Recently I was in prayer, and I could feel the presence of God beginning to manifest heavily. As His presence filled the room, I was taken up in the spirit. Whenever this happens, I am always filled with peace, but it takes me a few minutes to understand what exactly is happening.

Vision of the Golden Bowl

In this vision, I was in a large gymnasium-sized room. It was dimly lit, but in the center there was a brighter golden glow. From a distance, I could see the side view of a man in a chair holding a baby. Then I became aware of an angel on my right side. The angel walked me closer to the man.

I felt a strong, deep and holy reverence. As I came closer, the presence of God was so strong I could barely stand. Yet again, we moved closer – maybe ten feet away. Then I noticed this was not just a man…this was Jesus.

I began to weep inside.

When we came near, I could see that this was not an infant He was caressing, but a golden bowl. I then was brought a few more steps closer and could clearly see His face. He was holding a golden bowl that was filled with a liquid substance. Then my attention was drawn in front of Him. From there, I saw a golden globe of the earth. It was very ornate with a floor stand also made of gold. (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)

Jesus held the bowl out toward the globe and searched for a place to pour out some of its contents. He poured out a bit and then retreated back, holding it dearly to His chest. Watching Him do this was deeply moving. I knew that whatever was in this bowl was of immense value; it was beyond precious to Jesus. I cannot describe the value of this substance.

What I Saw inside the Bowl

I was about to say with my mouth, “Jesus, what is in the bowl?” But Jesus knew my very thoughts, and I was drawn a step closer. As I looked into the bowl, I was thrust into the spirit once again with the angel. I went back hundreds of years in time. The buildings changed, clothing changed; then I was brought into a farmer’s house. An older woman in 1700s clothing was walking through her house praying. I could hear her praying with such passion for her region – a woman whose name no one would know today. She was fully captivating the heart and attention of God.

Then, in a flash, we were in a barn. A farmer was there amongst the animals, praying with all his heart – praying for a move of God. Then I was brought to another place. It was like time had sped up, and I visited many homes – even group prayer times, where I could see people crying out to God for salvation for their areas and a move of God. God was there listening. This was so powerful. Every prayer was heard.

In an instant, I was back in the room with Jesus and the globe. Then it was like I read His thoughts. He said, “This bowl contains the prayers of the saints.” Then He looked down at the globe again, held the bowl tightly to His chest, leaned forward, and searched for a place that would value and honor what He would pour out. This substance, when poured upon an area, would cause a holy outpouring of His presence. It had the potential to cleanse a church or even a region. It was like the area would be illuminated on the globe. (Photo via Unsplash)

These outpourings were not due to any gifting, but due to a deep reverence and awe for the things of God. Each drop was created through the sacrifice of someone else’s prayers, even those martyred.

I was struck with a need to deeply repent of any pride and irreverence. I cried for some time and asked God to help me develop a strong sense of awe and reverence for God’s presence. An outpouring of the Spirit is precious and costly. It must be handled with reverence and awe.

God is looking for a person, a church, a community that He can trust with such an outpouring. Let’s cry out together for a flood of His presence.

Bob Pittman
Bob Pittman Ministries | World Harvest Church

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Bob Pittman and his wife Char are the senior pastors at World Harvest Church in Rice Lake, Wisconsin. Bob is a seasoned pastor, prophetic speaker, Bible teacher, and mentor. He has ministered internationally for nearly 20 years. He has a passion to equip the Body of Christ to hear God’s voice, walk in power, and grow in maturity. His life has been flooded with supernatural encounters that have inspired many leaders and churches internationally. His meetings flow in the prophetic, healings, and salvations. For free teachings and more information go to

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