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Massive Move of God in Nicaragua: 650,000 Attend, Thousands Choose Christ, Miracles Abound
Mark Martin  11-08-2023

Recently we have heard about God moving in college campuses, churches, and cities. Imagine evangelizing an entire country.

Two U.S. mission organizations are following the Holy Spirit to do just that in Nicaragua. CBN News learned more about this effort to reach hundreds of thousands of people with the Gospel.

A miraculous story is unfolding of Nicaraguans attending mass evangelism campaigns, and witnessing a mighty move of God in their country. Missionary Britt Hancock of the organization “Mountain Gateway” followed God’s call to help lead these events, along with Evangelist Nathan Morris and Shake the Nations Ministries.

“Then, He really spoke to me. He told me, ‘Son, I’ve decided to do something in Nicaragua, and if you’ll just say, ‘Yes,’ you’re going to watch me do something,'” shared Britt.

And they most definitely have watched God do amazing things. Around 650,000 people have attended the outreaches so far this year, with one more campaign to go. And more than a dozen are planned for next year.

“In Jesus’ Name by the end of next year, we will have evangelized an entire country,” Britt said. “The country’s got six million people in it; it’s about the size of the state of Alabama in geographic size.”

“We’re just so grateful to Jesus and what He’s doing, and that He’s allowing us to have a part,” he continued.

Britt says tens of thousands have accepted Jesus Christ and thousands have been healed.

“We’ve had people baptized in the Holy Spirit spontaneously. We’ve had people come out of wheelchairs,” Britt shared. “You name it, every class of miracle – lame walking, deaf ears opened, blinded eyes opened.”

His wife, Audrey, also helps minister.

“It’s amazing; it is overwhelming,” she said. “And so when you stand up on the stage, and you see all of these people coming and coming and coming, even on the way there as you’re driving, there’s lines of buses, just bus after bus.”

“And sometimes I look at Britt and go, ‘Wow, I’m so glad that we said yes to this,'” Audrey continued.

Even the Nicaraguan government is taking notice and helping.

“We’ve had so many miracles, the government has decided to give us the national plaza, ‘Plaza de la Fe’ it’s called, which will hold about 300,000 people,” Britt said. “If the trend continues, it’s just going to fill up with people.”

He describes it as “a stirring of that whole society” and offers this advice:

“Just say ‘yes’ to Jesus, no matter what it is.”

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