One of the greatest challenges we face as a church is a double tongue. One minute we are praising God for the victory and the next minute we are seeing the enemy and repeating what evil is doing. James 3:7-8 says, “No one came tame the tongue; it is a restless evil and full of deadly poison. With it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the likeness of God; from the same mouth come both blessing and cursing. My brethren these things ought not to be this way.” We have been declaring America shall be saved one moment and then complaining about whatever bad news the television tells us is going on the next. My friends, we cannot be speaking two narratives. Either God is redeeming our land or He is destroying it. Either our nation is one nation under God or it is cursed. Pick a narrative, but stop speaking with a double tongue.

We have been told in Joel 2 and Acts 2 the spirit has been poured out on all flesh, your sons and daughters can prophesy (speak, declare, announce good news, words of encouragement, something that edifies those who hear it), so if you are going to prophesy, prophesy, we need to hear words of encouragement. Words of light and life pierce the darkness and destroy the sprit of death. Remember Moses and Solomon said, the power of life and death is in the tongue. Then Toby Mac even wrote a song to remind us to Speak Life!!! If being in the “know” by watching the news is your narrative, then listen, watch and learn, but don’t echo what they are saying, for there is another narrative and it is good news, but you must read your Bible to hear the good news. The good news is the narrative we are to echo, but you must spend time in the word to know the narrative of the kingdom.

Psalm 7:9 is the narrative of the nations, “O let the evil of the wicked come to an end, but establish the righteous; For the righteous God tries the hearts and minds.” The narrative of the nations is that wickedness is coming to an end and righteousness is being established. You are not going to hear that on the local, national or international news, but you will hear it in the Bible. This is our decree, this is our narrative, this is what we are to echo, wickedness is ending and righteousness is being established. It’s the truth and our opinion on the subject does not matter. Speak life, declare truth and watch how God changes the frequency of the narrative you hear and speak.

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