Happy New Year!!!! Welcome to Hebrew year 5785, for you that know, apples and honey to you. For you that don’t apples and honey represent a blessing upon a sweet new year. Friends, we have entered a new year, we have signs in the heavens, with two moons, a ring of fire solar eclipse; signs in the earth, an air strike on Israel, and BoA with accounts going to zero. So many directions to look when trying to understand what is going on in the earth and heavens right now. But fear not, everything that can be shaken is being shaken and even what you thought couldn’t be shaken is shaking. We are at a gate to a new year, this is why you are seeing and hearing of all these things, it is nothing to fear, but it is something to behold.

What I have been hearing he Lord say for the past two days is, “NO MORE REAR VIEW MIRROR!” I have said it to two different people and the Lord said this is what I am saying to my people. NO MORE REAR VIEW MIRROR. The apostle Paul said it this way in Philippians 3 “Forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” NO MORE REAR VIEW MIRROR.

We have got to stop talking about the past, listening to voices from the past, looking for moves of God in the past, and relying on our past to determine our future. It is not helping us it is hindering us. We struggle to trust people now because of our past; we think the world is ending because of what we have been taught in the past. We must stop looking backwards and talking backwards, this is a forward march movement.

We have entered the gate of a new year, welcome to 5785, nothing is going to remain the same, so when you look back to find the answers you will miss out on the fresh revelation God is releasing in now time. If you hold onto, talk about, and constantly rely on what happened in the past or what you were told in the past, you will miss so many moments in the present. Friends, our new vehicles do not have rear view mirrors, so put the top down, throw your hands up and and enjoy the ride for everything is in front of us and the future is bright with light!!!!

Lisa Great Enebeli