by | Jun 21, 2023 | Colorado

Shocking the enemy. How Mario Murillo Ministries is defying the experts and overcoming the headwinds of Woke.

This is supposed to be the worst of times for mass soul winning in America. Experts armed with statistics paint a dire picture. They label the Gospel hate speech, and they say, “No one wants to hear the Gospel!” They also point to widespread abuse of signs and wonders and say that miracles have fallen into disrepute. Yet these are the two things we emphasize.

The threats levelled at us and other outreach ministries are at an all-time high. Woke outlets—in no uncertain terms—tell us to shut up and stay out of their cities.

Woke outlets—in no uncertain terms—tell us to shut up and stay out of their cities.

The picture Christian experts paint is just as gloomy as what is coming from the secular media. These ‘experts’ recommend that the church should just hunker down and ride out the storm. They warn against straight and clear Gospel preaching. Woke churches take it a step further and publicly oppose soul winning.

How then can you explain what God is doing in our midst? God is doing everything they say cannot be done. The Holy Spirit—like a sniper—is picking off every lie of the experts and exposing the false limitations that that hinder the modern church.

The general public—the real people—want to hear the Word of God. They come early and in large numbers to hear it. Miracles flow in divine order and solely for the glory of God. Praise the Lord!

How then can you explain what God is doing in our midst? God is doing everything they say cannot be done.

Because of those false limitations, some local churches are reluctant to join our efforts. But that does not stop the crowds from coming. And the churches who do join us are discovering what happens after a tent crusade is over. The fire remains. The fruit remains. The fervor to win souls continues, and two additional sacred cows of Woke have been slain:

-They claim Christians are too lukewarm to volunteer. But as of today, 1,000 volunteers are making their way to Colorado Springs—at their own expense.

-They claim that young people are not interested. But Radiant church just reserved 250 seats for teenagers.

The great joy in life is serving God and doing what others say is impossible. We are glorifying God for this amazing moment.

Speaking of false limits: in the last 45 days we invested half a million dollars in soul winning equipment. No one does that unless they expect to win a massive harvest for years to come. We believe in the future of soul winning in America and so do our partners.

Not only did we get a 40,000 square foot tent that is 40 feet high—we also bought an arena sound system that can easily handle a crowd of 7,000—a video trailer and truck—tower lights—thousands of square feet of AstroTurf—2,000 additional chairs—generators—three LED walls—and a 40 foot stage.

In the last 45 days we invested half a million dollars in soul winning equipment.

Some see gloom and doom. We believe in the Great Commission. We believe in the future of soul winning in America and so do our partners.

But it is not without intense warfare. You cannot encroach on the Devil’s territory without retaliation. We are truly experiencing what Paul said in 1 Corinthians 16:9,

“For a great and effective door has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.”

I have never needed your prayers more than right now. But above all, we must thank and glorify God for the amazing work He is doing among us. We did not earn this. We do not deserve it. But we fall before God in total gratitude and adoration. Hallelujah!

P.S. My new book, It’s Our Turn Now, not only predicted the current national trend toward God, it does something more important: it positions you to be in the middle of the greatest intervention of God in American history. Do not get stuck on the sidelines. Read this book and participate in the mass influx of souls that is coming!  The books are signed and you also get free shipping. Use this link now

Watch our new show, Fire Power,  tonight at 7 PM Central and every Wednesday. This week we will tackle both the direct threat of Artificial Intelligence and the way in which states are seizing children from their parents because they will not affirm their gender fantasies. Watch live at


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