Ask and you shall receive; seek and ye shall find; knock and the door shall be opened to you. If you don’t ask, seek, or knock, then you are not desperate enough to even try to make a connection with Me. Everything can’t be brought to you without you making an effort to receive it.

And of most importance, with the effort made, you must believe that I see you.

I promised that I would reward those who diligently seek Me with all their heart. If you want to commune with Me, you must come to Me with an open heart like a child believing and with open hands ready to receive from Me.

My kingdom is full of love, joy, peace and right standing with Me and that of most importance is that you trust Me.

You see the hell that is all around the world in the natural but in My realm, there are angels all around. There are many more that are for you than those that are against you. Even though things look desperate and there is much despair you must trust Me.

There will come a day when you look back and say that it was all worth it, all that I had to allow to bring forth my ultimate plan and purpose, that all will come to the saving knowledge of who I AM.

I am the way in the wilderness, the light at the end of a dark tunnel, the breath of much needed fresh air, and the relief that you need after having gone through a hard time. I am the way, the truth, and the life and the only way to the Father.

I AM who I say I AM, says your Lord.

Yolanda Ballard

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