The problem with pride is we think everything is going to happen in our lifetime. We believe we are the last generation, we have been told Jesus is coming back in our lifetime. We have seen the charts, heard what bowls, seals, trumpets we are at. People have written books on blood moons, moeds, and the seven church ages. I call them the one message wonders, because they make me wonder why they have nothing else to say. Days go by, weeks go by and years go by, but the message they preach is still the same fear based, rapture rhetoric that creates in people fear of the future. Every time an earthquake happens we hear a Matthew 24 message. My friends, when is this message which is like stretched out elastic going to stop getting airplay in your head?

Pride is reading the word of God with an agenda, an idea of what it says, where humility is letting the word of God speak to you in now time about what it is saying. When we have a one message ministry, we reveal we are not spending time with a now time, in time, on time living God. Jesus Christ is alive right now, seated at the right hand of the Father in heavenly realms. He is accurately interceding for us, praying the very will of God for us. He sees all of humanity from Adam and Eve until today, but He also sees all of humanity that is yet to be born, for He knew us before we were created in our mother’s womb (Psalm 139) and there are many many more people who have yet to be created, that He sees.

I say all that to say, we are living in John 2 time. In John 2, they ran out of wine, so Jesus tells the servants to put water into vessels and serve it to the headwaiter first, then to the people at the event. When the headwaiter tastes it, he says, EVERYONE else serves the best wine first then when people have had their fill of wine, they serve the cheaper wine, but you have saved the best wine for now. My friends, the church is filled with wine that has now run out, but Jesus has been turning water into wine, filling jars, and is now serving it to a people full of another wine. When the people taste this water that has been turned into wine, they may not know where it came from but they will know it tastes so much better than the wine they are full of. The demarcation is going to be obvious to the taster. And remember the people may not have known where the wine came from, but the servants serving it did. Welcome to John 2 time!
