His Goodness and Favor “Blown Out of Proportion”

On October 10, 2023, as I was in prayer regarding the war and trying to hear God’s heart, the Lord reminded me of a word I released on September 11th of this year. The word came to me in the strangest way. I was standing in my kitchen in the early hours of the morning preparing a small Turkish coffee, when out of no where, I heard a voice say, “Blown out of proportion.” Then I saw what seemed to be two people arguing about something so small, and it blew up, and it disturbed me.

The voice of the Lord began to speak loud and clear, and I heard Him say, “Just as the evil which was done to you was blown out of proportion, so will My goodness and favor toward you also be blown out of proportion.”

Then I heard the Lord say, “So you will start to see ‘evil blown out of proportion’ in the open and on display; but do not worry, for My grace will be blown out of proportion, and My favor will also be blown of proportion.”

At the time of this message, I had no idea that war was about to break out, and that the Holy Spirit was warning me that Israel was about to experience their ‘September 11th’ – but that despite this, God was going to defend Israel.

The Prophecies of Old Are About to Be Fulfilled!

As I continued to pray, God reminded me that He is the rightful owner of the land of Israel (Joel 1:6), and that anyone who touches Israel is poking their finger in the eye of God (Zechariah 2:8).

I found myself pausing and saying, “Lord, speak. We are in a messy situation right now.” At that moment, I heard God say, “The prophecies of old are about to be fulfilled before your very eyes.”

I ran to Scripture to find “the prophecies of old” and to see what they actually said. I found myself reading Zephaniah 2:4: “For Gaza shall be deserted, and Ashkelon shall become a desolation; Ashdod’s people shall be driven out at noon, and Ekron shall be uprooted.”

Next, I found myself reading Amos 1:7-8: “‘So I will send a fire upon the wall of Gaza, and it shall devour her strongholds. I will cut off the inhabitants from Ashdod, and him who holds the scepter from Ashkelon; I will turn My hand against Ekron, and the remnant of the Philistines shall perish,’ says the Lord GOD.”

As I read those words, peace began to fill my heart. Although the situation is painful, I now understand that God’s mysterious plans are about to be fulfilled. The prophecies of old are about to happen. God is taking His land back from the enemy. (Photo via Hippopx)

Prophesy Over Israel!

I asked God, “Lord is there anything we need to do?” At that moment, I heard Him say, “Do what David did. He prophesied over the enemy before he killed him. He said, ‘Today the LORD will conquer you, and I will kill you and cut off your head. And then I will give the dead bodies of your men to the birds and wild animals, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel! And everyone assembled here will know that the LORD rescues His people, but not with sword and spear. This is the LORD’s battle, and He will give you to us!’ (1 Samuel 17:46-47).”

Therefore, this is not the time to fear, or be discouraged. It’s a time to prophesy and release prophetic declarations of victory over Israel’s enemies. For the battle belongs to the Lord, and we are His partners in taking authority and dominion over the earth.

Prophetic Word of the Lord Over Israel

“The enemy lifted his fist against Me and My special possession – like Goliath who attempted to defy the armies of Israel, telling David, ‘…Come to me, and I will give your flesh to the birds of the air and to the beasts of the field’ (1 Samuel 17:44).

“Prophesy, My people, like David who said to the uncircumcised Philistine, ‘You come to me with a sword, with a spear, and with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts… This day the LORD will deliver you into my hands, and I will strike you and take your head from you. This day the LORD will conquer you and cut off your head so that the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel’ (1 Samuel 17:45-46, emphasis mine).

“My people, do not fear or be discouraged, for the battle is the Lord’s and My arm has not lost its power. Like I have done in Egypt, I will do it again.

“You are seeing the prophecies of old getting fulfilled before your very eyes, as I spoke through My prophet Zephaniah, declaring that Gaza shall be deserted, and Ashdod’s people shall be driven out at noon, and Ekron shall be uprooted.

“Nothing is new under the sun. This is the time to release My presence – My glory. As Dagon, the god of the Philistines, fell face down before the ark of My covenant with his head and hands broken off, watch Me do it again, but this time it will be on a grand scale. Watch Me release the plagues of Egypt again, and watch Me bring out the heavenly ‘jack hammer’ for utter destruction.

“The blood of the innocent cries out to Me, releasing a curse of destruction over the enemy. It’s crying out to Heaven like the blood of Abel…

Do not fear… Declare victory, declare deliverance – declare that the battle has been won! The enemy will soon realize that they have made a great mistake. For I, the God of Israel, will not slumber or sleep. Watch Me move with power, and watch My mysterious plans unfold. (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)

The Year of Open Doors

At the start of October, I started to hear God give me a clear, specific instruction: “Go and hear old prophetic words given to you.” The voice came as a quick, gentle, passing thought that could easily be ignored. But this small, gentle voice kept repeating itself over and over again. God was very persistent: “Go back and hear prophetic words spoken over you.” So I obeyed and I went back to listen to those words, and to my surprise, I came across an old word from a prophet who had come up to me and said, “God is opening governmental doors to you and to many of His children, because it’s time to occupy.”

These words hit me hard, as many have prophesied that the year 5784 would be the year of the open doors. It was only a few weeks earlier that we had celebrated God’s new Hebrew year, and declared that He was about to open doors which no man can shut, and shut doors that no man can open.

I remember asking God, “Lord, what type of doors will be opened to Your children?” And I heard God say, “Different doors of influence and authority. I am giving My people doors of new opportunities to make a difference.”

