Shared by Yolanda Ballard

Seek the Lord while He may be found for there will come a day when the seeking becomes limited. That precious quiet time you now have with the Lord Jesus will become disturbed. Treasure this time now and do not allow it to be taken away by vain distractions that amount to nothing to your spiritual growth.

Know the Lord Jesus not just to know about Him. Commune with Him closely. Like John did. Lay your head upon His breast and listen to His heartbeat. Learn of His ways and walk in them of humility and trust believing that He will keep His word to you. All His promises are yes and Amen.

Most of all seek to know His heart, what He cares about, His burdens. Draw close to Him and intercede with Him until you see fulfillment by faith. If all seek the burden of His heart and pray through, much will be accomplished. Too often people pray what they see as burden and pray through what they see should take place. But I say today that is not the will of God to pray your burden but His.

Be still and know He is God. Know Him as your God. Delight in Him. Rejoice in His victory over sin, death, and the grave. Live the crucified life and have His resurrection power flowing freely through you. Yes, this is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.

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