On June 23, 2023, the Spirit of God began to impress on me the need to pray for unity. As I began to press in for more instruction, He spoke the following to me:

A John 17 Call

“There is a John 17 call for unity being released from My throne room that will begin to pull and rally leaders across My Body. As My leaders humbly gather in one accord in communion, laying aside self-promotion and denominational differences, I will again command My blessing over your nation. Then I will release the anointing which breaks the yoke, and it will flow down with dynamic power into all the land. It will be a healing balm to redeem and restore the broken foundations of truth and justice all across the nation.

The Blood of Jesus poured out is the precursor to the anointing of unity. And it is on that oil that I will send My fire and remember that your nation was created to be a beacon of hope and a city on hill, shining for all nations.”

I feel a rattling in my bones and a travail building in my gut, even as I type this… In the spirit, I can hear the thunder of millions of mothers and daughters crying out from coast to coast, all in unison, “PEOPLE GET READY! JESUS IS COMING!” (Photo via Wallpaper Flare)

An Underground Movement of Righteousness in D.C.

I see God Almighty coming as the “Cloud Rider” with whirlwinds in His wake, releasing lightnings from His throne to strike down principalities and demonic ideologies in Washington D.C.!

I see an underground movement of righteousness rising rapidly out of our nation’s capital. The Kingdom of God will be as yeast permeating and invading all branches of government, starting from the bottom up. There will be no escape from its impact!

I see brothers and sisters repenting for competition and pettiness, holding hands and creating a bridge to heal the great divide in our nation’s capital. I see tears of repentance watering and awakening the dormant seed of prayers prayed by the saints of ages past, commanding a harvest of God’s covenant promises over our nation to burst forth NOW, in Jesus’ name!

Matthew 28 Women

I see the Matthew 28 women running through the streets and fields to go and tell their fathers, husbands, brothers and sons that they have seen the grave is empty and JESUS IS ALIVE! The LAMB is now the LION, and the LION WILL ROAR THROUGH THE VOICES OF HIS DAUGHTERS!

The spirit of fear and timidity is being judged, and its muzzle is being BROKEN OFF the women of America! A holy boldness will take its place, and the voice of FREEDOM, TRUTH and JUSTICE will no longer be relegated, muffled or suppressed by liberal algorithms. It will be seen and heard on every platform.

They will not be able to hide what is coming! The ambush the enemy planned for the children of this generation will be thwarted as the women watchmen keep their precious oil lamp’s full and burning on their watch towers.

The Anointing of Paul Revere

Paul Revere was the man who, in the midnight hour, rode to warn the villagers of the imminent approach of the Redcoats. And in the spirit I see the anointing of Paul Revere being released on the remnant in this hour! The watchmen will cry out, and the remnant will run with the message, “Repent and prepare the way of the Lord, the Man who’s red Blood was shed for the destruction of sin, so that He might receive the reward of His sufferings!”

Their warning will ring through the streets, and the Spirit of the fear of the Lord will permeate the atmosphere over capital cities, followed by signs and wonders never seen before, leading multitudes to salvation. (Photo via Pixabay)

The Bowls of a New Era Outpouring Are Beginning to Tip

Esthers are now standing on the threshold of the King’s courts. Deborahs are now approaching their battlefields. The Ruths are preparing to present themselves to Boaz. The Hannahs are weeping at the altar. Gabriel is being deployed to commission the Marys to give birth to a Jesus people movement. The disciples are gathering in the upper room, casting lots to replace Judas. The bowls of a new era outpouring, like that in Acts chapter 2, are beginning to trickle down as a reviving rain across the land.

The hour is critical. The dam is bulging in the heavenlies. All of creation is standing on tiptoe, watching and waiting for the unveiling of the mature children of God to emerge. There is no going back…only forward. Kingdom advancement and promised land occupation is our only option.

Prayer Declaration

Father, we thank You that Your word does not go out without performing what it was sent to do. We repent for any disunity we have engaged in and choose to lay aside our differences of opinion to instead focus on what we have in common as Americans and as followers of Jesus. We join in agreement with the prayer of Jesus in John 17 and say, “Make us one as Christ is one with You, and may our unity with You and one another be a sign to unbelievers of who You are!”

We bind the spirit of division over our land, and we loose a spirit of unity, in Jesus’ name. We call forth leaders across the Body of Christ to join hands in pushing back the darkness! We call forth the Paul Revere evangelists! We call forth the roaring women of Zion! We decree that Washington D.C. will no longer be slaves to sin, but shall be slaves to righteousness! We decree in one accord: “NO MORE DELAY, IN JESUS’ NAME!”

Christa Elisha
Arise Kingdom Ministries

Email: arisekingdomministries@gmail.com
Website: www.christaelisha.com

Christa Elisha is the founder of Arise Kingdom Ministries, the Revival Rooms and W.I.L.D. (Walk In Love Demonstrated) Equipping. She is a vibrant apostolic revivalist that burns with passionate devotion to Jesus. She carries a strong anointing to invite others into the ecstatic bliss of knowing Christ for who He truly is: The only one who satisfies every need for every soul. It is out of this intimacy that Christa has been commissioned by God to baptize a generation in Holy Fire so that the Bride of Christ arises in purity and power to shake the gates, destroy Hell and radiate the splendor of the risen King, bringing glory to the Father. Christa walks in signs and wonders and prays that revival fire is sparked in each person she touches as her heart cries, “On Earth as it is in Heaven!”

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