When I woke up early on Saturday morning, July 22, 2023, I felt as if my physical body had been transported to another dimension. I laid in bed, opening my eyes – still gripping the sheets and feeling out of breath after the journey I had just made. I knew instantly I’d had a vision so real, so bold, and so alive that I would need time to process what the Lord had shown me and allowed me to experience.

I have dreams and visions often, which I am sure to journal and pray about, making sure that I am stewarding them well. Only some do I feel the release to share. This is one such vision that, without a doubt, I knew needed to be shared.

Vision of a Powerful Current

I found myself a part of, and yet also watching, the ebb and flow of the world. I saw it merge into a very wide current that was extremely powerful. This current consisted of rich, deep, blue water. I looked at the water and the shape that it was taking as it began to form into a massive and overwhelming current, sweeping over everything in its path. It changed landforms, and its agenda and purpose were unrelenting.

Completely saturating this most-powerful-moving current of water were thousands and thousands of people. As far as I could see, there were people in the water. Wherever the water chose to go, the people went, as they were powerlessly swept about in this demonstration of unprecedented power.

This enormous river continued in its mighty power, surging over landscapes, demolishing and crushing anything in its vicinity. The river would even overflow its banks, as if on purpose, to take down whatever it could. (Photo via Peakpx)

I watched from a place that was suspended in the air as I witnessed this powerful force. The energy from the river’s power was electrifying, and I could feel it and sense it. I could feel the powerful gusts that lashed out in response to the current’s initiative.

A Supernatural Changing of the Current

Then, by some unnatural means, the current began to flow in the opposite direction, taking the people with it. Thousands upon thousands of people could be heard, their voices excited and exuberant. This time, the power and magnitude of the current was magnified even more. I could hardly witness what I was seeing. I felt my entire body taking on the movement, and it was all I could do just to stay and witness this sight.

As the current powerfully flowed in reverse, things seemed to be restored, and although I didn’t see beauty, I felt beauty in my spirit. I still was in awe and wonder, shaking from the intensity. It was like the power of Niagara Falls magnified a hundred times. I felt completely breathless, yet I was still breathing.

When I woke up, I was shaking a bit, and days later, I still felt sore from the tension in my muscles, as if I’d done a very intense workout. I knew I had been transported to see some future event in the spirit, and my duty would be to share this as an encouragement to us, the Body of Christ, in these last and critical days.

The Prayer and Authority of the Saints – Turning the Enemy’s Agenda Into God’s Agenda

I believe that the initial current in my vision is the world’s system, including the mindset, agenda, and worldview of the enemy. It was powerful and seemed to be in control, leaving the masses powerless. This powerful force, which took down whatever was in its way, was relentless. It left fear in its wake.

However, something unnatural – a supernatural turnaround – occurred. I believe that this was the prayer and the authority of the Believers, the remnant on Earth, who are unwilling to back down and coast downstream with the world’s agenda – no matter how hard it seems to fight against them.

The Believers, knowing their authority, and with the power of the Holy Spirit, turned the current, which began to flow in the opposite direction. This surge, this current, was even more powerful than the enemy’s strength. However, instead of destruction, there was beauty for ashes. At the same time that it was restoring what had been lost, this current was also clearing away wickedness and evil in its path. (Photo via Pixabay)

Knowing Your Authority – We Have the Victory!

Friends and family, brothers and sisters, we are living in unprecedented times. Sometimes it can feel like the enemy is winning in every area of life, from politics to education to media, but that is a lie. He doesn’t win. (Check out the end of the Book – Revelation!)

There may be trials, persecutions and challenges, but those don’t begin to equal the victory that Jesus has already won. Jesus has already won, and that means we win. However, we need to be vigilant. We need to be alert and on guard. We need to know our authority as Believers. We aren’t weak. We aren’t powerless. We have been given power to tread upon the enemy and upon serpents. And…it is so comforting to know that one day EVERY person will bow and submit to JESUS!

We can live this life victoriously. I want to encourage you today with this powerful vision the Lord allowed me to see and witness. He loves us with an everlasting love and He NEVER leaves us or forsakes us. Be comforted and encouraged. With Jesus all things are possible! Be a faith-filled Believer who uses your authority. Stand for truth. Stand for the Word of God. Be a part of the supernatural Force for Change that is greater than what is in the world (1 John 4:4). We will see the current change! It is written in the Word of God. I believe that. How about you?

“You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the One who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.” (1 John 4:4)

Crystal G.H. Lowery
Based On Faith

Email: click here
Website: www.basedonfaith.org

Crystal G.H. Lowery is a Christian estate planning attorney and is the owner and founding attorney of Law Office of Crystal G.H. Lowery, LLC. Crystal is also an author as well as the founder of Based on Faith, an organization whose vision is to become an international resource that increases biblical knowledge of faith within the Body of Christ through comprehensive teaching, discussion of law, and the prophetic.

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