Rosangela Atte: FROM THE PRISON TO THE PALACE “This Is Your Zaphenath-Paneah Season”

Rosangela Atte, Maple Ridge, BC, Canada
Oct 4, 2024


As I inquired of the Lord about the new Hebrew year 5785, I heard Him say, “This is your season of restoration and elevation. Your Zaphenath-paneah season!” [See Genesis 41:45, when God moved Joseph from the prison to the palace. There he received a new name, Zaphenath-paneah, meaning “the man to whom mysteries are revealed” (Bible Study Tools).]


The Lord said, “All the pieces are coming together, and everything is aligning according to My perfect plan. Kairos is here and now!

“The convergence of events will bring about the greatest manifestation of My glory in your life. All the suffering, trials, betrayals, and accusations were preparation for this season of promotion. All the years of patiently waiting and wondering when those dreams would come true have produced a great harvest!


“Hope deferred has caused you to stop dreaming and hoping, but I am the God of the impossible, and I am about to restore everything you’ve lost! I have not forgotten you! My grace and favor are yours, and the time has come for you to be recognized for who you truly are! You are coming out of obscurity and are being promoted, both in the spiritual and the physical world.

“This elevation is a result of your steadfastness, humility, and obedience. If you are one who’s known for their uncompromising lifestyle, then you are about to receive a name change and go from the pit to the palace in the blink of an eye!

“You are about to experience My goodness in ways you’ve never imagined. Your gift has made room for you and it will connect you to the right people at the right time. You will be known as one who carries heavenly wisdom and solutions for the days ahead. People will seek your council, and I will empower you to build upon a solid foundation. (Photo via Pixabay)


“No matter what comes, you and yours will be provided for, for I am leading you to Goshen! A place I have prepared for you long ago. A place of abundance and intimacy. A place in which you will draw closer to Me. A place of consecration in which you will find everything you will ever need. Your soul will be restored, your health will be renewed, your relationships will be mended, and your finances will flow with ease.”

[Goshen means “a place of comfort and plenty” (see Collins Dictionary). It also means “drawing near” (Strong’s Concordance number H1657).]

Mysteries Revealed and Treasures Unlocked

“I am revealing to you hidden wisdom and revelation. I am unlocking the storehouses of Heaven and giving you treasures in the darkness. I am the revealer and giver of dreams; nothing is hidden from Me.”

“And I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places, that you may know that it is I, the Lord, the God of Israel, who calls you by your name.” (Isaiah 45:3 AMPC)


“I will blow My breath of life on everything your hands will set out to do, because you will be building according to My blueprints, not yours! I will supernaturally multiply the product of your efforts and you will reap 100 and 1,000 fold!

A New Name

“I’m bringing you out of obscurity. Make yourself presentable for your audience with the King!
Change your garments, for you are receiving a name change! You are coming into your true identity and are being elevated to your place of authority for such a time as this!”

Revelation about 5785

Here are some other things the Lord spoke to me about the Hebrew new year.

First, let’s look at the significance of the number five in 5785:

• Biblically, the number five symbolizes grace and favor.

• The Hebrew letter hey has the numeric value of five. The meaning of the name hey is “look” or “behold.” It signifies divine breath, revelation, and light. (See Hebrew for Christians.)

This year, I believe the Lord is extending His hand of grace and favor upon those who have turned away from sin and have been faithful and uncompromising. He is restoring everything that has been lost, taken, and forfeited. (Photo via Pexels)

He will bless our efforts as long as we stay close to Him, listening to and obeying His voice. He will manifest His glory through His remnant.

We need to be alert to the schemes of the enemy and draw near to the Lord like never before!
Consecration is key to fulfilling our destiny. There is no time for wavering! There will be kairos moments that we will have to perceive and act upon.

Joseph was able to receive wisdom and revelation from the Lord because of his closeness to Him.
He did not pull away from God during those years of trial; he drew closer to Him. Closeness and intimacy with God are what will empower us to fulfill everything He wants us to. They’re what will enable us to hear and see His secrets, revelations, and solutions to solve the problems of this era.

Our closeness to Him will be evident through the manifestation of His Spirit in us. People will recognize that what we carry does not come from human knowledge, but it comes from a supernatural source: THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE!

(Read Psalm 85; Proverbs 18:16; Genesis 41:14–16, 37–46; Genesis 47:5–6; Jeremiah 33:3; Joel 2:25.)

Rosangela Atte
The Rising of the Esthers


Rosangela Atte is a seer and a prophetic intercessor, who hears from God through dreams and visions. She is passionate about encouraging women to rise up and take their rightful place as daughters of the Most High God, as they experience His love and come into the fullness of their destiny and identity in Christ Jesus. Prompted by the Lord, Rosangela, her husband Daniel and son moved from Italy to Vancouver, Canada in 1997. She now resides in Maple Ridge with her husband and children, where they own and operate an Italian bakery and gourmet foods store.

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