“The Battle Is On! Hit the Ground Running!”
Jay West, Bellevue, Nebraska

Your name is being announced in rooms that your feet have not entered yet. Watch for God to open doors, and even create doors that don’t exist, to help you gain entry so His Kingdom can be advanced with your anointing and ministry expertise. These expansions are not for your glory or personal positioning, but rather they are a result of your obedience and God’s favor in your life to expand Kingdom influence on the earth.

He Is Searching for Those Whose Hearts Are Loyal

The Lord looks at each person, seeking to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose hearts are loyal to Him. Right now, He is searching the whole world for those who will stand in the gap, who understand and operate in the principles of a good soldier, who are willing and obedient and desire to fight the good fight of faith. As God discovers these people (including you), He will begin to position them in specific areas in the spiritual realm before their feet even hit the floor. (Photo via Snappy Goat)

The Place Where Heavenly Secrets Are Shared

When the windows of Heaven open, the doors of Earth also open, bringing extreme favor, blessings, opportunities and advanced provision. And a greater anointing that was previously only dreamed about now becomes a reality. This is a place where heavenly secrets are shared about strategies on Earth. This is a location of clearly hearing God’s voice, and then releasing those words with authority and promotion that penetrate the enemy’s camp, pushing darkness back and creating avenues and cloud bursts of light to illuminate the whole earth with the glory of God. This is end times stuff, with the backing of Heaven.

The Battle Is On! Hit the Ground Running

The battle is on, as you are being placed in new positions of leadership, new places of authority, and new realms of supernatural power and responses that previously were just a day dream and a hope, but now are viewed and received as possible realities—with great Kingdom exploits being accomplished for the glory of the Lord.

You’ve heard the phrase “hit the ground running.” This will happen as these rooms of opportunity begin to open for you. Get ready to run. I said, get ready to run. Put your running shoes on. Do your stretching now, as you will soon be stretched beyond anything you have ever imagined.

Heavenly Promotion

What you lack in knowledge or understanding, God will miraculously impart it to you. Where you don’t have the connections or the portfolio to be promoted, He is now authorizing your rise beyond many others who, in the natural, have a better resume.

This is not about what you have accomplished in your life. This is about preparation for end-times battles, where the small, the insignificant and the unknown are being elevated to the status of leader, general, CEO, governor, president and ambassador.

Having the mind of Christ is far more important than any earthly degree, number of books written, number of presentations, and previous collaboration. This is about the reality of knowing Jesus, walking faithfully with Him, being obedient and responsive, and seeing God do the impossible in your life to change the spheres of influence that He has placed you in. (Photo via Wallpaper Flare)

You are being selected simply because you have been faithful. God admires faithfulness and extends His blessings, callings and anointings to those who have walked in that realm, as He can then trust them to now run in those same realms. And He will take care of you in these new positions. You will go in and out and find pasture. The armies of Heaven are at your beck and call. The equipment of Heaven is available at your request. The secrets of Heaven will be released to those whom He selects, and the strategies of God will be downloaded to His newly appointed leaders.

You have a mission, with God’s vision to successfully accomplish it. Don’t be like Jonah and run the wrong way. Get your feet moving now. Run toward the heavenly opportunity and watch the doors supernaturally open.

Jay West
Anointed2Go | Kingdom Encounters

Email: anointed2go@cox.net
Website: www.anointed2go.com | www.kingdomencounters.net

Jay West has been in pastoral ministry for 42 years. Jay has also been blessed to write and publish five books, three of which are available for sale on the Elijah List store: Willing to Yield, Downloads from Heaven, and Well, Well, Well. Pastor Jay has been receiving and sharing accurate words of knowledge and prophetic words since he was in high school. He also flows in a healing ministry, having seen thousands healed. In 2022, Jay met his wife Rebecca at a seminar. Rebecca is a wonderful counselor and an amazing anointed intercessor, along with being a gifted speaker, too. Pastor Jay also ministers and prays with political leaders at the local, state and national level in both the Republican and Democratic Parties. Jay is a bi-partisan intercessor. Jay is often booked several months in advance, and you can discover his available schedule by contacting him at anointed2go@cox.net.

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