That which God has prepared for those who love Him is now manifesting. As great darkness covers the earth the glorious light of the love of God is rapidly breaking forth into this world.

The darkened minds of natural man cannot see the supernatural Spirit reality of that which God has prepared for those who truly are in love with Him.

“…Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,
Nor have entered into the heart of man
The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”

But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit… 1 Corinthians 2:9-10.


In this season of the great darkness and the brilliant light of the glory of God there is increased acceleration of Spirit activity on earth.


There are many sudden separations among people and groups and at the same time many new gatherings or groups are coming together. The fresh light of the love of God is drawing together people of light. Many groups of light and love are coming together as one unified family.

Groups of darkness are also coming together to war against the light and love of God.

Those that are of the light of God are being further transformed and prepared for the works ahead. Their preparation is happening at a rate much faster than we have known before. Overnight great spiritual changes are occurring in people. Gifts and abilities emerge filling us with courage and power to be and do things that are beyond anything we have ever done before.

In a moment we can be sent and moved to new places among new peoples to pour out the love, power, and wisdom of God. We can awaken any morning and find what seems to be a whole new world of circumstances and situations.

Our natural minds could never adjust to such accelerated change. It is only by the Spirit of God and the mind of Christ in us that we will move with ease through the times of the manifestations of the massive works of God. Truly we are coming to grasp the truth that all things are possible with God.

Though we may be supernaturally moving at the speed of light, our hearts and minds will be as if we were in the slow motions of perfect peace. The pressure to hurry is completely gone and foreign to our lives in the Holy Spirit. Yet massive works are being accomplished in the power and presence of God with us bringing forth His kingdom on earth.


Resting in God does not mean inactivity. It really means TRUST. It means fully trusting in God to empower, facilitate and accomplish in and through us all that He has for us to be and do in this world.

As we move through this life with Him, we trust in His perfect guidance, empowerment, and provision and there is no stress or frustrations in life. All things both natural or supernatural that God gives us to do are possible and nothing is impossible to God in us. (Matthew 19:26).

Christ in us is the hope, the positive expectation, of the glory of God’s will and purposes being accomplished in this world. (Colossians 1:26-27).


If the Son abides in us, we have the Father within by the Holy Spirit! If the Holy Spirit is in us the Father and the Son are with us. If we are FILLED with Holy Spirit we are filled with Christ Jesus and Father God. (John 17:20-23).

When we are born again as a new Spirit creation, we are baby sons and daughters of God. No longer children of Adam but Spirit baby children of God. (John 3:3) (Romans 8:18-22).


We are like a seedling plant that must grow into a mature stature before bearing the fruit of multiplied manifestation of the seed that we came from.

Our sin-damaged spirit and soul of Adam being replaced with the Spirit of Christ is the process of maturing into Sons of God.

As mature Sons of God, we manifest the life and works of God from heaven on earth. Who we were is crucified with Christ and we no longer live. It is Christ with the Father by the Holy Spirit that lives in our being to complete the works of His kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.

“I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.” Galatians 2:20.

We, the fully mature Sons of God, whether male or female, are the presentation or manifestation of God, in Christ Jesus by the Holy Spirit on earth.

“To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” Colossians 1:27.

Love never fails and
His kingdom never ends.

Ron McGatlin

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