Grace has expired, the lot has been cast, the lies are exposed, the truth is prevailing. Can you hear it? Can you see it? Can you sense it? There is a tide that has turned, a shift that has happened. Truth and justice; righteousness and humility are the marks that are striking the earth as we speak. Men speak as though they know so much, but yet are continually proven to know so little. Yahweh is God and there is no other.

The days of man’s labels; man’s declarations; man’s ideas; will continue but will wax cold in comparison to the hot truth of God’s decrees. We are going to see, hear and experience healings that man said was impossible. We are going to watch restorations of relationships people said were dead come back to life and it is going to shock the onlookers. What man has said is impossible is about to silenced by the God who does the impossible.

The days of reading your Bible and wishing you lived when Jesus walked the earth, so you could have seen the healings, experienced the coin in the fishes mouth, or had the miraculous prison break are over. The Bible is about to become reality in our day. The lies have been exposed, the truth is marching full speed ahead and we are about to dance in the streets out of sheer joy and celebration of the power of God.

I know it sounds too good to be true, but God is good, all and all the time God is good, at least that is what we sing, but now we are about to see what we sing. Your goodness is running after, running after me, another song we sing, but are about to experience. This is not pie in the sky thinking, this is faith speaking. I have seen it in the spirit, God does not lie, He has said it, He will do it. This is not a get your hopes up so you can be disappointed again, this is truth, this will be reality, because God said it, not man.

We believe psychologists, but we don’t believe God. We trust bankers but we don’t trust Yahweh. We lean on doctors but doubt the Great Physician. Our words, our faith has established a scientific, humanistic reality, but God is about to completely short circuit our operating system and rewire the way we think. We are about to get a neurological upgrade of the likes we can’t even imagine. Culture worldwide is about to shift dramatically as God stamps His creation with His seal!