Jim Hoft (Dec 7, 2023)

“Sheriff Mark Lamb reveals illegals are receiving $5,000 Visa gift cards, a plane ticket to wherever they want to go, and a cell phone after entering the country illegally. How many homeless Vets do we have?!” -Chuck Callesto, via X

[Thegatewaypundit.com] Pinal County Arizona Sheriff Mark Lamb released a video on Tuesday. (Screengrab image)

Sheriff Lamb alleges that illegal border crossers in Arizona are immediately given a $5,000 gift card once they step foot inside the United States – and free plane ticket!

They really do win the Lotto when they enter America!

The House Committee on Homeland Security released a report last week on the massive cost illegal aliens have on the country. According to the committee, the so-called asylum seekers who enter the US illegally are costing the government $451 billion a year…

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