Anne Jackson: “God’s Presence Changes Everything”

Anne Jackson, Bedford, TX
Jun 30, 2024

The presence of God changes things.

An impossible situation suddenly becomes possible when God shows up. If you’ve been looking at the situations in your life through the lens of your own ability, then chances are you’ve been getting frustrated and discouraged. Instead of beating your head against the wall in frustration, it’s time to invite the Lord in. God can do more in a moment than we can in years of striving.

How to Invite God In

What does it look like to fully invite God into your situation?

1. Come back to intimacy and trust.

God isn’t a vending machine. He isn’t here simply to solve our problems. Rather, God invites us into intimacy with Him. And ultimately God is more concerned with our hearts and with us knowing Him than He is with solving all the problems in our world. We were made for intimacy and connection with Him.

2. Release the need to control.

Control is the antithesis of trust. When we are clinging to control, we are not operating in trust. However, when we relinquish the need to control outcomes and we surrender our will to God’s, we have stepped back into a place of humility and trust. We cannot trust God and cling to control.

In surrender, we may discover that God’s idea of a solution is different than ours, and this is okay. It can be uncomfortable when God has a different outcome in mind than we do, but it’s powerful. And why would we want a solution that God isn’t in? (Photo via Unsplash)

At the end of the day, God’s solutions are way better than ours. So come back to trust, friend.

3. Ask God for wisdom.

God is a giver of wisdom, and He wants to give wisdom to you and your situation. Sometimes wisdom looks like taking action, and sometimes wisdom looks like sitting still. This is why it’s imperative to maintain a connection of intimacy with Him. Depending on your situation, God may have you do some things very differently than what you’ve done in the past. Allow Him to lead you and guide you.

Above All, He Is Good!

If you’re needing a divine turnaround, don’t lose heart. God is with you. He is for you. And He is on your side.

God is the giver of divine solutions and miraculous outcomes. He’s also the creator of process, and He may lead you through a process in His goodness.

Above all, He is good. And His presence is good!

Anne Jackson
The Crowning Jewels


Texas-born Anne Jackson worked as a nurse for seventeen years before fully embracing her creative nature. Having grown up believing that God only spoke through the Bible, her life was transformed with the personal knowledge that He still speaks today. As she experienced a revelation of God’s love for her and the power of words to transform and heal, she began designing jewelry, partnering with the Holy Spirit to create a tangible way to bring Heaven to Earth. This is where her prophetic jewelry company, The Crowning Jewels, was birthed. Many people recognize her company as a business-ministry hybrid. She is known as a prophetic visionary with the drive to accomplish her dreams. Her mandate is to champion others as they discover their God given identity and fulfill their divine purpose. After living in Redding, CA for ten years, she recently moved back home and currently resides in Texas.

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