Recently in my spirit I was stirred by a vision from the Lord. This vision brought me hope and encouraged me greatly.

I saw a mighty army marching forward with boldness that was ablaze with a fiery passion for God that He Himself had ignited. It was clear that this steadfast remnant of overcomers had fought many battles and persevered through intense trials; but no matter how hard it got, they stayed true and pure in His sight. They were anointed with His manifest glory, and His tangible manifest presence was moving amongst them.

In these times, the Lord is raising up this mighty army to do His work. They have a zeal for the Bridegroom; they are captivated by Jesus alone. They are marching in harmony with His will, consumed by a heart for Him. They are hungry for God and a true testament to His magnificence.

My heart stirred upon witnessing their fiery affection for Christ. Unwavering in loyalty, I knew these faithful followers would reign with Him. They were truly spectacular, shining with God’s brilliance. I felt privileged to be able to glimpse such powerful faith.

A Clarion Call to Radiate His Light

This stirred a passion in me to sound a clarion call—calling for His mature Bride to take a bold stand, stepping out of the shadows to allow our lights to shine amid the darkness, without fear or doubt.

Matthew 4:16 speaks of Jesus radiating light into gloom. It proclaims: “The people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.” (Photo via Piqsels)

Truly, we are in a seasonal shift where He is opening our eyes to see and our ears to hear. As night creeps in, the Lord beckons us to be shimmering cities on hilltops, inspiring new hope to those mired in despair below.

Think of it! He’s trusting us to let His glory shine through us! What an awesome honor to be part of this miraculous process. I pray we wholeheartedly respond and release His holy glory so that all the world can see.

Though evil abounds, hope lives on. Some still refuse to let darkness prevail, beaming like lighthouses, guiding the wanderers home. These ‘burning ones’ have hearts aflame for God, refusing to be snuffed out.

As mature Believers, we’re summoned to live the same way, standing undaunted against evil’s advance, rejecting obscurity, and stepping off the shelf and into the light. The challenge is to shine, illuminating the way for those lost in pitch blackness.

The Wise Virgins

The parable of the ten virgins in Matthew 25 shows both ends of the spectrum: prudent Believers and foolhardy Believers awaiting the arrival of the Bridegroom.

We must strive to be like the wise virgins who vigilantly kept oil in their lamps. But greater still, we cannot neglect cultivating intimacy with Christ through prayer, worship, and soaking in His presence and His Word.

May our hearts blaze with passion fueled by this oil of intimacy, prepared to soak in our sweet Master’s presence, even in the darkest hour.

Hearts Set Ablaze

Dear friend, when we read Luke 24:13-35, we find a powerful story of the disciples on the road to Emmaus. After Christ’s resurrection, He had a life-altering impact on His disciples. Two of them were walking and talking with each other, when suddenly Jesus came to them. Though they did not recognize Him, the disciples’ hearts became ablaze with fervent passion as He spoke. At the sound of His voice, their hearts boiled over.

This intense fire came as a result of having an encounter with our sweet Master, Jesus. His words are still like fire, and He still stirs up desire in us as we yearn for Him and cultivate a deep and meaningful relationship with Him. It is our prayer that our hearts would also burn at the sound of His voice. (Photo via Pixabay)

Arise, Shine!

Today is the day and this is the hour to fully embrace our upward call and become His brilliant, glorious Bride; a vessel of honor; His mature sons and daughters; His royal priesthood, heralding His soon return.

We hear our sweet Bridegroom calling us—”Arise, shine!”—as we refuse to make excuses, but promptly obey His call. We are firmly taking our place, invading the darkness as we become beacons of light, steering people toward the Lord while we give Him all the glory.

Let’s ignite fresh, glorious fire today, passionately pursuing our sweet Master to become His special burning ones. With hearts fully ablaze in relentless devotion, we meet our Bridegroom with great expectation, radiating hope and glory into the darkest night.

We are selectively chosen flames, reflecting God’s splendor and beauty. The call to wake and shine weighs heavy. May we swiftly respond to this urgent summons, rouse from sleep, and beam His manifested glory to light the world. The time to pierce the gloom is now! (See Isaiah 9:2; Isaiah 60:1; Matthew 4:16; Matthew 5:16; Matthew 25; Ephesians 5:8, 14; Luke 24:13-35; Revelation 19:7-9.)

Steve Porter
Refuge Ministries


Steve and Diane Porter have dedicated their lives to helping others experience a deeper relationship with God. Through their work with Refuge Ministries and Deeper Life Press, they have created resources that touch lives all over the globe. Steve has a special anointing to bring forth the deep truths of the Spirit, and his books, articles, and videos have helped people draw closer to God. The Porters live near Rochester, NY, and their greatest joy is to share the incredible love of their wonderful Lord.

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