by | Jul 25, 2023 | Living Proof Tent Crusades, Mario Murillo Ministries, Revival in America

SHOUT JESUS FROM THE MOUNTAINS: here are 5 reasons that the tent crusade in Colorado Springs is more important than you realize.

There are 5 big reasons that the Living Proof Tent Crusade in Colorado Springs was more important than you realize. For many of those who were inside the Tent, it was of utmost importance. People they love were saved and healed.

If it was so important, how is it possible that it can be overlooked? Because, throughout history, human nature has exalted banal things while missing critically important things.

Abraham Lincoln had little faith in the human attention span. With a touch of epic irony he said this in his Gettysburg address: “The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here…”


The Church—much like the world—can easily miss milestones.

Think of it! Lincoln assumed that what would become the most famous speech in American history would be forgotten. And for a while it was. But then history—with its keener eye—took a second look. And the rest is, well, history.

The Church—much like the world—can easily miss milestones. For example, we are currently enamored with concerts, and it is no secret that the Christian music industry is corrupted by greed and power.

Grandiose Christian concerts charge up to $2,000 dollars per person to hear a favorite Christian artist. I wonder what they do with all that money. We must be so proud that we can finally match the excesses of the secular music industry.

Our talent for doing things for God without the Holy Spirit is breathtaking.

Our talent for doing things for God without the Holy Spirit is breathtaking. But that will never stop the real work of God from reaching its potential. That is why I am asking you to take a second look at what unfolded in Colorado Springs.

God did something that has national implications—and no, that is not a self-serving statement. What happened in the Tent is far bigger and greater than Mario Murillo.


Here are 5 things that make the Tent Crusade in Colorado Springs so important:

1.It was the youth! The engine that drove the excitement inside the Tent was an army of young people. They were the first ones to get there and the last to leave. Their energetic worship set the pace for everyone else.

Christianity has always been a youth movement. The lie that we are an aging movement, and one which is about to die off, was summarily shattered in the Tent.

The fire will not go out in these young souls.

And that means something else. It means those four days in the Tent are only the beginning. The fire will not go out in these young souls. They saw their friends get saved. They saw miracles. They are running with the vision. There is no movement like a youth movement. The torch of Pentecostal fire has been handed to a new generation.

2. It was a towering display of unity. The heart of two churches beat as one for souls and revival. Radiant Church and Church For All Nations did something unheard of. They combined their six campuses for a citywide Sunday Morning worship service under the Tent.

Pastors Mark and Linda Cowart of Church For All Nations, along with Pastors Todd and Kelly Hudnall from Radiant, displayed an unselfish love that is a model for every church in America.

It was a seamless unity. In the vastness of this multi-faceted operation there was zero competition. Parking, ushers, security, and workers of every kind blended supernaturally to meet the massive need. Everywhere you looked there was joy and gladness. Faces beaming with excitement over the way God was moving.

3.Two explosive elements joined forces:

Living Proof Crusade: A Living Proof Crusade is simply an outreach to lost souls with signs and wonders. But do not confuse simple with small. The burgeoning impact of these tent crusades is remarkable. We have been forced to upgrade to a larger tent every eighteen months—to one which is double the size of the previous one.

Fire and Glory Tour: When I met with Lance Wallnau at his home months ago, the vision for a Fire and Glory tour was born. Instead of a harmless conference that talks around the issues, we wanted an event that armed the people of God with skills to bring change in government, school boards, and in culture. The speakers included Lance, Floyd Brown from the Western Journal, Historian Bill Fetterer, Lou Engles, and Tim Powers.

Colorado Springs was the first time we combined the forces of Living Proof and Fire and Glory. The result exceeded our expectations. In the morning we found what Tim Powers referred to as the Silver Bullet—the message that wins elections—which is, “Don’t mess with our kids.”

Colorado Springs was the first time we combined the forces of Living Proof and Fire and Glory. The result exceeded our expectations.

The huge crowds that sat in these morning sessions were ignited into action. In the evenings they witnessed the power of God to save and heal.

4.Undeniable signs and wonders: It was truly shocking! The local media allowed people to declare on video that miracles were happening. Signs and wonders came, and they were focused on glorifying Jesus. At no point were miracles the focus. It was always Christ. Because of that the power of God flowed freely.

The larger impact of miracles is that God does them to confirm His Word—they have an explosive effect on young people—and their reports cause outsiders to come and receive.

5.A massive and comprehensive discipleship program. The Christian birth rate rose dramatically in Colorado Springs. But the bigger story is that they will be discipled. Because the faith of the pastors who were involved was so great, they were prepared in depth for following up on the new converts. Every soul that came forward will be encouraged to be baptized in water. Every new convert will be contacted at least twice and led into a discipleship program that was uniquely designed for this crusade.

The bottom line is this: Stereotypes of what God can and cannot do today were shattered. Elements that have long been separated have combined to create firepower for revival and reformation. What happened here will not just stay here.

Now it is on to Los Angeles! Join us there!


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