One of the challenges of being a lover of truth is that not everyone wants to know the truth. The other challenge is when you speak the truth, people resist it not because it is not truth, but because they are more locked into lies than they realize. Truth stands the test of time, so you do not need to argue with people who do not believe the truth you are speaking, just speak the truth and leave it, for if it is truth it will work on them and they will come to know it as truth, whether they ever give you credit for speaking it to them or not.

During our Bible study yesterday morning, an 18 year old girl told us her generation is hungry for truth. They are truth seekers. Then a 50 year old mom told us about her son who is speaking at a conference this week on sales and marketing, but the number one question he gets from the attendees who seek him out is, how do you hear the voice of God. She said, he is shocked that they are not asking him how to scale their business, but how to hear the voice of God.

There is a hunger in people to know the truth, to know the voice of God and it is not church people asking these questions, but all kinds of other people. I was praying Psalm 27 this morning and it says, “Yahweh is my revelation-light and the source of my salvation. I fear no one!” While praying this verse, the Holy Spirit said, “The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness does not comprehend it.” Holy Spirit continued by saying, “The darkness in people cannot comprehend the revelation light of truth they are hearing, so they resist it, because they cannot comprehend it.”

Truth is light, it shines into our darkness, so we can be light beings. Light bearers carrying revelation truth are speaking out in so many different places and those who don’t know much about the Bible are receiving the revelation truth, but those who think they know so much about the Bible are actually rejecting the truth that will set them free. Light always triumphs over darkness. Welcome to the great awakening.

Lisa Great Enebeli