I had coffee with a friend this week and she said, I want to meet with you because I had a vision in church on Sunday morning and I have a word for you. We met and she said, “Lisa, take the limits off your faith!” She didn’t just say it to me once, she said it to me multiple times during that meeting. “Take the limits off your faith!” I got the message, I knew what she was saying I was supposed to do, but how do you do that, what does that look like, sound like, feel like. I had no idea, but this phrase has been rolling around in my spirit all week long, “Take the limits off your faith!” I didn’t know I had put limits on my faith, so how do I take off what I didn’t even realize I had put on. How do you remove the limits off your faith? These were the things I was asking the Lord in prayer even as I was declaring, Lord, take the limits off my faith.

Yesterday, I heard a message by Kris Vallaton called You Need To Lighten Your Load and in this video he speaks about the Apollo 11 rocket launch and how the thrusters got them out of the atmosphere, but were a weight that had to be loosed in order to operate effectively in the stratosphere. I am no scientist, but those two words stuck with me overnight, so this morning I studied the two words and actually learned there are five spheres plus one that we have here in the earth realm. I was stunned by what I learned today. For many it is simple science, for me it was a way of taking the limits off my faith as I learned about the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, exosphere and the plus one ionosphere. Our physical bodies cannot access these spheres but they are there and they are accessible to us.

My friends, we have to take the limits off our faith and one way we do that is by removing the blocks of pride which make us think we know so much, we understand enough, we have these blocks as a way to remain in control. Control is a false sense of security, it is a mirage of safety, it is a deception. We are not called to be in control, we are called to know the Creator. There is so much we do not know. Take the limits off your faith, explore things you don’t know, listen to people who know things you don’t and stop resisting something just because it doesn’t align with what you first learned. We don’t know as much as we think we know, if it is truth, our spirit will vibrate with the sound you are hearing, but you must be listening in order to take the limits off your faith. I hear the sound of lift off. Thank you Carrie Carullo!