God knew I was searching for the type of doors, yet His answer to me was somehow general. But as I listened to those old prophecies, and I heard the voice of that prophet and his prophecy over me, I was filled with a new type of joy and anticipation. And since all of this was happening in October, I wondered if the number ten [October being the 10th month] had any clues for me, so I decided to go back and study it.

The Number Ten and What It Means for Us

Every letter in the Hebrew alphabet has a numerical value. The Hebrew letter with the numerical value of ten is known as yud. Yud can represent the ten fingers of God, as well as God’s hand always being present in our lives. He will carry out His plans in our lives. Moreover, the number ten also symbolizes God’s governmental rule and perfect order. In Genesis 1, the phrase “God said” is mentioned ten times, demonstrating God’s governmental rule over a formless and void earth. As God speaks, things are not only created out of nothing, they are also brought into perfect order.

The number ten represents God’s authority over evil. In the book of Exodus, God sent ten plagues to demonstrate His authority over Pharaoh, the ruler of Egypt. God also opened a governmental door to Moses, who announced the ten plagues of Egypt. (Photo via Flickr)

The number ten is also the number of the Kingdom. The word “kingdom” is also mentioned in Genesis 10:10, and in the book of Matthew, Jesus teaches ten Kingdom parables. So I believe the number ten has something to do with the Kingdom of God coming over your life. Putting these things together, we can see that God is opening doors of great Kingdom influence to His children – those who have used well what they have been given – to bring His Kingdom rule here on Earth.

Use Well What You Have Been Given

In Luke 19:12-13, Jesus teaches about a man of noble birth who was going to a distant country to be crowned king. But before he left, he gave ten minas (or talents – see Matthew 25:15) to ten of his servants and commissioned them to engage in trade until he returned. These minas symbolize the authority God gave the Church. These are generous gifts from a generous God. The truth is, this nobleman’s people hated him, and they said, “We do not want this man to reign over us” (Luke 19:14). Anyone who understood this political instability would bury their money and wait to see who’d win the right to rule. Would it be the nobleman or the people who opposed him? Anyone who dared to start a business as the known friend of the absent nobleman would surely want to stay out of the public eye – maybe do an “underground” operation.

But in this parable, Jesus taught that the nobleman returned as king, having received his kingly power. He then called those servants whom he had given the minas to so that he might know what business they had transacted (Luke 19:15). In this verse, the king was not saying, “Show me the money!” He was asking, “How much business have you transacted?” In other words, he wanted to discover the extent to which they have openly and publicly declared their loyalty to him during the risky period of his absence!

The faithful were the first to report. The first one made ten times the original amount and the second made five times the original amount. Their reward was governmental doors of greater authority. The king said to the first servant, “…You have been faithful with the little I entrusted to you, so you will be governor of ten cities as your reward” (Luke 19:17). And to the second servant the king said, “…You will be governor over five cities” (Luke 19:19).

The big surprise came at the end. The third servant hid the king’s mina because he viewed his master as a harsh man. The master called him wicked and took that one mina and gave it to the one who made ten (Luke 19:24). Those standing by started to complain: “‘But, master,’ they said, ‘he already has ten [minas]!'” (Luke 19:25, emphasis mine). “‘Yes,’ the king replied, ‘and to those who use well what they are given, even more will be given. But from those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away'” (Luke 19:26). (Photo via Pexels)

As I read this, the Holy Spirit started speaking to me, confirming His heart to grant great doors of Kingdom authority and influence to many of His children, and highlighting that the ones who are about to receive this promotion are those who have used well what they have been given. The first servant made ten minas and received one more. Due to his faithfulness, he received a transfer of wealth. God pointed out that this will be the case for many of His faithful children.

Occupy Until I Come!

“Get ready to see the Kingdom of Heaven penetrate every area of your life. Get ready to see My hands work in the smallest details of your life.

“Rather than disorder, your life will have order, and rather than disease, your life will feel at ease because My hands will be working. You will see your enemies humbled before your eyes, and you will know that it’s the Lord’s hands at work.

“Times of volatility and instability will arise, but do not fear, for I am with you, and will uphold you in My right hand. What you put your mind to do will prosper, and what you put your hands to do will succeed, for I, the Lord your God, will give you success.

“Occupy until I come, and continue to occupy. Don’t let anything hold you back, for I am breaking the spirit of delay from you. You will run and not grow weary and you will walk and not faint, for your strength will come from Me.

“This is the month where your faithfulness will be rewarded, and more authority shall be given. This is the month where you will start to see the transfer of wealth. This is the month where I am assigning you as My Kingdom partner and trusting you with heavenly resources.

“You will hear Me say, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much.’ You will hear Me say, ‘More will be given; more will be entrusted. Things will suddenly start to line up.'”

Yvon Attia
Celebrate Freedom Ministries

Email: info@celebratefreedomministries.org
Website: www.celebratefreedomministries.org

Yvon Attia is a radical lover of Jesus and His Word, fully dedicated to His purposes and His call. Yvon is an author and a powerful, passionate speaker who preaches the Word with the power of God’s Spirit, and the manifestation of His presence. She unpacks the Word from a Middle Eastern perspective, explaining its depth in terms of culture, context and power. Yvon is married to her high school sweetheart, Mina, and they have two beautiful children, Esther and Raphael. Both Yvon and her husband are ordained pastors under the spiritual fatherhood covering of Apostle Guillermo Maldonado Of King Jesus International Ministry in Miami. Miracles of healing take place during their meetings as God faithfully confirms the Word through signs that follow. They are also the founders of Celebrate Freedom Ministry, which is part of the supernatural global network of King Jesus International Ministry.

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