Aaron Winter serves as the president of Hearts of Fire International Ministries, an emerging apostolic center in Portland, Oregon, and is the senior pastor of Vineyard Christian Fellowship of Federal Way, Washington. He’s the podcast and television host of Be Revival, and he has held evangelistic outreaches that have witnessed hundreds of thousands come to Christ. Dr. Winter received his Doctorate in Divinity from Destiny Christian University and is a published author. His passion is to see this generation experience God, get empowered, and become activated in their calling, so we can witness a new Kingdom movement for genuine, authentic revival. Today, Aaron and his wife, Nicole, make their home in the beautiful Northwest.

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